


1. 少 [shǎo]2. 少 [shào]少 [shǎo]数量小的,与“多”相对:多~。~量。~许。缺,不够:缺~。减~。不经常:~有。~见。短时间:~等。~候。~顷。丢,遗失:屋里~了东西。轻视:“且夫我尝闻~仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义者,如……


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……



汉语拼音:shǎo cóng






  1. 古谓出国使者随从中之地位低微者。

    《史记·大宛列传》:“而 汉 使者往既多,其少从率多进熟於天子,言曰:‘ 宛 有善马在 贰师城 ,匿不肯与 汉 使。’” 裴駰 集解引《汉书音义》:“或云从行之微者也。”一说为使者的少年随从。《汉书·张骞传》:“其少从率进熟於天子。” 颜师古 注:“ 汉 时谓随使而出外国者为少从,总言其少年而从使也。”



  1. After increasingly rarer sightings, it vanished from the wildlife radar for decades from 1959, prompting fears that it had died out.


  2. His asthma attacks have become less frequent , from once every three or four months to only about twice a year .


  3. They believe that if more people ride bikes to work, there would be fewer automobiles in the city and less dirty air from engines.


  4. By at least one measure, China has taken the lead on the environmental front.


  5. It occurs in minute amounts in the atmosphere and is obtained by fractional distillation of liquefied air.


  6. There are many reasons why people won't answer your questions ranging from lack of clarity of the question to fear of public speaking.


  7. Many scientists now believe the complex chemicals that became life arrived on Earth from space, but how did they survive the violent impact?


  8. But relatively little is known about the potential health and environmental effects of the tiny particles .


  9. Resourcefulness. Founder ownership implies that minimal outside capital has been raised to date .


  1. 那些兔子很少从笼子里放出来。

    The rabbits were rarely let out of their hutches.

  2. 人们做事很少从理性出发, 多是一时冲动, 最多的是习惯所致。

    Men do little from reason, much from passion, most from habit.

  3. 我国应该尽量少从海外进口商品, 以扶植我们自己的工业。

    Our country must try to import fewer goods from overseas, so as to help our own industries.

  4. 在挪威和其他北欧国家,很少从性别的角度研究残疾人问题。

    In Norway and the Nordic countries, the gender perspective is seldom integrated into research on disability.

  5. 我从少允许刚从外面来到家里的客人接触或抚拍我的狗。

    I seldom allow people from outside my immediate family to touch or pet my dog.

  6. 我们很少能从星期日宝贵时光中获得益处。

    This is indeed a great pity.

  7. 毕竟汽油烧得越少意味着从尾气管排放得二氧化碳越少。

    After all, burning less gas equals less CO 2 out of the tailpipe.

  8. 我们很少能从星期日的宝贵时光中获得益处。

    And merely can we benefit from our treasurable holiday time.

  9. 他们很少能从星期日的宝贵时光中得到好处。

    They can seldom derive profits from the valuable time of Sundays.

  10. 但是很少有人从细节上来关注全球的碳预算。

    But hardly anyone has looked at the global carbon budget in detail.

  11. 人们很少会从你的角度,而是从他们自己的角度行事。

    Rarely do people do things because of you. They do things because of them.

  12. 大气中含量极少,从液态空气的蒸馏中可以得到。

    It occurs in minute amounts in the atmosphere and is obtained by fractional distillation of liquefied air.

  13. 在少人从他们心爱的拉鲁到上日月潭村。

    The Shao people were moved from their beloved Lalu to the upper Sun Moon Village.

  14. 毕竟汽油烧得越少意味着从尾气管排放的二氧化碳越少。

    After all, burning less gas equals less CO 2 out of the tailpipe.

  15. 而很少同时从语体和文体得角度研究小说语言。

    However, few of theorists study the language of novel from both article style and functional style.

  16. 而很少同时从语体和文体的角度研究小说语言。

    However, few of theorists study the language of novel from both article style and functional style.

  17. 安德森太太, 你的少男孩从我让他上床后就没再出声。

    Your little boy hasnt made a peep since I put him to bed, Mrs. Anderson.

  18. 记者很少会只从你希望的角度来报道。

    Journalists will very rarely simply push the angle you want.

  19. 我吃得比从前少得多。

    I eat lots less than I used to.

  20. 以往对语言世界图景的研究很少有学者从认知的角度进行。

    In the past, few scholars study the LWV theory from cognitive perspective.

  21. 现在得钱买得东西比从前少了。

    Our money buys less than it used to.

  22. 现在的钱买的东西比从前少了。

    Our money buys less than it used to.

  23. 他很有钱, 他从没有少过万元任他支配。

    He was so rich that he never has less than ten servants and a millon dollar at his disposal.

  24. 这是一个从很少得到很多的有力实证。

    It was a powerful demonstration of how to get a lot from a little.

  25. 这是一个从很少得到很多得有力实证。

    It was a powerful demonstration of how to get a lot from a little.

  26. 那些从选择少开始到选择多的人,还在坚持着。

    They go from low choice to high choice, they're hanging in there.

  27. 他们使我们能够从很少的线索中得到大量信息。

    They enable us to extract a lot of information from very few cues.

  28. 他现在用来关注电影明星事情的时间比从前少了。

    He spends less time reading stories about film stars than before.

  29. 政府仍在很多领域保持干预,但是已经比从前少了很多。

    The government remains intrusive in many areas but much less so than before.

  30. 他们很少给予对他们从科学的社会收到的奖章的注意。

    They paid little attention to the medals they received from scientific societies.