







汉语拼音:zī rǎo








  1. 制造事端进行扰乱。

    清 俞正燮 《癸巳类稿·缅甸东北两路地形考》:“﹝ 缅 ﹞与我师相尾,滋扰 永昌 、 腾越 之间无寧日。” 清 林则徐 《会札澳门厅传谕义律条款》:“ 义律 率领多船,赴 九龙 滋扰,先行开礮伤我官兵。” 剑农 《武汉革命始末记》:“绅商所约者,为 清 军队申明纪律,不滋扰百姓。” 洪深 《香稻米》第一幕:“伤兵游勇短不了闯祸滋扰。”



  1. The money paid in such a settlement is often termed nuisance money.


  2. "There's a lot of wind flying about on all of this, " says an industry lobbyist in London, who does not seem terribly ruffled by it all.


  3. Any form of noise can be considered pollution if it causes annoyance, sleeplessness, fright, or any other stress reaction.


  4. In the wide spaces of eastern Europe, towns needed to be able to defend themselves against raids by Turkish or Tartar horsemen.


  5. On her frequent trips abroad, she would be mobbed by hordes of overenthusiastic fans.


  6. Though Santa Marta is no longer plagued by the kidnappings and killings that kept tourists away for decades, petty crime remains a problem.


  7. Meet the guest to talk phone or meeting visitors, should avoid to cause harassment or calls the machine first to stop after do it again.


  8. Social bookmarking : Consider e-mail to be the digital age equivalent to being hassled by petitioners with clipboards on street corners.


  9. Having just reorganized much of your life to accommodate changes, some of which were exciting and others a nuisance, you need a break.


  1. 外调滋扰补助金

    disturbance grant

  2. 流寇滋扰百姓。

    The roving bandits caused trouble to common people.

  3. 消除环境卫生滋扰。

    Abatement of Sanitary Nuisances

  4. 一些无业游民经常聚众滋扰。

    Some jobless vagrants always get together and create trouble.

  5. 一些无业游民经常聚众滋扰。

    Some jobless vagrants always get together and create trouble.

  6. 然而, 它也可能成为造成滋扰。

    However, it can also become a nuisance.

  7. 牧场上得马不断受马蝇滋扰。

    The horses in the meadow were being pestered by flies.

  8. 牧场上的马不断受马蝇滋扰。

    The horses in the meadow were being pestered by flies.

  9. 那些野餐的人受到了蜜蜂的滋扰。

    The picnickers were annoyed by the bees.

  10. 在剧院里我们受到晚来者的滋扰。

    We were disturbed by latecomers at the theatre.

  11. 越多的人被搜查, 越多无辜的人就会被滋扰。

    And the more people are searched, the more innocent people are hassled.

  12. 面对这些轻微滋扰,他沉着冷静,保持沉默。

    In these slight ruffles he retained both his composure and his reticence.

  13. 午夜时份铜锣湾的士司机造成的滋扰

    Nuisance caused by taxi drivers in Causeway Bay around midnight

  14. 黑鹂交配时不容许地盘受到外来得滋扰。

    Mating blackbirds will defend their territory against intruders.

  15. 观看演出和比赛, 不起哄滋扰, 做文明观众。

    The onlooking performs and competes, does not creat a disturbance stirs up trouble, makes the civilized audience.

  16. 您可以放心, 没有人会用任何方式来滋扰您。

    You can rest assured that no one will annoy you with any form of solicitation.

  17. 通功使用彼分开电池,出有产生任何滋扰。

    By using this separated battery, any occurred.

  18. 村民们联合起来保卫他们的家庭以防流氓的滋扰。

    The villagers banded themselves together to protect their homes from the scoundrels.

  19. 涉及歧视和滋扰案件的数量和类型正在受到监测。

    The number and type of cases involving discrimination and mobbing are monitored.

  20. 涉及歧视和滋扰案件得数量和类型正在受到监测。

    The number and type of cases involving discrimination and mobbing are monitored.

  21. 任何乘客不得吸烟, 以致对其他乘客造成滋扰或不便。

    No passenger shall smoke so as to cause nuisance or inconvenience to other passengers.

  22. 当我走出机场, 我就象被一大堆的人滋扰着。

    When I came out of the airport, I got mobbed.

  23. 管制荃湾七街重建计划的楼宇拆卸工程所造成的滋扰

    Control of nuisances caused by building demolition works for the Tsuen Wan Seven Streets redevelopment project

  24. 法官命令两名罪犯具结保证, 在一年内不滋扰生事。

    The judge bound over the two criminals to keep the peace for a year.

  25. 在这种调解中支付的费用经常被称为摆脱诉讼滋扰费。

    The money paid in such a settlement is often termed nuisance money.

  26. 在此种调解中支付的费用经常被称为摆脱诉讼滋扰费。

    The money paid in such a settlement is often termed nuisance money.

  27. 这程度可以是完整的数据安全违反与重大损失轻微滋扰。

    The extent of this can be anything from a mild nuisance to full data security breach with significant loss.

  28. 公司必须提供一个没有任何滋扰,虐待或体罚的工作环境。

    The Company will provide a working environment free of harassment, abuse or corporal punishment in any form.

  29. 这项法律是为了保护诸如邻居喧闹等滋扰行为的受害者。

    The law was designed to protect victims from nuisances such as noisy neighbours.

  30. 使用者不应在电脑上制造滋扰性噪音, 以免干扰其它使用者。

    Users should not use computers to create sound or music that may disturb other users.


  1. 问:滋扰拼音怎么拼?滋扰的读音是什么?滋扰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滋扰的读音是zīrǎo,滋扰翻译成英文是 To bother, disturb.

  2. 问:滋扰的拼音怎么拼?滋扰的的读音是什么?滋扰的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滋扰的的读音是,滋扰的翻译成英文是 mobbish

  3. 问:滋扰案件拼音怎么拼?滋扰案件的读音是什么?滋扰案件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滋扰案件的读音是zī rǎo àn jiàn,滋扰案件翻译成英文是 nuisance case

  4. 问:滋扰性袭击拼音怎么拼?滋扰性袭击的读音是什么?滋扰性袭击翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滋扰性袭击的读音是zī rǎo xìng xí jī,滋扰性袭击翻译成英文是 nuisance raid




【拼音】:zī rǎo