


1. 并 [bìng]2. 并 [bīng]并 [bìng]合在一起:~拢。合~。兼~。一齐,平排着:~驾齐驱。~重(zhòng )。~行(xíng )。连词,表平列或进一层:~且。用在否定词前,加强否定的语气,表不像预料的那样:~不容易。……


遮断:~开。~离。~绝。~断。阻~。相去有一段距离:~壁。~年。~行(háng )。~岸观火(喻见人遇到困难,漠不关心,采取观望或看热闹的态度)。~墙有耳。思想感情有距离:~阂。~膜。~心。……



汉语拼音:bìng gé






  1. 犹隔并。谓水旱失调。

    《后汉书·陈蕃传》:“且聚而不御,必生忧悲之感,以致并隔水旱之困。” 清 王念孙 《读书杂志·汉隶拾遗》“三公山碑”:“并隔,犹隔并也…… 汉 人多有隔并之语。《刘瑜传》云:‘天地之性,阴阳正纪,隔絶其道,则水旱为并。’此説‘隔并’二字之义最明。盖水旱不节,皆谓之隔并。”



  1. That young people take along the package to turn back hastily, and the partition window asked any thing.


  1. 温?卡里原来在膝部放着一支枪并隔白布开了火。

    Wing Cary had held gun in his lap and fired through the white cloth.

  2. 并对隔震结构的耐久性投资费用等作了较为详细的叙述。

    It also a detailed introduction to the durability investment cost of vibration isolation structure.

  3. 这包括对大量公共建筑进行翻修,并加装隔热层。

    This involved retrofitting installing lagging in large numbers of public buildings.

  4. 警察确信, 一定是那些积雪把她和暴风雪隔开并救了他。

    It was that layering of snow, police believe, that acted as insulation and saved her life.

  5. 鼻内镜联合等离子射频微创治疗鼻中隔偏曲并下鼻甲肥大

    Endoscopy combination with plasm radiofrequency to treat deflection of nasal septum with hypertrophic inferior turbinate

  6. 将水份全部隔去, 并以器皿盛开待用。

    Strain off the liquid and fine sieve it, reserve to use.

  7. 餐厅的位置应与卧室隔开, 并应尽可能靠近厨房

    mess rooms shall be located apart from the sleeping rooms and as close as practicable to the galley

  8. 对于配置橡胶隔膜的阀体并进行这道最后的工序。

    This finishing operation is not performed on bodies receiving rubber diaphragms.

  9. 边界并不能把你和其他人隔开。

    Boundaries don't keep other people out.

  10. 隔天, 我将公布答案并出新的一题。

    I will reveal the answer the next day follow by a new riddle.

  11. 隔天,我将公布答案并出新得一题。

    I will reveal the answer the next day follow by a new riddle.

  12. 室温硫化是受雇于密封罐对隔舱,并密封螺纹。

    RTV is employed to seal the canister against the bulkhead, and to seal the screw threads.

  13. 每隔几个小时重复使用,但要先冲洗并弄干皮肤。

    Reapply every few hours, rinsing and drying the skin beforehand.

  14. 我们在为房屋增加隔热层以抵抗霜冻, 并在使用滴流灌溉。

    We are insulating our houses against the frosts and using drip irrigation.

  15. 隔天师父让大家问问题,并问有没有人想要长生不老得?

    Next day, Master let everyone ask questions. She also asked if there was anyone who wanted to become immortal.

  16. 隔天师父让大家问问题,并问有没有人想要长生不老的?

    Next day, Master let everyone ask questions. She also asked if there was anyone who wanted to become immortal.

  17. 外面的人群正穿过大街, 隔在他们中间。这些人他们并不认识。

    People came between them outside, people crossing the street, people they didn't know.

  18. 横隔膜一种分隔胸腔和腹腔并起呼吸作用的肌性膜隔。

    A muscular membranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities and functioning in respiration.

  19. 蚬用刷子彻底清洗,并放于粉丝上,然后一并隔水蒸至蚬开盖。

    Rinse the clams thoroughly and put them on the top of vermicelli. Steam until shells open up.

  20. 快速旋转并划分隔为到北和到南。

    Whirl it and divide to north and to south.

  21. 它们滑入小肠并在隔天自动排出。

    Instead, they were moved into the intestine and then eliminated spontaneously the following day.

  22. 并完成隔振系统冲击后碰撞实验研究工作。

    To finish the impact experiment of isolation systems after shock.

  23. 作业会在复习课中指派并于隔周收回。

    Assignments will be issued in recitation and collected the following week.

  24. 井下定位爆破并破裂被封隔盐层的应用

    Application of Directional Explosion in Down Hole and Fracture in Packed Salt Layer

  25. 保持空调设备的良好性能,并经常清洗隔尘网。

    Maintain the good performance of air conditioning equipment, often clean the net that lie between dirt.

  26. 福船以樟木和杉木为材料,并备有水密隔舱。

    Fujian ships were made from camphor and fir.

  27. 常见的一种是有几层隔层并放有食物的高盒子。

    A common design is a tall box with food placed on several shelves inside.

  28. 并不是说在小隔间里工作的人一定是无趣的人。

    It isnt as if someone who works in a cubicle is automatically uninteresting.

  29. 目得总结纵隔气肿得外科治疗,并探讨其发病机制。

    AimTo summarize the experience of surgical treatment of pneumomediastinum and to analyse its etiopathology.

  30. 目的总结纵隔气肿的外科治疗, 并探讨其发病机制。

    AimTo summarize the experience of surgical treatment of pneumomediastinum and to analyse its etiopathology.