








1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:qiān jūn yī fà







  • 【解释】:比喻情况万分危急。
  • 【出自】:《汉书·枚乘传》:“夫以一缕之任,系千钧之重,上悬无极之高,下垂不测之渊,虽甚愚之人,犹知哀其将绝也。”唐·韩愈《与孟尚书书》:“其危如一发引千钧。”
  • 【示例】:正在~的时刻,一位不知名的解放军战士奋不顾身跳进冰冷的河水中,救起了落水儿童。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;用于人或事十分危急


  1. It was I, " said a sailor of a Frank and manly appearance " and it was time, for you were sinking.


  2. And it was a close call in northern Texas where a pair of children nearly walked into a lightening bolt.


  3. At the last possible instant, he leaped from the train. He took two giant strides and grabbed the children.


  4. I was also curious about the sequence GATTACA, which is of course the name of a movie in which genetic destiny plays a starring role.


  5. China escaped 2008 with just a scare -- even as the rest of the world fell into recession.


  6. Is be in grave occasion, by the deep sky, wear to deafen the ear with its roar of guns, followed by the sound of the engine is more than.


  7. In Tunisia, at a critical turning point, the Army took the side of the protesters in the street: it refused to fire on demonstrators.


  8. There have been a number of close calls.


  9. The last time I saw a black cat we had the close call in the light plane.


  1. 千钧一发。岌岌可危

    Hang by a single hair

  2. 是的。那真是千钧一发啊!

    Yes. That was a close call.

  3. 那真是千钧一发, 我们很幸运。

    That was a narrow escape, we were lucky.

  4. 这或许是桩千钧一发的事。

    It would be a close thing.

  5. 消防队员在千钧一发之际赶到。

    The firemen arrived at the critical moment.

  6. 我们在千钧一发之际逃了出来。

    We just got out in the nick of time.

  7. 这真是他们千钧一发的逃走时机。

    It was indeed, high time for them to run.

  8. 他在千钧一发之际免于一死。

    He had a narrow escape from death.

  9. 在千钧一发之际解决了能源问题。

    just in the nick of time to sort things out.

  10. 不到千钧一发之际救星绝不出现。

    Rescues are invariably delayed until the moment of extreme peril.

  11. 金猴奋起金箍棒,千钧一发扫魔妖!

    Jinhou rise, Saul's golden a devil!

  12. 真是千钧一发, 因为狱卒正好过来了。

    It was time, for the jailer was coming.

  13. 于千钧一发之际获救, 勉强逃脱, 九死一生

    have a hairbreadth escape

  14. 会议纪要称,这是个千钧一发的时刻。

    The minutes say it was a close call.

  15. 他在千钧一发的紧急关头,勇敢地冲了上去。

    At the critical moment, he rushed up bravely.

  16. 我侥幸地避开了我的老师, 真是千钧一发。

    It was a narrow escape when I avoided my teacher.

  17. 是的, 他在千钧一发之际逃过那场大火。

    Yes, he escaped from the big fire at the critical time.

  18. 就是那千钧一发之际,萨拉扣动了扳机杀了金姆。

    At the very urgent moment, Sarah pulled the trigger and killed Kim.

  19. 是得,他在千钧一发之际逃过那场大火。

    Yes, he escaped from the big fire at the critical time.

  20. 真是千钧一发,不过,很幸运地,敌人找错了目标。

    It was a close call, but luckily enemy had had aim.

  21. 英雄们又一次从这个千钧一发的境地逃了出来。

    The heroes escaped that close call as well.

  22. 在这千钧一发、万分危急的时候,援军到了。

    In this moment of extreme crisis when everything was hanging by a single thread, the relief troops arrived.

  23. 从很多方面讲,全球和谐的事业依然千钧一发。

    In many ways, the cause of global harmony remains precariously poised.

  24. 就在这一秒钟里,在这千钧一发的关头,一椿奇迹发生了。

    In that second of time, at this moment of crisis, the wonderful thing occurred.

  25. 这些报道称, 美元和美国资产价值的命运处于千钧一发之际。

    The fate of the dollar and US asset values is in the balance, it is said.

  26. 包柏,那辆车差一点就撞到我们了!真是千钧一发。

    Bob, that car nearly hit us!What a close call.

  27. 乔准备好要射门时, 比赛正好进行到千钧一发的关键时刻。

    As Joe got ready to kick a goal, the result of the game hung a hair.

  28. 伊拉克的局势千钧一发, 我们今天正是在这种情况下开会的。

    The circumstances under which we are meeting today are critical for Iraq.

  29. 杰克准备好要射门时, 比赛正好进行到千钧一发的关键时刻。

    As Jack got ready to kick a field goal, the result of the game hung by a hair.

  30. 就在那千钧一发之际,林肯的父亲走过去把保尔打昏了。

    At that urgent moment, Lincoln's father came over and stunned Paul.


  1. 问:千钧一发拼音怎么拼?千钧一发的读音是什么?千钧一发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千钧一发的读音是qiānjūnyífà,千钧一发翻译成英文是 at the crucial moment



“千钧一发”是个多义词,它可以指千钧一发(《叛逃》片尾曲), 千钧一发(1949年杨工良执导电影), 千钧一发(1995年约翰·班德汉姆导演电影), 千钧一发(2007年戚健执导电视剧), 千钧一发(成语)。