


1. 提 [tí]2. 提 [dī]3. 提 [dǐ]提 [tí]垂手拿着有环、柄或绳套的东西:~壶。~灯。~篮。~包。~盒。~纲挈领。引领(向上或向前等):~心吊胆。~升。~挈。~携。说起,举出:~起。~出。~醒。~倡。~议。~名。~案。……





汉语拼音:tí cí






  1. 戏剧演出时在幕后给演员提示台词。



  1. She firmly fixed her eyes on the prompting screen, and carried on with her steady broadcast.


  2. Just how much of a crutch the teleprompter has become for Obama was on sharp display during his latest commerce secretary announcement.


  3. The president spoke from a teleprompter in the ornate Indian Treaty Room for a few minutes. Then Gov.


  4. It's jarring to the eye. In a way, it stands in the middle between the audience and the president because his eye is on the teleprompter.


  5. On the night of the twenty-second, I was just glad that the TelePrompTer was working.


  6. But be it extra precaution, style or a mental crutch, Obama has shown in the past that he needs the teleprompter .


  7. The actor needed to be prompted frequently.


  8. You were our audience and prompter.


  9. Last night, he was having an intimate moment with Michelle, and she said, 'Wait, are you reading the teleprompter?


  1. 提示,提词

    A reminder or a prompting.

  2. 我来提词。

    I'll be the prompter.

  3. 提词人藏身处

    prompt box

  4. 演员提词板

    idiot card.

  5. 现在我们看看提词卡。

    Okay. let's move to the flash cards.

  6. 那演员经常需要提词。

    The actor needed to be prompted frequently.

  7. 他不得不要人提词。

    He had to be given a prompt.

  8. 那演员需要经常给以提词。

    The actor be prompted frequently.

  9. 他负责给这个喜剧演员提词。

    He is to feed the comedian.

  10. 下场演出时你给我们提词好?

    Will you prompt for us at the next performance

  11. 自制电脑型电视播音提词器

    Make Computer Broadcasting the Prompter Machine on Type TV by Oneself

  12. 你是我们的观众兼提词员。

    You were our audience and prompter.

  13. 提示板用来给台上得演员提词。

    Idiot cards serve to prompt many an onstage actor.

  14. 提示板用来给台上的演员提词。

    Idiot cards serve to prompt many an onstage actor.

  15. 他忘了台词,结果还得让人提词。

    He forgot his lines and had to be prompted.

  16. 他结结巴巴地念着电子提词机上的话。

    He stumbled over the words on the teleprompter.

  17. 他结结巴巴地念着电子提词机上的话。

    He stumbled over the words on the teleprompter.

  18. 提词的应用范围从专业的硬件系统,自制系统。

    Teleprompting hardware applications range from professional systems to homemade systems.

  19. 阅读自动提词机的能力是绝对必要的。

    An ability to read the autocue is essential.

  20. 提词者所用的制本剧院提词者所用的注释剧本

    An annotated script used by a theater prompter.

  21. 她目不转睛地盯着提词屏幕, 继续保持着稳健的播音。

    She firmly fixed her eyes on the prompting screen, and carried on with her steady broadcast.

  22. 起初, 他帮忙画布景, 搬道具, 在演出时给演员提词。

    At first, he held paint scenery, carried props, and held book during performances.

  23. 奥巴马从来没有对于他用提词器这方面有所避忌。

    Obama has never tried to hide his use of a teleprompter.

  24. 在22日晚上,我只是感到很高兴电子提词机正常工作了。

    On the night of the twentysecond, I was just glad that the TelePrompTer was working.

  25. 我得说我看了他的演讲,觉得他不用提词器也没啥。

    I think he's doing just fine without his teleprompter.

  26. 今天,奥巴马同样可以把这些话放在他的提词器上。

    Obama could put that on his teleprompter today.


  1. 问:提词拼音怎么拼?提词的读音是什么?提词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提词的读音是tící,提词翻译成英文是 to prompt

  2. 问:提词者所用剧本拼音怎么拼?提词者所用剧本的读音是什么?提词者所用剧本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提词者所用剧本的读音是,提词者所用剧本翻译成英文是 promptbook