




1. 蛇 [shé]2. 蛇 [yí]蛇 [shé]爬行动物,身体细长,体上有鳞,没有四肢。种类很多,有的有毒,有的无毒。以蛙、鼠为食,大蛇亦吞食大的兽类:~蜕。~行。~蝎。~足(喻多余无用的事物)。画~添足。蛇 [yí]〔委(wěi )~……



汉语拼音:shén shé







  1. 具有灵性的蛇。古代神话、传说认为蛇有灵性,能自身断而复续,且能兴云致雨,故以神称之。

    《墨子·亲士》:“是以甘井近竭,招木近伐,灵龟近灼,神蛇近暴。” 孙诒让 间诂:“暴蛇者盖以求雨。《淮南子·齐俗训》云:‘牺牛粹毛,宜於庙牲,其於以致雨不若黑蜧。’ 许慎 注云:‘黑蜧,神蛇也,潜于神渊,能兴云雨。’”《淮南子·说山训》:“神蛇能断而復续,而不能使人勿断也。神龟能见梦 元王 ,而不能自出渔者之笼。” 汉 王充 《论衡·龙虚》:“如龙之性,有神与不神,神者升天,不神者不能。龟虵亦有神与不神,神龟神虵復升天乎?” 唐 李咸用 《西门行》:“ 汉高 偶试神蛇验, 武王 龟筮惊人险。”



  1. Only a foot long and a beautiful emerald green the Hanuman snake is extremely poisonous, often deadly.


  1. 神对蛇和它的后裔的咒诅,为夏娃的后裔带来了盼望。

    God's curse on the serpent and its seed offered hope for Eve's children.

  2. 翠绿林神蛇

    whip snake.

  3. 神蛇飞虎救正宫

    Holy snake and flying tiger

  4. 闪光眼石像蛇神

    Stone Zombie With Shining Eye

  5. 闪光腰带石像蛇神

    Stone Zombie With Shining Belt

  6. 闪光王冠石像蛇神

    Stone Zombie With Shining Circlet

  7. 闪光头饰石像蛇神

    Stone Zombie With Shining Accessory

  8. 闪光手饰石像蛇神

    Stone Zombie With Shining Wristlet

  9. 闪光护肩石像蛇神

    Stone Zombie With Shining Shouler Accessory

  10. 我是活着的羽蛇神,

    I am the Living Quetzalcoatl.

  11. 胡颖灭蛇神严惩恶和尚

    Hu Ying Killed the Snake Spirit, and the Wicked Monk Was Chastened

  12. 你看见的鬼叫委蛇神。委蛇神最怕听见车轮声。

    The ghost you saw actually is Weishe God who fears the rumbling noise of the chariot most.

  13. 也有关于他魔法的故事, 对于蛇神的影响未减少。

    There have been fewer stories of his magics, and the influence of the serpent god has not waned.

  14. 在西非,海地和美国南部等地伏都教崇拜的蛇神。

    A snake god of voodoo cults in West Africa, Haiti, and the southern United States.

  15. 蛇神在西非,海地和美国南部等地伏都教崇拜的蛇神

    A snake god of voodoo cults in West Africa, Haiti, and the southern United States.

  16. 耶和华神所造的, 惟有蛇比田野一切的活物更狡猾。

    Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.

  17. 但当那蛇说话时, 那女人和男人就不听从神的命令。

    But the serpent spoke then the woman and the man disobeyed God's command.

  18. 在耶和华神所造野地所有的活物中, 蛇是最狡猾的。

    Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.

  19. 蛇魔居处, 水甜清畅种瓜结豆, 神赐安邦

    By the waters sweet and clean Where the mighty serpent lives Plant the squash and reap the bean All the earth our mother gives

  20. 除非你操控其他神器,否则覆铁巨蛇不能进行攻击。

    Steelclad Serpent can't attack unless you control another artifact.

  21. 这些晶莹剔透的海蛇们据说是水之龙神沙拉萨的子孙。

    These crystalline serpents are said to be the offspring of Shalassa, the Elemental Dragon of Water.

  22. 这些晶莹剔透得海蛇们据说是水之龙神沙拉萨得子孙。

    These crystalline serpents are said to be the offspring of Shalassa, the Elemental Dragon of Water.

  23. 蛇发女怪们被打败了!我要在特修斯神的祭坛作供奉。

    The Gorgons are defeated! I'll make an offering at the altar of Theseus.