







汉语拼音:huān jiào





欢呼。《隋书·令狐熙传》:“百姓出境迎謁,欢叫盈路。”《新唐书·魏元忠传》:“俄敕凤阁舍人 王隐客 驰骑免死,传声及於市,诸囚欢叫,元忠 独坚坐。”骆宾基《山区收购站》:“陈老三 又是兴奋又是激动的欢叫着。”



  1. 欢呼。

    《隋书·令狐熙传》:“百姓出境迎謁,欢叫盈路。”《新唐书·魏元忠传》:“俄敕凤阁舍人 王隐客 驰骑免死,传声及於市,诸囚欢叫, 元忠 独坚坐。” 骆宾基 《山区收购站》:“ 陈老三 又是兴奋又是激动的欢叫着。”



  1. Thy beauty makes me like the child, That cries aloud to own thy light: The little child that lifts each arm To press thee to her bosom warm.


  2. Kids with tits inside from the pillow to come up with a crumpled banknotes, the number of these slowly.


  3. Her glad little cry rang in his ears, and he felt her clinging to him like a cat.


  4. my mother uttered a cry of joy , and clasped me to her bosom.


  5. A yapping Jack is restrained from bounding out of owner John Doyle's boat.


  6. This is sound that is captured while reporting a story: the whistling of the wind, a police siren, children shouting for joy.


  7. As the roaring rocket rose , the restless roosters rollicked.


  8. The canyons were alive with gray parrots having a ball. They seemed to love listening to their echoes.


  9. children out from under the pillow some crumpled banknotes, the number of forward slowly.


  1. 禁不住的欢叫

    a spontaneous cry of joy.

  2. 他发出一阵欢叫。

    He let loose a shriek of delight.

  3. 欢叫着去捕捉你的光芒。

    That cries aloud to own thy light.

  4. 他同他的妹妹欢叫着游戏!

    That he shouts with his sister at play!

  5. 孩子欢叫一声迎接母亲归来。

    The child greeted her mother's return with a cry of delight.

  6. 大选获胜时, 他们高兴地欢叫起来。

    They crowed their heads off when they won the General Election.

  7. 那条狗等待着,一边欢叫,一边摇动着尾巴。

    wag The dog waited, making happy little barks and wagging his tail.

  8. 史提夫在竞赛中获胜, 高兴地欢叫。

    Steve crowed with delight when he won the contest.

  9. 在农场, 你可以听到鸟儿唱歌, 羊儿欢叫。

    On the farm, you can hear birds singing and bleating.

  10. 她高兴地欢叫着, 伸出了胖胖的小手。

    She crowed with pleasure and put out her fat little hands.

  11. 他的狗等着,一边发出微弱的欢叫,一边摇着尾巴。

    His dog waited, making happy little barks and wagging his tail.

  12. 小狗立即四脚腾空, 纵身跳起, 欢叫一声。

    The puppy jumped into air off all its feet at once with a yelp of delight.

  13. 如此, 那些待出生的婴儿就会欢叫着来到人间。

    That from here the joy of life of the unborn child comes out.

  14. 这位绅士哭得更厉害了,小孩儿倒高兴得欢叫起来。

    The gentleman wept even harder, while the boy crowed with delight.

  15. 在晚会上女孩子们欢叫着为她们的伙伴加把劲。

    At the party the girls cheered for their partners to go it.

  16. 欢叫着得杰克被拉着以免跳到主人约翰道尔船外去。

    A yapping Jack is restrained from bounding out of owner John Doyles boat.

  17. 她那低声的欢叫震响在他耳里。他感到她紧偎着他, 像只猫。

    Her glad little cry rang in his ears, and he felt her clinging to him like a cat.

  18. 蛐蛐儿正叫的欢呢,这个小东西!

    The cricket was chirruping remarkably loudly for such a diminutive creature.

  19. 蟋蟀叫得更欢了。

    The crickets chirped faster and louder.

  20. 清晨鸟叫得最欢。

    Birds sing loudest in the early morning.

  21. 无知得人叫得最欢。

    Empty vessels make the most sound.

  22. 无知的人叫得最欢。

    Empty vessels make the most sound.

  23. 春天来了,你听,小鸟叫得多欢啊

    Listen to the birds, what a noise they're making now it's spring

  24. 只有塘边柳枝上的蝉声,一声接着一声,叫得特别欢畅。

    Only TangBian willows of cicadas, a sound and then a voice called, particularly merry.

  25. 但下赛季之前,就算别人叫得再欢,也不会发生什么。

    But its not going to happen before next season. No matter how much everyone else yaps about it.

  26. 欢叫声表示愉悦或欢喜的口齿不清的声音

    An inarticulate sound expressive of pleasure or delight.

  27. 整个礼堂里充满了欢叫声和充满嫉妒得呼喊声。

    The hall filled up with cheers and outcries of jealousy.

  28. 整个礼堂里充满了欢叫声和充满嫉妒的呼喊声。

    The hall filled up with cheers and outcries of jealousy.

  29. 突然,山下传来欢叫声,我俯视山谷,那里升起了篝火。

    Suddenly, Yamashita was happy, I look down the Valley, there rises the bonfire.

  30. 偶尔,杰伦会以一声欢叫打破平静。

    Occasionally, Jaron disturbs the quiet with a yelp of delight.