


1. 横 [héng]2. 横 [hèng]横 [héng]跟地面平行的,与“竖”、“直”相对:~梁。~楣。~额。~幅。~批。~披(长条形横幅字画)。~匾。~标。~空。左右向的,跟目视方向垂直的,与“竖”、“直”、“纵”相对:~写。~排。~……





汉语拼音:héng wò








  1. I seemed to be seated by the head of my great, insulted Motherland, who lay there in the dust before me, disconsolate, shorn of her glory.


  2. As no one answered, he entered the room, and found Holofernes lying across the wooden footstool dead with his head cut off.


  3. Lying in the sea area as the Magic Gourd, fantastic, lifelike, attractions patchwork, during the distribution.


  4. Friendship is no longer on friendship, deep cracks will lie with my heart from here, stranger.


  5. For the first time adjustable McPherson shock struts are used on the front wheels of their Scorpion fs recumbent tricycle.


  6. The broad spread out across the qiantang river. 7th, the farther east calm in the rain, the sun, veiled with mist crept a layer.


  7. Gingerly stepping over each sleeper, like a forest hiker over fallen tree trunks, I reached the hall .


  8. I have nothing left to give you but this horizontal sermon, I'm at the mercy of these symptoms, and my foreman, and the Germans!


  9. The dead man sprawled across the path has nothing of value except a Ring of the Cobra's Eye.


  1. 横卧在树旁

    couch oneself by the tree.

  2. 那部巴士横卧着。

    The bus lay on its side.

  3. 死者和垂死者横卧沙场。

    The killed and the dying lay on the battlefield.

  4. 断桥横卧在鸭绿江之上。

    The Broken Bridge on the Yalu River.

  5. 他总是喜欢横卧在床上看书。

    He likes to read while lying in bed.

  6. 你是坐在躺卧的位置上横卧自行车。

    You are seated in a reclining position on a recumbent bike.

  7. 我没什么好给你,除了这横卧的布道词。

    I have nothing left to give you but this horizontal sermon.

  8. 还有横卧水上得小桥, 宛若一道五彩得虹。

    There are recumbent water bridge, just like a colorful rainbow.

  9. 还有横卧水上的小桥,宛若一道五彩的虹。

    There are recumbent water bridge, just like a colorful rainbow.

  10. 由于一块石头横卧在轨道上,有轨电车出轨了。

    The streetcar was derailed by a stone lying across the rails of a track.

  11. 从此, 京杭大运河孤零零地横卧在那里, 无人问津。

    Since then, the BeijingHangzhou Grand Canal recline alone where no one is interested.

  12. 使其妻横卧而得其时者, 侥幸无过于斯人。

    Greater luck hath no man than this, that he lay down his wife at the right moment.

  13. 栈桥划波斩浪,象一条长龙横卧于碧海银波。

    Pier plans Bo cut the waves, lying in the blue sea like a long queue silver wave.

  14. 根状茎粗短,近横卧地面,密被金黄褐色长毛。

    Rhizome short and stout, densely covered with golden brown long hairs.

  15. 几条黑影横卧在碧绿的草坪上,显得直溜溜的,棱角分明。

    The shadow on the perfect lawn were straight and angular.

  16. 如果你只投资于一个横卧自行车,你可以设置机高电阻。

    If you just invest in a recumbent bike, you can set the machine to high resistance.

  17. 血红的玫瑰闪著银色的刺芒,横卧的压著且破坏了这场初雪。

    The silver thorn of bloody rose. Lie crushed and broken the virgin snow.


  1. 问:横卧拼音怎么拼?横卧的读音是什么?横卧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横卧的读音是héngwò,横卧翻译成英文是 To lie down.

  2. 问:横卧的拼音怎么拼?横卧的的读音是什么?横卧的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横卧的的读音是héng wò de,横卧的翻译成英文是 recumbent

  3. 问:横卧射线细胞拼音怎么拼?横卧射线细胞的读音是什么?横卧射线细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横卧射线细胞的读音是héng wò shè xiàn xì bāo,横卧射线细胞翻译成英文是 procumbent ray cell

  4. 问:横卧背斜中心岩拼音怎么拼?横卧背斜中心岩的读音是什么?横卧背斜中心岩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横卧背斜中心岩的读音是,横卧背斜中心岩翻译成英文是 core rock