


丢:遗~。坐~良机。收复~地。流离~所。违背:~约。~信。找不着:迷~方向。没有掌握住:~言。~职。~调(tiáo )。没有达到:~望。~意。错误:~误。~策。过~。~之毫厘,谬以千里。改变常态:惊慌~色。……





汉语拼音:shī què








  1. 失掉。

    唐 王建 《失钗怨》诗:“贫女铜釵惜於玉,失却来寻三日哭。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·抗节》:“只是一件,从来替妇人写像的,多要添饰风姿,反失却本来面目。” 吴组缃 《山洪》三五:“说敌兵都穿的皮鞋,连日走山路,脚板起泡溃烂,多数寸步难移,失却了斗志。”



  1. Mao Zedong declared: "I-li said that there is a starting point, the whole nation, people, I said, no starting point, the loss-based. "


  2. In the resilience of those whose lives have been destroyed, families swept away, homes lost, but they resolve to rebuild their lives.


  3. Certainly the Washington of my memory is shaped by my soul at the time, by its yearnings and losses and hopes, all for other things.


  4. What is evident by its absence in the painting is not the lost home but the missing rider implied through the empty saddle.


  5. the body writing, the way to break through, lack of care and social theory.


  6. The incident cost him confidence in the stock market and he shunned from investing in stocks for a long time afterwards.


  7. The only part of UML that is on a high level of abstraction is the Use Case diagram, and that's only at the total loss of precision.


  8. For southerners looking forward to independence, the thought of losing any oil is upsetting.


  9. Face the defeat without feeling defeated; being disappointed without being discouraged.


  1. 而同时你完全没有失却你的温柔和善良。

    And you did it all without losing your softness or your goodness.

  2. 礼貌无所失,却得到一切。

    Politeness costs nothing and gains everything.

  3. 礼貌无所失, 却得到了一切。

    Politesse costs nothing and gains everything.

  4. 乐观却不失谨慎。

    But the optimism extinged tinged with caution.

  5. 他可以失一分却吃败投如果球队抱蛋。

    He can allow one run in nine innings and lose if his team is shut out.

  6. 温柔的慰安 却因此失了你的爱。

    Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!

  7. 他4次射门得分,却罚失了1粒点球。

    He scored four of the goals but missed a penalty.

  8. 他们非常严肃却不失礼貌地和我说话。

    They spoke to me very seriously but politely.

  9. 口才良好, 兴趣广泛, 知识丰富, 沉稳却不失幽默。

    A good communicator, have many hobbies rich knowledge, stable humorous.

  10. 具体没有仔细研究, 却不失一个研究学习的入门程序吧。

    There is no specific carefully studied, but without losing a research program to study entry bar.

  11. 这些紫色的精灵,虽没有玫瑰的热烈,却不失幽然之美。

    These purple wizard, although not warm rose, but without losing the beauty of the quiet.

  12. 这支小曲听来幼稚, 却不失准确粪便研究确实很科学。

    The dittys silly but accurate scat study truly is scientific.

  13. 马的步幅比其他几种快步较短,但却不失弹性与节奏。

    The horses steps are shorter than in the other trots without losing elasticity and cadence.

  14. 马得步幅比其他几种快步较短,但却不失弹性与节奏。

    The horses steps are shorter than in the other trots without losing elasticity and cadence.

  15. 马的步幅比其他几种跑步较短,但却不失弹性与节奏。

    The horses strides are shorter than at the other canters, without losing elasticity and cadence.

  16. 马的步幅比其他几种跑步较短,但却不失弹性与弹力。

    The horse's strides are shorter than in the other canters, without losing elasticity and cadence.

  17. 马得步幅比其他几种跑步较短,但却不失弹性与弹力。

    The horse's strides are shorter than in the other canters, without losing elasticity and cadence.

  18. 虽然马的步幅比其他几种快步较短,但却不失弹性与弹力。

    Although the horses steps are shorter than in the other trots, elasticity and cadence are not lessened.

  19. 却浪漫全失。

    That wasn't so romantic after all.

  20. 妖艳却又不失纯真

    Be sensual, But not far from innocence

  21. 它简单朴素却又不失精致。它娴静端庄却又性感十足。

    It's plain and simple but sophisticated. It's demure yet very sexy.

  22. 我虽失掉了爱侣,却新添了个孩子。

    I've lost my lover and I've got another child.

  23. 这使得两种文化能相互融合,却又不失其个性。

    This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities.

  24. 同事们称我是一位好伙伴, 却又不失之于过分亲昵。

    Associates describe me a good companion without being a hail fellow wee met.

  25. 虽然都深陷泥沼,却又不失对纯真爱情,美好生活的向往。

    Although the depth mire, actually does not lose to the pure love, happy life yearning.

  26. 以前我也痛恨人生中的缺失, 但现在我却能宽心接受。

    I used to hate my imperfection, but now I have learnt to accept it with open arms.

  27. 观众惊呆了。最厉害的剑客居然完全失准, 可他却继续微笑着。

    The crowd aghast. The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.

  28. 可现在离出发只剩一天, 布兰却突然若有所失起来。

    Yet now that the last day was at hand, suddenly Bran felt lost.

  29. 他是个对于生命尽情尽兴,却又总不失优雅的男人。

    He a guy lives the top of his bent while keeps his elegance.

  30. 礼节并不失去什么却获益甚多。

    Courtesy costs little and means much.


  1. 问:失却拼音怎么拼?失却的读音是什么?失却翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失却的读音是shīquè,失却翻译成英文是 To lose.

  2. 问:失却印记拼音怎么拼?失却印记的读音是什么?失却印记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失却印记的读音是shī què yìn jì,失却印记翻译成英文是 loss of imprinting

  3. 问:失却印迹拼音怎么拼?失却印迹的读音是什么?失却印迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失却印迹的读音是shī què yìn jì,失却印迹翻译成英文是 loss of imprinting




【读音】shī què


