


手抵物体向外或向前用力使物移动:~车。~搡。~拿。~倒。~敲。顺水~舟。使用工具向前移动进行工作:~头。~土。使事情开展:~广。~行(xíng )。~动。~销。进一步想,由已知之点想到其它:~及。~究。~导。~论。~测。~事。往后挪动(时间……




1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……





汉语拼音:tuī jǐ jí rén








  • 【解释】:用自己的心意去推想别人的心意。指设身处地替别人着想。
  • 【出自】:《论语·卫灵公》:“己所不欲,勿施于人”朱熹集注:“推己及物。”
  • 【示例】:同学之间要做到将心比心,~,就能够搞好团结。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含褒义


  1. In modern society, this rule can be understood as a type of self-centered moral thinking with an awareness of one's kindred.


  2. From "Classification of Love" to "Consideration of Others" --On the Construction of Confucian Ethical Principle and Thinking.


  3. The ultimate goal of learning is to formulate Gentleman's character, which also expressed a process of 'for oneself' then 'love others'.


  4. Had to be transmitted is based on benevolence and appreciate others, Swords to friend, co-heaven and earth in the stretch.


  5. Each and every person can do a lot, and you can influence others to do something as well.


  6. Life easier for now, he empathy, on the initiation of such an idea.


  7. RT Start at Home You can begin to build character at any age. The key is learning how to look within to work inside out.


  8. Appreciate others, I hope that each bus can be demonstrated in this school in Seattle.


  9. I wonder people cannot judge more fairly of each other and themselves.


  1. 推己及人的嘉言懿行,正是实现“人和”的润滑剂。

    Being considerate in saying wise words, and conducting oneself in a noble way are the methods for building a harmonious friendship.

  2. 我弄不懂人们为什么总不能比较公平地推己及人。

    I wonder people cannot judge more fairly of each other and themselves.

  3. 生命起源及人的未来

    The Origin of Life and Future of Humans

  4. 他们说,行善得由己及人嘛。

    Charity begins at home, they say.

  5. 美国零售业销售统计及人均产值。

    Retail Sales Summary and Sales per Capita U. S.

  6. 即然能简单地想老鼠,为何不能推及人?

    So if it's so easy to imagine that for the rat, why not for us?

  7. 人孔及人孔盖的内表面与容器的内表面平齐。

    Interior surfaces of manholes and its covers should level with that of the container.

  8. 为主完成尊贵使命, 爱主及人, 敬神益人!啊们。

    For noble service thou art here Thy brothers help, thy God revere! AMEN.

  9. 社会人际关系称谓及人称指代称谓的汉日对比

    Comparative Study of Social Interpersonal and Personal Demonstrative Appellations in Chinese and Japanese

  10. 居住环境编码包括住所类型及人均居住面积请参阅附录2。

    For code numbers for living environment and per capita living area, please refer to appendix2.

  11. 居住环境编码包括住所型及人均居住面积请阅附二。

    For code numbers living environment and per capita living area, please refer to appendix 2.

  12. 动物的特定化及人的未特定化决定两者进化的异质性。

    The specialization of animal and the unspecialization of human make the differences in the evolution of the two.

  13. 参观伦敦其中一间足球俱乐部,以保安及人潮控制为主题。

    Visit to a London football club, to assess security and crowd control issues.

  14. 微孢子虫及人芽囊原虫混合感染与病原体形态观察

    Mixed infection of microsporidia and Blastocystis hominis and the observation on morphology of the pathogens

  15. 及人携我归去,去我丛林,合上我的眼睛些许的惊惶无人看护

    Someone to carry me home, to forests where I do belong, close my eyes, little bit scared And no one to care

  16. 部分演讲人及演讲内容提要

    Some Speakers and Speech Abstracts

  17. 供养人及受养人都已移民海外

    Both dependant and taxpayer emigrated overseas

  18. 洋基也失去他玻璃人及穆帅。

    The Yankees also are missing Carl Pavano and Mike Mussina.

  19. 孔德其人及对社会学的理论贡献

    August Comte and His Theoretic Contribution to Sociology

  20. 提醒我一群管辖的人及被服务的人。

    It reminds me of the groups of people who rule and those who serve.

  21. 提醒我一群管辖得人及被服务得人。

    It reminds me of the groups of people who rule and those who serve.

  22. 改善及增强评分人及受评人得上下级关系。

    Improve and strengthen the relationship between appraiser and appraise.

  23. 改善及增强评分人及受评人的上下级关系。

    Improve and strengthen the relationship between appraiser and appraise.

  24. 专营公司、司机、售票员、获授权的人及乘客

    Grantees, drivers, conductors, authorized persons and passengers

  25. 第二代日裔美国人及同化问题探析

    The Analysis of Nisei and Assimilation Problem

  26. 一件回鹘文雕版印刷品的供养人及尾记

    Donor And Colophon of An Uighur Blockprint

  27. 应立即将中止放行通知进口人及权利持有人。

    The importer and the right holder shall be promptly notified of the suspension.

  28. 填写收件人,抄送人及密件抄送人字段时提示姓名

    Suggest names while completing To, Cc, and Bcc fields

  29. 珀莉是我见过最愚不可及得人。

    Polly is the most featherheaded person I've ever seen.

  30. 珀莉是我见过最愚不可及的人。

    Polly is the most featherheaded person I've ever seen.


  1. 问:推己及人拼音怎么拼?推己及人的读音是什么?推己及人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推己及人的读音是tuījǐjírén,推己及人翻译成英文是 to put oneself in the place of another— be consi...



