







汉语拼音:háo táo







  1. 号啕。形容大声哭。

    元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》第四折:“从今后忍气吞声,再不敢嚎咷痛哭。” 元 无名氏 《冯玉兰》第三折:“好着我独自嚎咷,这杀人恨何日纔消?”《明成化说唱词话丛刊·包龙图公案断歪乌盆传》:“ 王氏 望夫身不见,嚎咷大哭入房门。”

  2. 指大哭声。

    清 王逋 《蚓庵琐语》:“黎明传大兵踰城已入, 郝千户 开东门,百姓喧挤出逃,践踏倒死,嚎咷震天。”

  3. 大声哭叫。

    元 康进之 《李逵负荆》第三折:“老儿也似这般烦恼的无颠无倒,越惹你揉眵抹泪哭嚎啕。”《红楼梦》第九八回:“ 宝玉 一到,想起未病之先,来到这里,今日屋在人亡,不禁嚎啕大哭。” 冯德英 《苦菜花》第六章:“ 四大爷 满身是血躺在雪地里,身边的雪都溶化了。 花子 扑上去,嚎啕大哭。”

  4. 指大哭声。

    孔厥 《新儿女英雄续传》第十章:“于是突然地,爆发了一阵男男女女虚伪的嚎啕。”



  1. Gee ! I do not know this guy cry so much when he's drink.


  2. When he gave her a shot of Novocain, she began to cry.


  3. We rushed to the playground and began wailing since we were not supposed to cry at the presence of the children.


  4. The legend is that a mother told her crying child that she would feed him to a tiger if he did not behave.


  5. Remember not to be so caught up with crying over a lost skateboard that you miss the Rolls Royce that's parking right in front of you.


  6. He began to wail like a man at a bier .


  7. As they watch boys man checkpoints ( "our future police force" ) they shout and break down in tears.


  8. In her room, crying her eyes out. I've just told her we can't afford to let her go abroad.


  9. She was sitting in her room, crying like a child, choking, and sobbing .


  1. 送葬的人都嚎啕大哭。

    The mourners were wailing loudly.

  2. 噩耗传来, 她嚎啕大哭。

    On hearing the bad news, She burst into tear.

  3. 接着她就嚎啕大哭起来。

    With that she burst into tears.

  4. 有狼,加入大海嚎啕的帮派。

    There are wolves, joining the soaring sea.

  5. 他像抚棺恸哭那样嚎啕起来。

    He began to wail like a man at a bier.

  6. 妇女们围拢在一起,开始嚎啕大哭。

    The women gathered around and began to wail.

  7. 她对着父亲的遗体嚎啕大哭。

    She wailed over her father's remains.

  8. 我听见背景里你在嚎啕大哭。

    I hear you're in the background bawling.

  9. 嚎啕大哭的婴儿令他更加头疼。

    The screaming baby amplified his headache.

  10. 送葬的哀乐用大声嚎啕大哭唱歌。

    a funeral lament sung with loud wailing.

  11. 现在可别倚在我身上嚎啕大哭。

    Don't fall apart on me now.

  12. 悲伤的灵魂在无底的深潭里嚎啕。

    Woeful souls are wailing in an abysmal pond.

  13. 那女孩一看见母亲, 便嚎啕大哭。

    Instantly the girl saw her mother, she burst out crying.

  14. 她只是一个劲儿地哭, 不顾一切地嚎啕大哭。

    She was crying straight and destructively.

  15. 心脏令人悲痛嚎啕通过屋子随声附和了。

    A heartwrenching wail echoed through the room.

  16. 一个伤员正挥舞着胳膊, 嚎啕大哭。

    A patient was threshing about with his arms, sobbing wildly.

  17. 你在担心,你在忧虑,我们嚎啕大哭,我们走吧。

    You're worried, you're concerned We're all crying buckets here Let's go.

  18. 被隆隆雷声给吓坏,婴儿嚎啕大哭。

    Frightened at a roaring thunder, the baby burst out crying.

  19. 事故发生的时候有个人痛得嚎啕大哭。

    Someone was howling in pain when the accident happened.

  20. 一辆车碾了她的猫,使得她嚎啕大哭。

    She cried inconsolably when her cat was run over by a car.

  21. 小姑娘的玩具不见了,她嚎啕大哭起来。

    The girl cried buckets when her toy was lost.

  22. 我巡回收票时,那小孩子正嚎啕大哭。

    When I went around to take up the tickets the child was bawling.

  23. 棒棒糖掉在地上后,女孩开始嚎啕大哭。

    The girl cried her eyes out when the lollipop dropped on the ground.

  24. 我让她流产了。我让她失去了孩子!她禁不住嚎啕她哭起来。

    I made her give birth!I made her lose it!'she howled.

  25. 大伙突然大笑起来,但小男孩却嚎啕大哭了。

    Everyone burst out laughing, and the little boy burst out crying.

  26. 绝望地嚎啕大哭起来,因为她失掉了一笔钱。

    She cried loudly in despair because she lost a sum of her money.

  27. 嚎啕大哭如因痛苦,悲伤或愤怒而大声哭喊或哭泣。

    To cry or wail loudly, as in pain, sorrow, or anger.

  28. 她坐在那里,凝视着远方,泪流满面,嚎啕大哭。

    She sat there, staring into the distance, with tears flooding her face.

  29. 这个人又哭又喊着, 实际上就是在街上嚎啕大哭。

    And this man was crying and crying, literally wailing on the street very loudly.

  30. 这种魔怪不外乎是婴儿嚎啕以引起人注意的本能。

    For all one knows that demon is simply the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.


  1. 问:嚎啕拼音怎么拼?嚎啕的读音是什么?嚎啕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嚎啕的读音是háotáo,嚎啕翻译成英文是 wail



【拼音】 háo táo

【注音】ㄏㄠˊ ㄊㄠˊ


【引证解释】 1. 号啕。形容大声哭。 元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》第四折:“从今后忍气吞声,再不敢嚎啕痛哭。” 元 无名氏 《冯玉兰》第三折:“好着我独自嚎啕,这杀人恨何日纔消?”《明成化说唱词话丛刊·包龙图公案断歪乌盆传》:“ 王氏 望夫身不见,嚎啕大哭入房门。” 2. 指大哭声。 清 王逋 《蚓庵琐语》:“黎明传大兵逾城已入, 郝千户 开东门,百姓喧挤出逃,践踏倒死,嚎啕震天。” 1. 大声哭叫。 元 康进之 《李逵负荆》第三折:“老儿也似这般烦恼的无颠无倒,越惹你揉眵抹泪哭嚎啕。”《红楼梦》第九八回:“ 宝玉 一到,想起未病之先,来到这里,今日屋在人亡,不禁嚎啕大哭。” 冯德英 《苦菜花》第六章:“ 四大爷 满身是血躺在雪地里,身边的雪都溶化了。 花子 扑上去,嚎啕大哭。” 2. 指大哭声。 孔厥 《新儿女英雄续传》第十章:“于是突然地,爆发了一阵男男女女虚伪的嚎啕。”