


1. 折 [zhē]2. 折 [zhé]3. 折 [shé]折 [zhē]翻转,倒腾:~腾。~跟头。~个儿。折 [zhé]断,弄断:~断。~桂(喻科举及第)。~戟沉沙(形容惨重的失败)。幼年死亡:夭~。弯转,屈曲:曲~。转~。周~。~中(对……





汉语拼音:zhē teng








折腾 [zhē teng]
  1. 翻腾;反复。

    《红楼梦》第六二回:“要是一点子小事便扬铃打鼓,乱折腾起来,不成道理。” 老舍 《四世同堂》七十:“翻来覆去的,他的脑中只折腾着这一句话:‘报应!报应!’” 冰心 《我的学生》:“门都向外开,窗户一扇都关不上!拆了又安,安了又拆,折腾了几十回。”

  2. 折磨。

    巴金 《探索集·究竟属于谁》:“我们的祖国母亲,再也经不起那样大的折腾了。” 陈其通 《万水千山》第二幕:“我们这地方的穷苦人叫军阀 王家烈 、地主 二阎王 折腾的少吃没穿。”

  3. 挥霍;糟蹋。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部十:“现在厂里的事管不了哪,退补,厂也不是我的哪,反正把这些企业折腾完了就没事啦。”



  1. I felt an actual sickness in all of me inside and a sweating and a nausea as though I had swallowed bad sea food .


  2. You've been plaguing me with such silly questions all day!


  3. The long journey on the train exhausted this silly sister, who took flowers to home from thousands of miles away.


  4. Hu interprets it as "no self-initiated disruptive attempts" or to be exact, "no major changes. "


  5. When I was a year of torment from nothing, I began to decline. Since then the result is the cause of it.


  6. If I didn't have air-conditioning, there is no way I would let any warm-blooded mammal near me, let alone on top of me, anyway.


  7. Every time I feel exhausted by the demands of my business, I close my eyes and dream of that house.


  8. I asked her about her life, and it was as if she rummaged around in a dusty chest to get me the answers.


  9. Look, man. bigger fish, okay? I mean, we got a bunch of zombies About to turn this town into a giant chew toy.


  1. 她经得起折腾。

    She can endure suffering.

  2. 他折腾了一宿。

    He tossed about all night.

  3. 苏珊,别折腾了。

    Susan, please.

  4. 别在折腾我了。

    Just stop hassling me.

  5. 但折腾一条鱼

    But causing a fish discomfiture.

  6. 被你折腾了呢

    Powers creations did you torture

  7. 牙疼真折腾人。

    A toothache can get you down.

  8. 亲爱的,别折腾了

    Honey, just leave it.

  9. 你赢了一些折腾?

    Did you win some toss?

  10. 牙痛折腾死我了!

    A toothache has got me down.

  11. 头痛可真折腾人。

    Headaches can cause a lot of suffering.

  12. 头痛可真折腾人。

    Headaches can cause a lot of suffering.

  13. 我折腾得你精疲力竭。

    I ran you ragged.

  14. 胃经不起那样折腾了。

    My stomach's gotten weaker.

  15. 小孩折腾了我们一宿。

    The baby kept us awake all night.

  16. 那为什么要这样折腾我?

    So why put me through this?

  17. 那为什么要这样折腾我?

    So why put me through this?

  18. 孩子们正在床上乱折腾。

    The children were thrashing around in the bed.

  19. 关节炎把她折腾得够呛。

    Her arthritis troubles her greatly.

  20. 你还陪我跑出来折腾

    in the middle of the night.

  21. 我不想再折腾自己了。

    I do not want that any more.

  22. 别折腾住院服了,出来吧

    Quit futzing with the gown. Come out here.

  23. 少了你,我们会受罪折腾。

    Without you, well flounder on the rocks.

  24. 因为萨利已经开始瞎折腾了。

    For Sally was crumbling.

  25. 你知道我心里在怎样折腾。

    You know how my mind is suffering!

  26. 她想尽一切办法折腾他。

    She does everything she can to make life difficult for him.

  27. 我太老了,经不起这种折腾了。

    I am too old to stand the racket.

  28. 你怎么一天到晚不停的折腾?

    Do you have to grunt all the time.

  29. 凑合着睡一会儿,别折腾了。

    Just try to get off to sleep for a while. Don't toss and turn restlessly.

  30. 但你还是不能这样折腾他

    Still, you got to take it easy on him.


  1. 问:折腾拼音怎么拼?折腾的读音是什么?折腾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:折腾的读音是zhēteng,折腾翻译成英文是 toss and turn; do … over and over again; cau...