







汉语拼音:rǎn zhǐ







  1. 《左传·宣公四年》:“ 楚 人献黿於 郑灵公 。

    公子宋 (字 子公 )与 子家 将见, 子公 之食指动,以示 子家 ,曰:‘他日我如此,必尝异味。’……及食大夫黿,召 子公 而弗与也。 子公 怒,染指于鼎,尝之而出。”本谓用手指蘸鼎中黿羹,后用为典故。泛指品尝某种食品。 唐 白居易 《答皇甫十郎中秋深酒熟见忆》诗:“未暇倾巾漉,还应染指尝。” 清 金人瑞 《道树遣人送酱醋各一器》诗:“馋子背人先染指,老妻报我只攒眉。”

  2. 比喻分取利益。多指分取非分利益。

    明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·论秦蜀》:“夫鼎足之説,始於 蒯通 。然 通 之説, 韩信 以此,犹有 汉 之一足。当 三国 时而为是説,则 献帝 无復染指之望矣。” 清 无名氏 《亡国恨·协约》:“这三 韩 一块土, 俄 人久欲染指。” 孙中山 《党员须宣传革命主义》:“ 广西 一切幸福权利,祇 陆荣廷 一人享之,一家享之,一派享之, 广西 同胞不能丝毫染指。”

  3. 比喻参与做某种事情。

    宋 苏轼 《次韵水宫》:“高人岂学画,用笔乃其天……丹青偶为戏,染指初尝黿。” 明 薛冈 《天爵堂笔馀》:“七言律法度贵严,纪律贵整,音调贵响,不易染指。” 清 钱谦益 《<梅村先生诗集>序》:“余老归空门,不復染指声律。” 朱自清 《<背影>序》:“至于戏剧,我更是始终不敢染指。我所写的大抵还是散文多。”



  1. (Foreigners could not operate the latter. ) Google then began a year-and-a-half-long negotiation to restore the license.


  2. America's politicians are not the only ones to have fingered speculators for the feverish rise in the price of oil and other raw materials.


  3. Ascending initiates cannot afford such preoccupations , as they prevent the opening of the heart.


  4. You're the one who makes the office org chart, so keep your hands off anyone whose name is written in the boxes on the bottom rows.


  5. You might have ruined my past and screwed up my present, but I won't let you touch my future.


  6. We are still too often trying to approach each price range on a device-to-device basis.


  7. It would be another matter, however, if governments started tinkering with the internet's address book, the Domain Name System (DNS).


  8. If the rout continues, will the guardians of such rainy-day money be able to keep the politicians' fingers out?


  9. Except for the odd scrap of rotting meat (mainly among car-parts makers and airlines) they have had little to sink their talons into.


  1. 参与。染指某事

    Have a finger in the pie

  2. 染指流年的美

    Encroach on the fleeting beauty

  3. 染指别国资源

    encroach on the resources of other countries.

  4. 妄图染指别国资源

    attempt to encroach on the resources of other countries

  5. 正当利益岂容他人染指。

    One's proper interest does not allow other people dip their fingers in.

  6. 国家神圣领土不容他人染指。

    Our territory is sacred and inviolable.

  7. 保护国家资源,不容他人染指。

    Protect the nation's resources against the depredations of other countries.

  8. 我丈夫不允许我染指甲。

    My husband doesnt allow me to paint my nails.

  9. 在此吾将染指你的权柄。

    Here, I shall alter thy Laws and Judgments.

  10. 他们想染指你的每一分钱。

    To get their hands on every dime you have.

  11. 难道你不想染指我的黄金吗?

    Don't think you'll get your hands on my gold!

  12. 亚当不允许任何人染指他的利益。

    Adam wont allow anyone to chisel in on his profits.

  13. 很难想像有人不想对她染指。

    Hard to imagine anyone not wanting to nail her.

  14. 东京的樱花盛开, 我们已染指纷飞。

    Tokyo's cherry blossoms, we have sold one side.

  15. 有了男朋友通常就意味着别人不是染指。

    Having a boyfriend usually means off limits to others.

  16. 粮食系统外的各行业也染指面粉业。

    Each industry outside commissariat system also course of study of encroach on flour.

  17. 粮食系统外得各行业也染指面粉业。

    Each industry outside commissariat system also course of study of encroach on flour.

  18. 在上世纪70年代,还没有人染指这片大陆。

    Back in the'68s, no one touched the continent with a barge pole.

  19. 他们能够恣意妄为,能染指一切追求的目标。

    Who can gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost every object of desire.

  20. 谷歌意图染指操作系统的想法早有渊源。

    The idea of operating system of encroach on of cereal song intent has source early.

  21. 竞相染指这项新兴工业利润的公司太多了。

    Too many companies were scrabbling for a share of profits in the new industry.

  22. 竞相染指这项新兴工业利润得公司太多了。

    Too many companies were scrabbling for a share of profits in the new industry.

  23. 他已经赢得过世界杯,但是他仍然没有染指过联赛盾牌。

    He has won the World Cup, but he still hasn't won much in the League.

  24. 开始是政客们, 现在是一个小说家也决定染指其中。

    First it was politicians, now a novelist has decided to get in on the act.

  25. 这笔款几经转手,必然有一部分被经手人染指。

    As this currency passes from hand to hand,some of it inevitably sticks to the fingers that it touches.

  26. 现在我不再染指公共事务,并放下我肩上的担子。

    I now quit altogether public affairs and I lay down my burden.

  27. 再侵染指油菜叶面病斑对离体油菜茎杆的侵染。

    The reinfection represents the infection of leaf lesion on detached stem of oilseed rape.

  28. 您的身体就像旷野里从未被割草人染指的百合。

    Thy body is white like the lilies of a field that the mower hath never mowed.

  29. 一位名叫琳达的女孩去美容院染指甲。

    A girl named Linda goes to the beauty parlor to have her nails varnished.

  30. 在政党的势力范围之外,军队的强势影响常常染指其中。

    Beside the dominion of the party, and frequently overlapping it, stands the powerful dominion of the army.


  1. 问:染指拼音怎么拼?染指的读音是什么?染指翻译成英文是什么?

    答:染指的读音是rǎnzhǐ,染指翻译成英文是 take more than one’s fair share