


1. 鸟 [niǎo]鸟 [niǎo]脊椎动物的一纲,温血卵生,全身有羽毛,后肢能行走,前肢变为翅,一般能飞:~类。候~。益~。~语花香。……





汉语拼音:niǎo kàn









  1. 从高处俯视。

    韩北屏 《非洲夜会·撒哈拉的落日》:“从飞机上鸟瞰这世界上最大的沙漠。” 刘绍棠 《西苑草》:“他们在宝塔下停了停,从这里可以鸟瞰西苑大学全景。”

  2. 概略的观察。

    朱自清 《白采的诗》:“他建筑的方术颇是巧妙:开场时全以对话人的气象暗示事件的发展,不用一些叙述的句子;却使我们鸟瞰了过去,寻思着将来。”

  3. 概括的描写或论述。

    鲁迅 《花边文学·化名新法》:“例如‘中国文艺年鉴社’所编的《中国文艺年鉴》前面的‘鸟瞰’。”



  1. They stepped into a helicopter and flew high in the sky in order that they might have a bird's eye view of the city .


  2. The 'twin tower' is called Frankfurter Tor and can be seen in the top left picture when magnified.


  3. The entire frontage of the site along the main road overlooks large trees and a riverbed and hills.


  4. Looking west, over the Carpathians and into Slovakia, we watched the sky turn a deep blue and lightning strike the far-off hillsides.


  5. Journaling allows you to break free of sequential thinking and examine your thoughts from a bird's-eye view.


  6. The view in the forest heights of Virginia reminded me that my vision is limited. I see only a small part of the entire scene.


  7. The upper windows stretch to the edge of the building modulated in openings to become vertical windows overlooking a plantation of nopales.


  8. Life in Color: Green A bird's-eye view captures the serpentine course of a river in Peru's mountainous Chachapoya region.


  9. To meet the clients' requirements we designed a black and white house with large terraces overlooking the city.


  1. 鸟瞰盟军舰队。

    Aerial view of the Allied flotilla.

  2. 鸟瞰火星 北极光

    Overlooks The Mars Northern Lights

  3. 巴渝诗鸟瞰

    A General Survey of Ba Yu Poetry.

  4. 鸟瞰摩纳哥公国。

    Aerial view of the Principality of Monaco.

  5. 加拿大电视塔鸟瞰多伦多。

    Landscape of Toronto from CN Tower.

  6. 唐家山地震湖鸟瞰。

    Aerial view of Tangjiashan quake lake.

  7. 从山顶可以鸟瞰全城。

    From the mountain top you get a bird's-eye view of the whole city.

  8. 我们从飞机上鸟瞰伦敦。

    From the plane we had a bird's eye view of London.

  9. 这座电视塔鸟瞰着全城。

    The television tower domineers the city.

  10. 宋代闽北词坛鸟瞰

    A Survey of the Circles of Ci Creation in the North of Fujian Province in Sone Dynasty

  11. 鸟瞰新界西北部的鱼塘。

    Aerial view of Fish ponds in the Northwest New Territories.

  12. 鸟瞰和平港被破坏的景象。

    An aerial view of the devastation in Port de Paix.

  13. 从埃菲尔铁塔上鸟瞰巴黎

    to survey Paris from the top of Eiffel Tower

  14. 这是去年夏天拍得鸟瞰照片

    This is an aerial photo taken last summer.

  15. 从空中鸟瞰被飓风摧毁的房屋。

    An aerial view shows homes destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

  16. 从飞机上我们可以鸟瞰曼哈顿。

    From the plane we had a bird's eye view of Manhattan.

  17. 鸟瞰民用旋翼机座椅的结构试验

    An Overview of Structural Testing of Commercial Rotorcraft Seats

  18. 比如你在飞船上鸟瞰罗马的景象。

    Sort of an overview of Rome that you might see from a dirigible.

  19. 谷歌提供街景鸟瞰和住家的卫星图像。

    Google offers street views and satellite imagery of homes.

  20. 这是平壤附近的一个鸵鸟农场的鸟瞰图。

    This is an aerial view of an ostrich farm near Pyongyang.

  21. 点击鸟瞰视窗便可快速跳转到操作位置。

    Click and drag in the birds eye view to scroll.

  22. 从塔顶上可以鸟瞰上海的美景与喧嚣。

    birdview of the beauty as well as the hustle and bustle of shanghai.

  23. 雪鸟瞰附近一个阿库雷里冰岛山。

    An aerial view of snow on a mountain near Akureyri, Iceland.

  24. 通向香港国际机场的青马大桥鸟瞰图。

    An aerial view of Tsing Ma Bridge, which leads to Hong Kong International Airport.

  25. 同时看见 鸟瞰视野 我们可以看见这些车的内部

    all at the same time, bird's eye view, we will actually be able to see into those cars.

  26. 影片以空中鸟瞰内华达大盆地的镜头开始。

    The film begins with an aerial view of the Great Basin of Nevada.

  27. 从空中鸟瞰,它如同泰晤士河畔的一颗珍珠。

    A bird's eye view from the air, as if it were a pearl of the Thames.

  28. 从卫星照片上,在无云天气下鸟瞰欧洲与非洲。

    Satellite photo of Europe and Africa at night on a cloudless day.

  29. 乌兰巴托苏赫巴托广场的鸟瞰图,展示了蒙古国会。

    An aerial view of Ulan Bator's Sukhbaatar Square shows the Mongolian Parliament.

  30. 因空中鸟瞰湖面恰似一条巨龙婉蜒游动而得名。

    Because of the lake is like a bird's eye view named after a dragon meandering swimming.


  1. 问:鸟瞰拼音怎么拼?鸟瞰的读音是什么?鸟瞰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鸟瞰的读音是niǎokàn,鸟瞰翻译成英文是 get a bird’s-eye view; overview




