




1. 缝 [féng]2. 缝 [fèng]缝 [féng]用针线连缀:~纫。~缀。~制。~补。~连。裁~。缝 [fèng]空隙,裂开或自然露出的窄长口子:~子。~隙。裂~。见~插针。缝合的地方:天衣无~。……



汉语拼音:zhēn fèng






  1. 比喻极细微的漏洞、裂痕。




  1. It was the mother of a sewing needle into the expectations of the needle, always inspired, and strive to sing my song.


  2. using a running stitch sew a seam along the bottom then repeat in the opposite direction to enforce the seam.


  3. now fold up the bottom hem of the flap pin and sew.


  4. The first one she did was knitting. But you get too many stitches on the needle.


  5. The garment of friendship is kitted by the needles of give and take.


  6. Knit the nest two stitches together to make the garment narrower.


  7. I now have 20 stitches and 5 staples in my arm, no lunch, and a puking wife.


  8. Did you get any stitches?


  9. I couldn't sew until I was six.


  1. 无针缝技术

    stitchless technology.

  2. 她用针缝补。

    She used the pins to sew.

  3. 她用针缝补。

    She used the pins to sew.

  4. 无损伤带针缝线

    suture with atraumatic needle

  5. 血管术用带针缝线

    suture for artery

  6. 角膜手术用带针缝线

    suture for corneal

  7. 整形手术用带针缝线

    suture for plastic surgery

  8. 你伤口用针缝过吗?

    Did you get any stitches?

  9. 耳鼻喉科术用带针缝线

    suture for ENT

  10. 用锁眼针缝用缝纽扣眼的针来缝韧

    To sew with a buttonhole stitch.

  11. 友谊的外衣是给与取的针缝起的。

    The garment of friendship is kitted by the needles of give and take.

  12. 我直到六岁时才会用针缝东西。

    I couldn't sew until I was six.

  13. 友谊的外衣是给与取的针缝起来的。

    The garment of friendship is knitted by the needles of give and take.

  14. 穿越梦得针眼, 针针缝绣着青春得容颜。

    Through the eye of needle, the needlework embroiders the appearance of youth.

  15. 穿越梦的针眼,针针缝绣着青春的容颜。

    Through the eye of needle, the needlework embroiders the appearance of youth.

  16. 这只鸟儿够聪明, 用嘴叨针缝衣衫!

    The brainy bird can stitch, pick up a pin and thread it through fabric.

  17. 这位妇女用长针缝好了她儿子的裤脚。

    The woman used long needles to stitch her son's trousers together.

  18. 这位妇女用长针缝好了她儿子得裤脚。

    The woman used long needles to stitch her son's trousers together.

  19. 这位妇女用长针缝好了她儿子的裤脚。

    The woman used long needles to stitch her son's trousers together.

  20. 褥式三针缝合法在腹壁横切口中的应用

    Application of Mattress Suture with Three Needles on Abdominal Transverse Incision

  21. 用针缝运行沿底部, 然后向相反的方向重复执行缝缝。

    using a running stitch sew a seam along the bottom then repeat in the opposite direction to enforce the seam.

  22. 她首先所做的是棒针编织,但会有太多的针缝。

    The first one she did was knitting. But you get too many stitches on the needle.

  23. 目的改进腹壁横切口缝合方法为褥式三针缝合法。

    Objective To change the suture on the abdominal transverse incision by using the mattress suture only with three needles.