






1. 混 [hùn]2. 混 [hún]混 [hùn]搀杂在一起:~杂。~和。~同。~淆。~为一谈。乱,胡乱:~乱。~世魔王。蒙,充:蒙~。~充。~进。鱼目~珠。苟且度过:胡~。~事。混 [hún]同“浑”。……







汉语拼音:zhēn kuò hùn jiāo lín






  1. Evenness index was the highest in broad-leaved mixed forest, and eroded bad land take second place in evenness index.


  2. Main living in the wild in forests, jungles and weeds numerous areas, particularly like needles, mixed in width.


  3. Secondly, evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest and needle-leaved forest are 11% and 8%.


  4. Species richness of conifer forest was 15 and more than that of broad-leaved mixed forest.


  5. It appeared as forest steppe vegetation which was dominated by coniferous-broad leaved mixed forests.


  6. Automatically Classifying and Identifying the TM Remote Sensing Images of Forest Mixed with Conifer and Broadleaves Using Improved BP ANN


  7. Net water vapour exchange over a mixed needle and broad-leaved forest in Changbai Mountain during autumn


  8. Preliminary Exploration on the Influence of Forest Liquidation on the Natural Regeneration of Spruce-Fir Mixed Stands


  9. Primary study on main mixed coniferous and broad leave forest succession dynamics in southeastern of Guizhou province


  1. 针阔混交林

    conifer and broadleaf mixed forest

  2. 温带针阔混交林

    temperate mixed forest

  3. 天然针阔混交林

    conifer and broadleaved natural mixed stand

  4. 次生针阔混交林

    secondary conifer and broadleaf mixed forest

  5. 人工针阔混交林

    mixed plantation of coniferous and broadleaf

  6. 流溪河小流域针阔混交林林冠降雨截留模型研究

    Canopy Precipitation Interception Models for the Mixed Forest of Broadleaf and Coniferous Trees Located at Liuxihe Small Watershed

  7. 鼎湖山针阔混交林光合有效辐射的时空格局

    Temporal and spatial distribution of photosynthetically active radiation flux of coniferous and broadleaved mixed forests at the Dinghushan Mountain, low subtropical China

  8. 竹阔混交林

    mixed forest.

  9. 油松刺槐混交林

    mixed pine and locust forest

  10. 天然次生混交林

    natural secondary mixed forest

  11. 针阔叶混交林

    mixed coniferous broad leaved forest

  12. 针叶阔叶混交林

    coniferous and broad leaf forests

  13. 马尾松,杉木混交林

    Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata mixed forest

  14. 人工油松与华山松混交林

    mixed artificial Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus armandi forest

  15. 马尾松混交林持水性能的研究

    Study on Water Retention Ability of Pinus massoniana Mixed Forests

  16. 针阔混交林带退化生态系统的土壤呼吸响应研究

    An Study on Response of Soil Respiration to Degraded Ecosystem in Mixed Wood Zone

  17. 红松人工纯林,人工混交林和天然林几种土壤酶活性比较

    Comparison of Enzyme Activities of Several Soils From Pure Artificial Korean Pine forest, Mixture Plantation and Natural Forest

  18. 整体来看,杉木纯林的出材量和蓄积量均高于混交林。

    Generally speaking, the pure forest in the timber volume and growing stock were higher than mixed.

  19. 混交中生林

    mixed mesophytic forest.

  20. 温带阔叶林、针叶林和针阔混交林土壤呼吸的比较研究

    Respiration of soils under temperate deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests

  21. 随着混交林面积的增加,混交林的经营面临着挑战。

    With the increasing of the area of mixed forests, mixed forest management is faced with challenges.

  22. 针阔混交林培育效果的研究

    Analysis on silvicultural technique of the mixed broadleaf conifer forests

  23. 南亚热带针阔混交林辐射通量特征

    Characteristics of radiation flux of coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest in low subtropical China

  24. 天然针阔混交林主伐后的群落恢复

    Community Recovery after Natural Mixed Forests of Coniferous and Broadleaf Trees in Final Cutting

  25. 异龄针阔混交林群落抑菌功能日变化的测定

    Study on the daily variation of inhibiting bacteria function of different age mixed forest on campus

  26. 黔东南主要针阔混交林类型的演替动态初步分析

    Primary study on main mixed coniferous and broad leave forest succession dynamics in southeastern of Guizhou province

  27. 俄罗斯平原针阔混交林群落的灌木层植物种间相关研究

    Interspecific association and correlation of shrub layer in the coniferous

  28. 复合混交松林

    complex subori.

  29. 杉木萌芽林与木荷混交效应试验

    Mixing Effect Experiment for Sprout Forest of Cunninghamia Lanceolata versus Schima superba

  30. 马占相思林分改造混交树种选择

    Tree Species Selection for Mixed Forest Planting to Transform Secondary Stands of Acacia mangium


  1. 问:针阔混交林拼音怎么拼?针阔混交林的读音是什么?针阔混交林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:针阔混交林的读音是zhēn kuò hùn jiāo lín,针阔混交林翻译成英文是 theropencedrymion