







汉语拼音:xī xīn








  1. 尽心,全心。

    《韩非子·外储说左下》:“主贤明则悉心以事之,不肖则饰姦而试之。” 唐 韩愈 《举韩泰自代状》:“﹝ 韩泰 ﹞自领 漳州 ,悉心为治。”《明史·况锺传》:“ 钟 与巡抚 周忱 悉心计划。”《红楼梦》第九九回:“ 袭人 倒可少费些唇舌,惟知悉心伏侍。” 徐迟 《地质之光》五:“总理问寒问暖,悉心关怀。”



  1. In his mind he took care of it, he said he was sorry, it's done and life goes on.


  2. The man looks after her, eventually realizing that she's been much more than just a servant but a well-loved member of his family.


  3. That day old Jehan Daas took this dog to his own little hut and took good care of him.


  4. To a beverage to be considered distilled, it must have at least 35% of alcohol by volume.


  5. She was all dolled up for the ball.


  6. Before the invasion, George was still enough of a child, his father thought, to need a bit of parental coddling.


  7. By this time he had lost his reputation, which did not trouble him, but he took very good care of the child.


  8. A gastroscopy is nothing to be afraid of. Solicitous medical attention reduces the discomfort to a minimum.


  9. Mr. Budd had not wasted the years which he had spent studying the behaviour of dyes.


  1. 悉心照料病人

    take the utmost care of the patient.

  2. 悉心照料嫩苗

    to nurse tender young plants.

  3. 他悉心照料他母亲。

    He took great care of his mother.

  4. 专业顾问悉心服务

    Personal Service from a Professional Advisor

  5. 小熊猫需要悉心的照顾。

    Young pandas require looking after thoroughly.

  6. 这些宠物需要悉心照顾。

    These pets require a lot of care and attention.

  7. 此屋已被悉心修复。

    The house has been restored with loving care.

  8. 你悉心喂养的那一头。

    The one you feed the most.

  9. 他病后需要悉心照料。

    He'll need to be coddled after his illness.

  10. 他生病时,她悉心照料

    When he was sick,she nursed him back to health.

  11. 他悉心照料精致的兰花。

    He nursed his delicate orchids.

  12. 她悉心照顾自己的母亲。

    To devote herself to her mother.

  13. 他生病时,她悉心照料。

    When he was sick, she nursed him back to health.

  14. 他悉心照顾年迈的母亲。

    He takes good care of his elderly mother.

  15. 她悉心照料年迈的双亲。

    She gave her aging parents much attention.

  16. 母亲悉心照料生病的小宝宝。

    The mother was in attendance while her baby was ill.

  17. 溺爱娇养, 宠坏或悉心照料

    To pamper, spoil, or coddle.

  18. 我们的悉心照料得到了回报。

    Our care paid off.

  19. 她悉心看护她那生病的孩子。

    She nursed her sick child with devotion.

  20. 她悉心思考了她未来的计划。

    She has thought very hard abut her future plans.

  21. 经过悉心调养, 他病已痊愈。

    After taking good care of himself, he recovered from his illness.

  22. 丈夫生病期间, 她悉心照顾他。

    She tended her husband lovingly during his illness.

  23. 他悉心好学弥补了经验不足。

    His lack of experience was balanced by his willingness to learn.

  24. 孩子们在父亲悉心看护下玩耍。

    The children played under the watchful eye of their father.

  25. 经过悉心调养,他得病已痊愈。

    After taking good care of himself,he recovered from his illness.

  26. 悉心照顾老年人是我们的责任。

    It is our duty to take good care of the advanced in years.

  27. 他为参加晚会悉心打扮了一番。

    He spruced up for the party.

  28. 我希望它们能得到悉心的照顾。

    I want to know they're taken care of.

  29. 如果悉心照料, 树会长的更好。

    Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.

  30. 贵方对此悉心关照, 不胜感激。

    We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter.


  1. 问:悉心拼音怎么拼?悉心的读音是什么?悉心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悉心的读音是xīxīn,悉心翻译成英文是 With one’s heart, do one’s best.




【拼音】xī xīn

【英译】[with the entire mind]

