


1. 知 [zhī]2. 知 [zhì]知 [zhī]晓得,明了:~道。~名(著名)。~觉(有感觉而知道)。良~。~人善任。温故~新。~难而进。~情达理。使知道:通~。~照。学识,学问:~识,求~。无~。主管:~县(旧时的县长)。~府。~州……






1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……



汉语拼音:zhī cuò jiù gǎi








  1. I knew it was all drama, for his mama to see so he wouldn't get in trouble.


  2. Since it is wrong, why should it continue to go wrong? not to say that it?


  3. Acknowledge wrong and then change, I decided to get rid of his bad habits.


  4. It was a welcome reverse for Wenger, who was short of attacking options for the trip to Liege on Wednesday.


  5. Although there are many small problems Giari, but he still is an honest, brave, intelligent, humorous, Zhicuojiugai people.


  6. "Never mind la! We Zhicuojiugai pull, and so the elections are over Zaiqu to teachers do not have to admit it? " Yes ah, OK not to admit it?


  7. This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.


  8. Without God, we can agree on reality, and I can keep learning where I'm wrong.


  9. If everyone like to Cui. Zhicuojiugai. Shanghai. the city will be more and more beautiful.


  1. 为人亦襟怀担白,敢于知错就改。

    Tam human mind is also white, jiu gai dare.

  2. 他突然就改了主意

    He just suddenly changes his mind.

  3. 那我就改这班吧。

    OK, I'll take that flight.

  4. 换成是我,我就改成伊莲。

    I'd have changed it to elaine.

  5. 我一看到她就改了主意。

    My intention changed once I saw her.

  6. 他跑了十分钟後就改成步行了。

    After running for ten minutes, he dropped into a walk, ie began to walk.

  7. 这条沟谷,也就改名叫海棠峪了。

    This valley, also changed his name to a crabapple valley.

  8. 他跑了十分钟后就改成步行了。

    After running for ten minute, he drop into a walk.

  9. 他出事故以后就改做轻活儿了。

    After his accident he was moved to lighter work.

  10. 执行当中有了片面性, 就改嘛。

    When we discover that we are only partially implementing this principle, we should correct it without much ado.

  11. 所以机会一来,他就改读矫形外科了。

    At his first opportunity, he switched to orthopedics.

  12. 如果指定这个选项,那么所有者就改为新的所有者。

    If this option is specified, ownership is transferred to the new owner.

  13. 天气太潮湿, 不能去散步, 所以我们就改去游泳吧。

    Its too wet to walk, so well go swimming instead.

  14. 可是一听到那金丝雀的歌声,我们就改了主意。

    But the minute we heard the canaries singing, we changed our minds.

  15. 天气太潮湿,不能去散步,所以我们就改去游泳了。

    It's too wet to take a walt, so we'll go swimming instead.

  16. 但是正式开庭以后, 我们就改为认罪答辩, 请求从宽发落。

    But when the trial comes up we'll change it to a plea of guilty and ask for mercy.

  17. 知错必改。

    Know mistake and put right.

  18. 作业没改就发给了我们。

    The papers were returned to us uncorrected.

  19. 句子这样一改就简洁了。

    Conciseness is served when the sentence is so corrected.

  20. 至于你们部门得计划, 你愿意怎么改就怎么改吧。

    As for your departments plan, you can change as you wish.

  21. 至于你们部门的计划,你愿意怎么改就怎么改吧。

    As for your departments plan, you can change as you wish.

  22. 有过失的人, 改了就是圣贤, 不改就成恶魔。

    To human , to repent divine, to persist devilish.

  23. 审查通过了就可以改名字了。

    Examine passed OK and incognito word.

  24. 非圣贤,能无过,知错能改,善莫大焉!

    Nonsaints, can not too, rectifies the hell!

  25. 嗨, 她们回头就得改名字了。

    OBDHeh, they needed a new name fer em afterwards.

  26. 她父母死了, 末底改就收她为自己的女儿。

    And when her father and mother died, Mordecai took her to himself as his daughter.

  27. 那件衣服明天就能改好

    Uh,that dress should be altered by tomorrow.

  28. 那件衣服明天就能改好。

    Uh, that dress should be altered by tomorrow.

  29. 犯错误固然不好,但死抱着错误不改就更坏了。

    It is bad to commit a mistake, but it is far worse to cling to it.

  30. 大家也为她知错能改的精神而鼓掌。

    Everybody for her we overcome it applaud the spirit.