







汉语拼音:jùn mǎ







  1. 良马。

    《韩非子·十过》:“ 垂棘 之璧,吾先君之宝也; 屈 产之乘,寡人之骏马也。” 唐 杜甫 《李鄠县丈人胡马行》:“丈人骏马名胡騮,前年避胡过 金牛 。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·呼嵩》:“一任我雕鞍骏马,自觅良缘。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第六章:“那匹久历沙场的骏马,抖了抖身上的汗水,又用一个前蹄在地上刨着。”



  1. ' He headed out for a cup of coffee and paused by her desk to ask, 'When my garage door was open, did you see my Hummer parked in there?


  2. With the release of the Fire Speeds, Kratos was now in the hands of the beasts, but where they would take him, he did not know.


  3. John Kirwan was a great horse-racing man, and once landed in Liverpool with a fine horse, going racing somewhere in middle England.


  4. Instead of the old horse, he was riding on a noble one. As the horse swam to the bank, the dwarf felt a change come over himself.


  5. Let me turn the beautiful steed, gallops with you in the horizon, protects not the old myth and the fable together, never withers and falls.


  6. These photos were taken with just a simple digital camera. On film it's gonna look really great! Ok, take care! -D.


  7. Cheng, which means galloping steeds , looks just like the character for horse, except that it is condensed and written three times in a row.


  8. The little toad was scarcely inside when it turned into a beautiful young lady, the turnip into a coach, and the six mice into horses.


  9. Finally, in the time of sale, the young farmer saw the son, and her black bought, care for her.


  1. 生气勃勃的骏马

    proud steeds.

  2. 骏马全速奔驰。

    The proud horse galloped at full speed.

  3. 泥塑骏马俑

    Painted horse figurine.

  4. 大唐骏马苑

    HORSE BHCKRlDmG CLUBS Datang Horse Race Club.

  5. 骏马在草原上奔驰。

    Sturdy steeds gallop on the grasslands.

  6. 骏马能使远程变近。

    Good horses make short way.

  7. 骏马惊逃,扬尘而去

    And the horse stampedes and rages

  8. 骏马怕丢,锁上马厩。

    Lock the stable before you lose the steed.

  9. 士兵骑上黑黑的骏马。

    The soldiers were mounted on fine black horses.

  10. 骏马奔驰在辽阔的草原

    Steeds gallop across the vast grasslands

  11. 我带她骑在骏马上。

    I made a garland FOR her head.

  12. 将矫健, 匀称的骏马描摹,

    In limning out a wellproportiond steed,

  13. 黑骏马成他的了。

    The black horse was his.

  14. 你能找出10匹骏马么

    Can you find the 10 horses

  15. 我的爱骑着疲惫的骏马

    The weary steed that my love was riding

  16. 瘦驹常长成骏马。

    The raggy colt often made a powerful horse.

  17. 但是骏马惊逃, 扬尘而去

    But the horse stampedes and rages

  18. 你十分需要一匹骏马。

    He are in great need of a swift horse.

  19. 骏马驰骋在辽阔的原野上。

    Fine horses gallop across the vast plain.

  20. 表情严肃的警察跨着骏马

    severelooking policemen sat astride noble horses

  21. 多用踢马剌, 骏马也变痴。

    Untimeous spur spill the steed.

  22. 后生可畏。丑驹可能长成骏马

    A ragged colt may make a good horse

  23. 他们送给他一幅骏马图。

    They sent him a painting of steeds.

  24. 牛羊骏马在这里怡然自得。

    Cattle, sheep and horses graze leisurely.

  25. 这幅骏马图画得非常精妙。

    This painting of steeds is exquisite.

  26. 图中的骏马寓意着马到成功。

    The courser in the picture means succeeding immediately upon its arrival.

  27. 喘息里,骏马跃步向前。

    A horse snorts before stepping forward.

  28. 这幅《骏马图》画得非常精妙。

    This painting of steeds is exquisite.

  29. 杭州龙骏马特种钢有限公司。

    Hangzhou Dragon Horse Special Steel Co. Ltd.

  30. 骑着一匹骏马奔赴沙场

    riding high a strong, and mighty steed


  1. 问:骏马拼音怎么拼?骏马的读音是什么?骏马翻译成英文是什么?

    答:骏马的读音是jùnmǎ,骏马翻译成英文是 fine horse; steed; gallant horse



“骏马”是个多义词,它可以指骏马(武微波创作书法), 骏马(跑得快的好马)。