




1. 抢 [qiǎng]2. 抢 [qiāng]3. 抢 [chēng]抢 [qiǎng]夺,硬拿:~劫。~夺。赶快,赶紧,争先:~先。~占。~购。~攻。刮,擦:磨剪子~菜刀。当面责备或讽刺:~白他一顿。抢 [qiāng]碰,撞:呼天~地。……



汉语拼音:pīn qiǎng






  1. People may expect us to win but you've got to fight for every ball and earn the right to play and we're capable of that.


  2. In the last game, our perimeter players stopped hustling (out of exhaustion) and we couldn't pull it out.


  3. Players jostle and collide realistically while trying to win balls.


  4. The Reds skipper lasted less than ten minutes of the match after rolling his ankle in a challenge with Bolton midfielder Gary Speed.


  5. Before that we were not giving 100 per cent in every tackle, we were not fighting for the ball enough.


  6. And they'd go in hard in training, as if they were still wearing their club shirt.


  7. Reggie Evans: As a pocket-sized big man, Evans compensates for his shortcomings with his manically aggressive board work.


  8. To do what they did in the first-half, tackle for every ball, is very difficult and from then on we looked a bit more comfortable.


  9. We really did a great job, and aside from scoring, the big fellas, obviously rebounding and controlling the paint.


  1. 你得与竞争者拼抢

    You have to fight your competition.

  2. 拼抢什么时候成了犯规?

    When does jostling for position become a foul?

  3. 球员们在争夺球时真实地拼抢。

    Players jostle and collide realistically while trying to win balls.

  4. 浅析拼抢进攻篮板球和技术动作训练

    Analysis of Strving for Offensive Rebounds and Technical Movements Training.

  5. 我们决定在比赛中积极拼抢,大胆进攻。

    We decided that in the game we would be physical and aggressive.

  6. 最后的一投,我一直努力拼抢和肉搏。

    That last shot, I kept battling and I kept hustling.

  7. 浅谈在篮球教学训练中拼抢篮板球的技巧

    On tactics of snatching a rebound in basketball training

  8. 抢球技术是拼抢篮板球能力的核心因素。

    Hold ball technology to strive for the ball basketball key factor of ability.

  9. 高校篮球运动员拼抢进攻篮板球技术训练初探

    A Study on Training College Basketball Players to Obtain Attacking Rebounds

  10. 试论影响篮球运动员拼抢篮板球能力的因素

    Try on Theory Influence Basketball Athlete Spell Backboard Recovery Factor of Ability

  11. 人群为在客场勇敢拼抢而获胜的球队欢呼。

    The crowd cheered the winning team that played so bravely away from home.

  12. 枷锁说湖人必须拿出身体去跟对手拼抢? ?

    Gasol said the Lakers must put bodies and really go after the ball.

  13. 工商总局拼抢网店管理权,无疑会制造多头管理。

    SAIC Pinqiang shop management, it will undoubtedly create long management.

  14. 小伙子们知道, 他们不能与罗纳尔多进行激烈拼抢。

    Boys know that they be heated pushing Ronaldo.

  15. 抢篮板球的很大程度取决于拼抢意识及合理的拼抢技术。

    TO redound is mainly depend on player's awareness and reasonable techniques.

  16. 一个我非常喜欢但不得不和别人去拼抢的女孩!

    This is a girl that I really like and had too swoop in there!

  17. 他不但在防守端顽强战斗,而且还在进攻端全力拼抢篮板。

    He was stifling on D and got hustle rebounds on the offensive end.

  18. 在训练拼抢前场篮板球技术中应注意的几个问题

    The problems in the practice of scraping rebounds in the forward field

  19. 但我们真的在谈论和拼抢同一类型的潜在学员吗?

    But are we really talking about and competing for the same group of potential students?

  20. 我崇拜他, 他把刚刚因为拼抢撞倒在地的对手友好的拉起来。

    I adore the way that he picks up the opposing player that he has just clattered into by the scruff of the neck.

  21. 他们背着大包小包行李拼抢计程车,我只带了一个旅行皮包。

    Carrying packs of luggage and struggling for a taxi.

  22. 有时你不会赢下每一次拼抢, 所以你就必须争取拼下第二点。

    Sometimes you don't win every challenge, so you have to be aware of the second ball.


  1. 问:拼抢拼音怎么拼?拼抢的读音是什么?拼抢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拼抢的读音是pīnqiǎng,拼抢翻译成英文是 to scramble for; to wrest for



pīnqiǎng [strive dead hard for (the bone)] 竞争抢夺