







汉语拼音:bēi tòng








  1. 悲伤痛哭;悲伤。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·明帝纪上》:“ 彊 薨问至,上与皇太后悲慟不自胜。” 唐 陈玄祐 《离魂记》:“ 宙 阴恨悲慟,决别上船。” 明 无名氏 《鸣凤记·邹慰夏孤》:“把我昔日相逢,又成悲慟,此情未语泪先溶。自今别去,目断飞鸿。”《红楼梦》第六七回:“ 尤三姐 自尽之后, 尤老娘 合 二姐儿 、 贾珍 、 贾璉 等,俱不胜悲慟。”《人民文学》1979年第8期:“我曾经和许多同志肃立在一座烈士陵园中,落下了悲恸的眼泪。”



  1. For the address he gave at last night's memorial service for the victims of the Arizona shootings was elegiac, heartfelt and deeply moving.


  2. Did Anita Mui kill him by dying so young and so tragically just a few months prior leading to the heart overload?


  3. He said he was "deeply saddened" by the killings but said the violence was part of the challenges the country faced as it rebuilt itself.


  4. The Rat, astonished and dismayed at the violence of Mole's paroxysm of grief, did not dare to speak for a while.


  5. Upon her return, she found that her lover Dumuzi had not been mourning and so she sentenced him to the underworld.


  6. I share the grief, the sorrow, and the sense of loss of every mother, every father, every family, and every child in Kashmir.


  7. As a so-called human life, compatriots suffering in some of the time, the country's grief out of the full performance.


  8. There is no option but a swift burial, with as much dignity as possible, in a land plunged into grief.


  9. She's like the old college friend of mine who venerated George Orwell and was crushed to learn of his idol's often shabby romantic life.


  1. 她悲恸终日。

    She was mournful for the whole of the day.

  2. 他悲恸欲绝。

    He wrung his heart to the very core.

  3. 黑色象征着悲恸。

    The color black is a token of mourning.

  4. 给悲恸者以悯哀,

    Give pity and sorrow to those who mourn

  5. 给悲恸者以悯哀,。

    Give pity and sorrow to those who mourn.

  6. 猎犬悲恸地哀叫着

    The hound bayed mournfully.

  7. 她的心悲恸欲碎。

    Her heart was riven with deep sorrow.

  8. 无人为之悲恸的死者

    the unwept dead.

  9. 死难者家属悲恸欲绝。

    The relatives of the dead are grieving deeply.

  10. 死难者家属悲恸欲绝。

    The relatives of the dead are grieving deeply.

  11. 有悲恸,也有起舞的时候。

    A time to morn and a time to dance.

  12. 悲恸唯一的疗法是行动。

    The only cure for grief is action.

  13. 她的死使我深为悲恸。

    Her death affected me deeply.

  14. 老国王晏驾,人们悲恸不已。

    Much lamentation followed the death of the old king.

  15. 悲恸一周为买舒心片刻?

    Who buys a minutes mirth to wail a week.

  16. 父亲的离去使我悲恸万分。

    His death caused me to suffer in a way that.

  17. 父亲的离去使我悲恸万分。

    His death caused me to suffer in a way that.

  18. 母亲去世的时候,我悲恸万分。

    When my mother died I was inconsolable.

  19. 在夜中, 她的呼喊如此悲恸

    So grievous through the night she calls

  20. 惊悉你太太突然去世,不胜悲恸。

    Deeply shocked and sadden to learn of your wifes sudden pass.

  21. 他可能由于他妻子的死很悲恸。

    He might be seriously mourning the death of his wife.

  22. 听说这个不幸的消息,大家悲恸万分

    All were sorrow-stricken at the sad news.

  23. 这一刻你在悲恸亲人的逝去。

    One minute you're mourning a loved one.

  24. 这对他来说也是极大的悲恸。

    It has been a great grief for him as well!

  25. 这侍女便为之悲恸, 泪珠如夜露涔涔。

    Which makes the maid weep like the dewy night.

  26. 想象的悲恸是如此强烈,使伯莎泪如泉涌。

    The imagined grief was so poignant that Bertha burst into tears.

  27. 梦中的未来悲恸哀泣,追悼失落的明天。

    And through the dream the future wept, grieving for the lost tomorrow.

  28. 他悲恸失声地宣布了父亲去世的消息。

    In a voice cracking with emotion, he announced the death of his father.

  29. 歌曲的主题包括爱情,悲恸,教育和日常生活。

    Themes of these songs include love, mourning, education and daily life.

  30. 悲恸之余,他希望能为沃尔特做点事。

    With anguish he wished he could do something for walter.


  1. 问:悲恸拼音怎么拼?悲恸的读音是什么?悲恸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悲恸的读音是bēitòng,悲恸翻译成英文是 Extremely sad.

  2. 问:悲恸的拼音怎么拼?悲恸的的读音是什么?悲恸的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悲恸的的读音是,悲恸的翻译成英文是 mournful

  3. 问:悲恸欲绝拼音怎么拼?悲恸欲绝的读音是什么?悲恸欲绝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悲恸欲绝的读音是bēitòngyùjué,悲恸欲绝翻译成英文是 To be sad to death.



悲恸 [汉语拼音]bēitòng [英文]extremely mournful [解释]非常悲哀或悲伤痛哭;悲伤。