







汉语拼音:xiǎo bān







  1. 旧时称头等妓院为小班。


  2. 小戏班。

    清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·媚座》:“[浄摇手介]不必不必,花间雅集,又无梨园,怎么行这官席之礼?[副浄]舍下小班,日日得閒,为何不唤来承应?”

  3. 幼儿园里一般由三周岁(或四周岁)至五周岁的儿童所编成的班级。



  1. The party had not anticipated that the people would respond like this and so only a small squad had been sent to carry out this action.


  2. Most liberal arts courses include a great deal of reading, writing, and discussion, and classes tend to be small.


  3. Therefore, carries on the good habits and customs to the bottom class in kindergarten babies the raise is the great importance.


  4. Besmear with the bottom class in a kindergarten below lubricious activity " beautiful house " for exemple, talk about my practice.


  5. Currently, researching on junior school SMOE and management is still a new issue; it has an important practical guiding significance.


  6. As a junior high school in Nanjing, "small class of education" pilot school, we used to teach physical education B-type teaching methods.


  7. In a way, it was like a school with small classes where students received personal attention they could not have gained elsewhere.


  8. I don't think I can escape the attention in a small class like this, can I?


  9. However, Mummy must show appreciation at least to Justin's Panda Class teacher on Teacher's Day!


  1. 小班经理法

    subcompartment management method.

  2. 小班口语教学

    small oral English class.

  3. 小班化政策

    small class policy.

  4. 小班化教学

    small class teaching.

  5. 小班化教学刍议

    Humble Opinion on Teaching in a Smaller Class

  6. 小班去上海动物园春游

    Nursery field trip to Shanghai Zoo

  7. 大班条件之下小班教学

    Group Teaching on the Premise of Large Class

  8. 小班去苏州动物园春游。

    Nursery field trip to Suzhou Zoo.

  9. 小班授课,每班不超过35人。

    Smallscale cla es with le than 33 students.

  10. 首先,小班,大班各有利弊。

    In the first place, both small and big classes have their own advantages and disadvantages.

  11. 美丽的小班坦河水上涨了。

    The sweet little Bantam River rose.

  12. 美丽得小班坦河水上涨了。

    The sweet little Bantam River rose.

  13. 提供小班指导加强数学及阅读

    Provided small group instruction with emphasis on Math and Reading

  14. 他开始上学后将先在小班。

    He will be in the reception class when he starts school.

  15. 我今年5岁啦,在幼儿园得小班上学。

    I am3 years, in kindergarten classes in school.

  16. 我今年5岁啦,在幼儿园的小班上学。

    I am5 years, in kindergarten classes in school.

  17. 我们得学校为部分学生专门开设小班。

    Our school has classes of small size for certain students.

  18. 我们的学校为部分学生专门开设小班。

    Our school has classes of small size for certain students.

  19. 我们的学校为部分学生专门开设小班。

    Our school has classes of small size for certain students.

  20. 小班的孩子们提前几个月就开始阅读。

    Children in small classes are several months ahead in reading.

  21. 这个班级太大,我们必须把它分成小班。

    This class is too large, and we must divide it.

  22. 灵活的学习时间小班授课结合多媒体互动

    Small classes by foreign teachers plus interactive multimedia study

  23. 罗盘仪小班面积测量的简便计算方法

    Approaching a Simple and Convenient Calculating Method to Subcompartment Area Determination Using Compass

  24. 我得小外甥今年9月份就要上小班了。

    My niece is going to enter the first grade of kindergarten this September.

  25. 我的小外甥今年9月份就要上小班了。

    My niece is going to enter the first grade of kindergarten this September.

  26. 我的小外甥今年9月份就要上小班了。

    My niece is going to enter the first grade of kindergarten this September.

  27. 对于我的小班,我用三种类型的同步对象。

    For my small class, I have used three types of synchronization objects.

  28. 这是第一个小班课我在伯克利读。

    This is the first small class I'm taking in Berkeley.

  29. 越来越多的家长开始明白小班化的价值。

    More and more parents understand the value of smaller classes.

  30. 为了确保授课质量,此次培训将采取小班授课。

    In order to ensure a quality teaching experience, class sizes will be kept small.


  1. 问:小班拼音怎么拼?小班的读音是什么?小班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小班的读音是xiǎobān,小班翻译成英文是 The bottom class of the youngest children in a ki...

  2. 问:小班级规模拼音怎么拼?小班级规模的读音是什么?小班级规模翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小班级规模的读音是xiǎo bān jí guī mó,小班级规模翻译成英文是 small class size



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