







汉语拼音:pū tēng








  1. 折腾。

    元 关汉卿 《金线池》第三折:“人跟前不恁的喫场扑腾,呆贱人几时能勾醒醒。”

  2. 腾跃;飞舞。

    元 尚仲贤 《柳毅传书》第二折:“ 钱塘 龙忿气雄,粗铁索似撧葱,早磕塔顿开金锁走蛟龙,扑腾的飞过日华东。” 康濯 《徐水平原的白天黑夜》:“ 凤琴 越说越野,手脚也扑腾起来。” 刘心武 《班主任》六:“﹝ 宋宝琦 ﹞两眼直愣愣地望着对面在窗玻璃外扑腾的一只粉蝶。”

  3. 象声词。形容心跳、走动及东西落地等的声音。

    黄新庭 《喧啸的柴林》:“这一整天,我心里总是扑腾扑腾跳。” 杨朔 《上尉同志》:“我们扑腾扑腾踏着大雪,蹚出条路,并着肩膀往前走着,谁都不言语。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第一幕:“ 戚戚 扑腾跪下。”



  1. Of course the trick is getting them to actually use the bed and not just try to plop down in their favorite spot on your desk.


  2. He heard a little noise close to his feet. He looked down and there was a wee brown bird fluttering in the grass.


  3. He saw Evers thrashing her way along a line that was tethered to the boat. She clung to it, but was continually swamped by the water.


  4. When workers carefully and reverently took it out of the box, the eagle owl constantly thumped its wings.


  5. One girl was screaming. A boy was trying to claw his way across the floor to the door in a crazy over arm crawl.


  6. One wrong step and I could either make a desperate, flailing grab for the boat or be over my head in water!


  7. When he opened the briefcase, papers flew out, a thousand doves flailing against the walls of the alley.


  8. Rather than beating about the bush, the fall of the dendrite in the matter of flopping about.


  9. We left the children thrashing about in the shallow end of pool.


  1. 鱼还在扑腾。

    The fish are still flopping about.

  2. 他心里直扑腾。

    His heart was throbbing.

  3. 鱼在网里直扑腾。

    The fish flopped helplessly in the net.

  4. 那些鱼在船底扑腾着。

    The fish were flopping about in the bottom of the boat.

  5. 扑腾一声,包掉下来了。

    The bundle fell with a thud.

  6. 让他们在水池里扑腾一会儿吧。

    Let them splash around in the pool for a while.

  7. 没有几年,他把家产全扑腾完了。

    In just a few years, he squandered all his family property.

  8. 小鸟正在学飞, 它扑腾着翅膀蹦跳着。

    The little Bird was learning to fly. It fluttered and flapped and flopped and hopped.

  9. 这群鸟扑腾着翅膀, 落在了树上。

    With a flutter of wings, the birds landed on the trees.

  10. 这群鸟扑腾着翅膀,落在了树上。

    With a flutter of wings, the birds landed on the trees.

  11. 鸟儿在小河水面上扑腾,把河水搅浑。

    The bird muddled the brook with its splashings.

  12. 有人在水里乱扑腾,显然遇到了危险。

    Someone was thrashing around in the water, obviously in trouble.

  13. 而不是拖泥带水,陷落在无关紧要的枝蔓中扑腾。

    Rather than beating about the bush, the fall of the dendrite in the matter of flopping about.

  14. 他在泥泞的河底像一条鱼一样扑腾着。

    Flopped like a fish against the muddy ground.

  15. 船儿兜底翻了过来, 鼹鼠在河里扑腾着挣扎。

    Over went the boat and he found himself struggling in the river.

  16. 由于他非常兴奋, 他心里开始扑腾越来越多得不稳定。

    As he became excited, his heart began to palpitate more and more erratically.

  17. 由于他非常兴奋,他心里开始扑腾越来越多的不稳定。

    As he became excited, his heart began to palpitate more and more erratically.

  18. 鸽子在天花板下噼里啪啦地向上扑腾五颜六色得翅膀。

    Pigeons lifted from the roofs in a clatter of multicolored wings.

  19. 这些男孩不是真的在游泳, 而是在水里乱扑腾。

    The boys are not really swimming, they are just splashing around.

  20. 这些男孩不是真得在游泳, 而是在水里乱扑腾。

    The boys are not really swimming, they are just splashing around.

  21. 如果没有死,一般是在水中无助地扑腾,然后淹死。

    Those that don't generally flail in the water helplessly, and then drown.

  22. 狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。

    Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.

  23. 倾刻间, 我感到一股鲜明而健壮的生命力在水中扑腾。

    Tilting moment, the I felt a distinct thump in the water robust vitality.

  24. 被母鹰推下悬崖的雏鹰只有不断扑腾翅膀, 才能获得重生

    was the mother of the Eagles Eagles pushed a cliff only by continuously thump wings, in order to be reborn

  25. 童年是急着看栗子却爬不上来,扑腾般蹬着小腿的笨拙

    childhood is a rush to see the chestnut has to climb up, the clumsy thump like Dengzhe calf.

  26. 偶尔, 租客会听到了一声或一个物体坠落在二楼扑腾。

    Occasionally, a tenant would hear a cry or the thump of a falling object on the second floor.

  27. 这孩子怀着一颗扑腾扑腾直跳的心在那里呆了半小时左右。

    There the boy remained, with a palpitating heart, for half an hour.

  28. 有一对翅膀把他驾着飞起来,但是扑腾两下就要往下掉了。

    Wings bore him up and flagging would deposit him.


  1. 问:扑腾拼音怎么拼?扑腾的读音是什么?扑腾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扑腾的读音是pūtēng,扑腾翻译成英文是 thud

  2. 问:扑腾拼音怎么拼?扑腾的读音是什么?扑腾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扑腾的读音是pūteng,扑腾翻译成英文是 splash; flop



读音:pū tēng词义:[thud] 象声词,形容重物落地的声音。例句:小王扑腾一声从墙上跳下来。释义:1. [throb]∶人的心脏因恐惧或心情激动而剧烈地或急速地扑动(跳动)。例句:我心里直扑腾。2. [flop]∶前后或上下不规则地乱动。例句:鱼在网里直扑腾。3. [move about] 〈方〉∶活动。例句:他心眼活,挺能扑腾。