




1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……



汉语拼音:kǎo chǎng







  1. 举行考试的场所。

    《镜花缘》第六五回:“礼部又奏一本道:‘前日臣部考场有淑女 花再芳 、 毕全贞 、 閔兰蓀 三名,俱因污卷贴出。’”《文汇报》1981.6.23:“平时他们能用功复习,头脑里装得满满的,而一进考场便疑惧俱集,克制不住心慌意乱。”



  1. The girl left (venue), about a minute later, she opened the door, face to the door and told me 'I love you', and then shut the door.


  2. The moment I walked into the examination hall, I had a terrible sense of foreboding because I had not done any study!


  3. Boys come swaggering out of exams declaring it to have been a piece of piss.


  4. You bowed to me and ran to the take the exams as if relieved of a heavy load, with the bow on your head dancing in the wind.


  5. Since Hongfei went from the examinations, he had no mind for the wedding. Seeing this, his mother was worried.


  6. At the test site in Thailand, he says, he was surprised to see that about a third of the 300 people in the test room there were also Indian.


  7. "It was okay, " she said afterward. "But when I entered the examination room, I could feel my hands sweating. "


  8. The dean informed me that you left the testing room in the middle of the Middle Examination.


  9. Examination hall before we literally played all day, do not want anything!


  1. 考场自动编排

    automatic examination room scheduling.

  2. 人生处处是考场

    Face Up Challenges and Tests in Life

  3. 带武器进入考场。

    Bringing a weapon or firearm into the test center.

  4. 考场不得携带任何纸张。

    Paper of any kind is not permitted in the testing room.

  5. 进考场不能慌神儿。

    Be sure to remain coolheaded in the examination room

  6. 数字监控考场系统的设计

    The Design of Digital Monitor System for Examination Room

  7. 昨天,有我们考场中的奋斗。

    Yesterday, our examination room in the struggle.

  8. 请立即通知考场内的考官。

    Please inform an invigilator as soon as possible.

  9. 考生不得携带教科书进入考场。

    Candidates may not bring textbooks into the examination room.

  10. 考生须按要求准时到达考场。

    Candidates must arrive on time as requested.

  11. 我进考场时心里非常紧张。

    As I went into the examination room, I had my heart in my boots.

  12. 考场编排中的均匀混洗原理

    A Uniform Shuffle Principle in Examination Hall Ovder Setting

  13. 他这么用功, 结果竟然考场失利。

    He studied hard only to fail in the exam.

  14. 学生因作弊而被逐出考场。

    The students were barred for cheating.

  15. 我进入考场时, 心里十分害怕。

    As I went into the examination room, I had my heart in my boots.

  16. 要求所有应试者保持考场肃静。

    Silence is required of all examination candidates.

  17. 那男孩子惴惴不安地走向考场。

    The boy went to the examination room filled with apprehension.

  18. 你不能把计算器带进考场。

    You wont be allowed to take a calculator into the exam.

  19. 杰利轻松愉快地离开了考场。

    Jerry left the examination room with a light heart.

  20. 穿着合适的衣服以适应考场温度。

    Dress so that you can adapt to any room temperature.

  21. 大家可以带任何参考资料进考场。

    Everybody can take any reference material to enter room.

  22. 考试前5分钟才允许我们进入考场。

    We were permitted into the hall five minutes before the exam.

  23. 十点以前谁也不能离开考场。

    No one will leave the examination room before ten oclock.

  24. 六, 守考场规则, 听从主考的指挥。

    Follow the test center rules, and follow the instructions of the chief examiner.

  25. 从考场违纪行为谈考试形式改革

    Reforming the From of Examination form the Act of Violation on Examination

  26. 考场里鸦雀无声, 大家都在埋头答题。

    Everyone is busy doing the test and the test room is very quite.

  27. 考场里鸦雀无声,大家都在埋头答题。

    Everyone is busy doing the test and the test room is very quite.

  28. 我什麽时候会收到考场的相关细节?

    When will I receive specific details on my testlocation ?

  29. 考试期间所有考场使用手机屏蔽仪。

    The examination room during the examination of all the use of mobile phone shielding instrument.

  30. 同学们带着失望的神情离开了考场。

    The students went out of the examination spot with disappointed expression.


  1. 问:考场拼音怎么拼?考场的读音是什么?考场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:考场的读音是kǎochǎng,考场翻译成英文是 exam room; exam hall


