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Salmon are also learning to reproduce in shallow regions of your ocean rather than spawning upstream to allow this to be so.
鲑鱼也正学习在你们大洋浅滩处生育,而不是逆流到上游产卵。Then the container is ready to lay eggs, which are often used in shallow dish filled with water.
然后准备好产卵容器,常选用浅盘子里面盛满水。The female stores the sperm until she is ready to lay eggs. She may lay 100 at a time, protecting them in a silken egg sac.
母蜘蛛会贮存这些精液直到它为产卵做好了准备。它可以一次产100枚卵,然后将它们保护在一个丝质卵囊内。Now, a year down the track, Project i is in full swing and is already spawning its first products.
现在,一年下来赛道,项目一全面展开,并已产卵其第一批产品。The young salmon are then released and head for the ocean. Guided by their sense of smell, they will return in a few years to spawn.
将新孵出的小鲑鱼放生后它们就会在它们嗅觉的引导下向海洋游去,他们会在几年后洄游产卵。less of the sort of behaviour that is likely to interfere with her egg-laying mission.
如果缺乏这种行为会则会影响到杜鹃的产卵任务。A container or shelter made by a bird out of twigs, grass, or other material to hold its eggs and young.
鸟巢:鸟用小树枝、草或其它东西做的窝或在里边产卵、养鸟或栖息。Since the female often will not leave the cave after spawning is over, she occasionally must be pushed out by the male.
由于女性往往不会离开洞穴,产卵后结束了,她偶尔必须推出男性。Some fish do not spawn until maturity: catch them before that and you've no baby fish produced for the next year.