




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 觉 [jué]2. 觉 [jiào]觉 [jué]人或动物的器官受刺激后对事物的感受辨别:感~。知~。触~。视~。~察。醒悟:~悟。~醒。“~今是而昨非”。觉 [jiào]睡眠(从睡着到睡醒):午~。睡了一大~。……



汉语拼音:shuì dà jiào







  1. 酣睡。

    何云祥 《嫂嫂》:“我脑子一晃想到:怪不得嫂嫂白天睡大觉,原来在晚上乔装‘大肚子’啊!”

  2. 比喻麻痹大意或浪费时光。

    郭小川 《昆仑行》之二:“和平环境里,我们也不能睡大觉。” 峻青 《海啸》第二章:“好家伙,你真行啊。原来这几年你并没睡大觉。”



  1. After blow-drying your hair at night, put it up in a high, loose bun on the top of your head, secure with a clip, then go to sleep.


  2. One may as well be asleep to read for anything but to improve his mind and morals, and regulate his conduct.


  3. I'm not a big sleeper in the day, so I'm probably knocking round the hotel trying to find someone to play FIFA with or talk to.


  4. Recently I read a medical report, it said the depressive patients' condition will worsen after a good sleep.


  5. Sleeping is no mean art; for its sake one must stay awake all day.


  6. No matter how Chinese sports officials address the dearth of basketball talent, resting on Yao's laurels is no longer an option.


  7. The child I won't have will keep sleeping, curled in a secret corner of my mind.


  8. Billy: Because I could sleep in all day and still get paid for it!


  9. "They drove around for hours, ultimately finding the house where he believed KSM was sleeping, " said one of the former officials.


  1. 蒙头睡大觉

    tuck oneself in and sleep like a log.

  2. 兔子睡大觉, 乌龟跑第一。

    The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.

  3. 我们可没有时间整天睡大觉。

    We cannot affort to sleep away our life.

  4. 侍役在接待室里睡大觉。

    The servants dozed in the antechambers.

  5. 你们有时间整天睡大觉吗?

    Can you afford to sleep and you might be able to sleep you trouble away.

  6. 不要躺在功劳簿上睡大觉。

    Don't rest on your laurels.

  7. 另外, 睡大觉使暂时把压力忘记。

    Furthermore, sleeping in can us forget all about the stress for the time being.

  8. 我后悔上学时在课堂上睡大觉。

    I regret sleeping in class when I was in school.

  9. 早起美名一得到,就能整天睡大觉。

    Get a name to rise early, and you may lie all day.

  10. 不要躺在过去的成绩上睡大觉。

    Don't rest content with past achievements.

  11. 游泳, 潜水, 还会卷起身子睡大觉呢。

    Swim dive and sleep curled up too.

  12. 另外, 睡大觉可以使我们暂时把压力忘记。

    Furthermore, sleeping in can let us all about the stress for the time being.

  13. 躺在诺贝尔奖的荣誉上睡大觉是不明智的。

    It is unwise to rest on Nobel laurels.

  14. 星期天, 众多的旅游者可在海滩上睡大觉。

    On Sundays, a lot of tourists indulge in a long sleep on the beach.

  15. 星期天,众多得旅游者可在海滩上睡大觉。

    On Sundays, a lot of tourists indulge in a long sleep on the beach.

  16. 乌龟跑到了终点, 而他却在那里睡大觉。

    He had slept, and the tortoise had won the race.

  17. 我的梦想就是掌握一边睡大觉一边赚钞票的秘诀。

    My dream is to figure out how to make money while I sleep.

  18. 你在供状上签了名就尽可安然睡大觉了。

    The moment you sign a confession, you can have all the sleep you want.

  19. 他喜欢吃东西, 睡大觉和看电视。他讨厌锻炼身体!

    He likes eating sleeping and watching TV. Hew hates doing exercise!

  20. 许多新想法在已汇集的情报资料堆里睡大觉。

    Many new ideas are lying dormant in already collected information.

  21. 在船上, 别的运动员都在活动身体, 索普却在床上睡大觉。

    On the ship, while the other athletes limberedup , Thorpe slept in his bunk.

  22. 我们家得猫晚上悄悄出去觅食, 白天就在这里睡大觉。

    Our cats go on the prowl at night, and then they sleep here all day.

  23. 我们家的猫晚上悄悄出去觅食,白天就在这里睡大觉。

    Our cats go on the prowl at night, and then they sleep here all day.

  24. 他本以为睡大觉,但最终他决定去做一些不同的事情。

    He thought about sleeping a lot, but at last he decided to do something different.

  25. 假如懒汉睡大觉的时候你耕作,你就有粮食出售和储存。

    Then plough deep while sluggards sleep, and you shall have corn to sell and to keep.

  26. 对。我也曾遇到过麻烦,因为有好几次上课时睡大觉。

    Yes. I got in trouble a few times for falling asleep in class.

  27. 现金就躺在那睡大觉,挣点比普通储蓄稍高点的小钱。

    The cash just sits there, earning little more than the average savings account.

  28. 他俩东一个,西一个相去甚远,脸色苍白地倒在林中睡大觉。

    They were wide apart in the woods, both very pale, both fast asleep.

  29. 睡个大觉只要我乐意

    Sleep around if we like

  30. 邮递员早晨6点30分来,这个时候我通常还睡着大觉呢。

    The postman comes at 6.30 in the morning at which time I am usually fast asleep.