


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà bān









  1. 清 代称新科进士引见时按一、二、三甲编排的班列。


  2. 旧称外国公司、洋行的经理。

    清 魏源 《筹海篇》四:“﹝ 英国 公司﹞皆为大班数人把持,与通国散商为怨敌。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五五回:“船到了 上海 ,船主便到行里,见了大班,回了这件事。”

  3. 幼儿园里由五或六周岁至六或七周岁儿童所编成的班级。如:我儿子在幼儿园大班,明年要进小学了。



  1. It was a huge class, a survey course on architecture and linguistics (yes, we did such things), taught by an eminent Professor.


  2. It took an army of workers a week or more to set up all this firepower and the results are impressive.


  3. So we are working hard to reduce class sizes, he said. We are happy to see that the percentage of large classes is falling.


  4. However, this is not to say that a small class is all good and a big one is all bad.


  5. He passed his hand along the surface of his desk and examined his fingertips for dust.


  6. 'As one patient told me: "There's a whole bunch of whizz-kids beneath me who are ready to take my place. " '


  7. Today we gather here to enter for the graduation ceremony & performance of the kids from elder classes, thank you for your coming!


  8. In my big classes, ranging from fifty to ninety students, I gave two or three As and about the same number of Ds.


  9. His shoes were poised beside his desk and his tuxedo jacket was draped over the back of his admiral's chair.


  1. 大班阅读课

    large reading class.

  2. 大班英语教学

    English teaching in large class.

  3. 大班外语教学

    foreign language teaching in large classes.

  4. 英语大班课堂教学

    college English teaching of large classes

  5. 多媒体大班英语教学

    English Teaching in Multimedia Big Class

  6. 他给一个大班上课。

    He teaches a large class.

  7. 大班条件之下小班教学

    Group Teaching on the Premise of Large Class

  8. 英语大班写作入门教学研究

    On College English Writing in Large Class Teaching

  9. 首先,小班,大班各有利弊。

    In the first place, both small and big classes have their own advantages and disadvantages.

  10. 班长把一个大班分成10组。

    The monitor split up a large class into ten groups.

  11. 因为有着一大班朋友陪伴。

    As a friend to accompany a large class.

  12. 提高大班课堂教学效果的探讨

    How to Improve the Teaching Effect in on Enlarged Class

  13. 当然, 这就像开辆大班马车。

    Oh, sure it's just like driving a Pinto.

  14. 大学英语大班教学分析及方案

    University English the top class in a kindergarten teaching analysis and scheme

  15. 声音不大的老师不适合叫大班。

    Those who have a low voice are unfit to teach large classes.

  16. 这个学期我被编入一个大班。

    I was put in a large class this term.

  17. 英语大班教学状况的调查与分析

    The Survey and Analysis of Big Class English Teaching

  18. 论英语大班教学的困境及对策

    On Difficulties in Conducting Large English Class and Corresponding Countermeasures

  19. 大学英语大班教学的问题及其对策

    The Problems and Their Countermeasures of College English Teaching in Big Classes

  20. 公外英语大班教学的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on the Teaching of Big College English Class

  21. 大班正在打捞落鱼,那是一个牙轮。

    The tool pusher is fishing a cutter.

  22. 大班共有32名小朋友参加本次会操比赛。

    Taipans a total of32 children participate in the parade competition.

  23. 目前的一个分支,是在大班永久固定。

    The current one at Taipan branch is fixed permanently.

  24. 目前得一个分支,是在大班永久固定。

    The current one at Taipan branch is fixed permanently.

  25. 大学英语阅读大班课型的理论与实践

    Practice and Proposals of ESL Reading Large Classes

  26. 浅谈多媒体在大学英语大班教学中的应用

    Application of Multimedia in College English Teaching of Large Classes.

  27. 参加辅导班却又担心大班教学效果欠佳?

    Did you ever attend a coaching class but worried that the quality was not satisfactory?

  28. 多媒体环境下大学英语大班授课策略初探

    Tactics on College English Teaching in Large Classes under Multimedia Environment

  29. 大班上课会降低孩子所受教育的质量。

    Large classes dilute the quality of education that children receive.

  30. 英语分级教学中大班授课的问题与思考

    Problems and Measures in Dealing with Large College English Class


  1. 问:大班拼音怎么拼?大班的读音是什么?大班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大班的读音是dàbān,大班翻译成英文是 the top class in a kindergarten or school grade...


