




1. 凉 [liáng]2. 凉 [liàng]凉 [liáng]温度低:~快。~爽。~意。~气。阴~。~丝丝。~亭。荒~。喻灰心,失望:听到这消息,我~了半截。中国西晋末年至北魏,各族统治者在西北地区建立的割据政权:五~(前、后、南、北、……



汉语拼音:bīng liáng








  1. 很凉。

    《红楼梦》第四一回:“ 刘老老 便伸手去羞他的脸,他也拿手来挡,两个对着闹。 刘老老 一下子却摸着了,但觉那老婆子的脸冰凉挺硬的,倒把 刘老老 唬了一跳。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第四幕:“你的手冰凉,你先换一换衣服。” 老舍 《四世同堂》二十:“他们呆呆的看着他。惊异,怜悯,与愤怒拧绞着他们的心,他们甚至于忘了他是躺在冰凉的地上。”



  1. Now he felt the cold whiskey breaking a warm path straight through the middle of him, growing hotter and sharper as it moved.

  2. A man stepped out into the cool dark of the bar and stood blinking, as if he had just come from the desert glare outside.

  3. He said extending his hand. I took his palm and it was freezing cold like he just stepped out of the Blue Bell Ice Cream factory's freezer.

  4. his teeth chattered, his hands were cold, violent nervous convulsions took possession of his entire body.

  5. Feeling the cold metal on his skin, he began to consider not his pain, but the pain he would cause his wife, daughters and grandchildren.

  6. Nancy was the last to say goodbye. She knelt and took Snoopy's frosted muzzle6 in her hands.

  7. She thought of Tara and it was as if a gentle cool hand were stealing over her heart.

  8. Unthinkingly , my fingers traced the crescent-shaped scar on my hand that was always just a few degrees cooler than the rest of my skin.

  9. this was one of the cold , sumptuously furnished rooms which pierre knew , leading from the visitors staircase.


  1. 纯色冰凉指甲油

    Pure Color Cool Nail Lacquer

  2. 金色冰凉花

    Adonis chrysocyathus Hook.f.et Thoms.

  3. 那么亮却那么冰凉

    Is so bright,. Wayto wipe away your tears

  4. 白昼会空虚冰凉。

    The days would all be empty.

  5. 把你冰凉的手

    to take your hand inside.

  6. 你的脸冰凉, 发白。

    Pale grew thy cheek and cold.

  7. 你的脸冰凉,发白。

    Pale grew thy cheek and cold .

  8. 还有冰凉的柠檬汁。

    And some icecold lemonade.

  9. 还有冰凉的柠檬汁。

    And some icecold lemonade.

  10. 我的饮料冰凉清爽。

    My drink is cool and refreshing.

  11. 紫是紫晶的冰凉感觉

    Purple is the cool touch of an amethyst,

  12. 那老头苍白的脸冰凉。

    The old man's waxen face was cold.

  13. 那孩子被冻得冰凉彻骨。

    The child was chilled to the bone.

  14. 白月光,那么亮,却那么的冰凉。

    White moonlight, so bright, but so cool.

  15. 我的尸体, 沉没在冰凉的海水。

    My body and sank in cold seawater.

  16. 他摸了摸耳朵,耳朵又僵硬又冰凉。

    He felt of his ears. They were stiff and cold.

  17. 我能感觉到冰凉的钢轮。

    I can feel the cold steel wheel.

  18. 我能感觉到冰凉得钢轮。

    I can feel the cold steel wheel.

  19. 想喝点什么冰凉的东西吗

    Do you want something cold to drink

  20. 冰凉的水在船边泛起泡沫。

    The icy cold water foamed over the side of the boat.

  21. 冰凉的细沙在趾间滑过

    The cold sand between my toes.

  22. 冰凉的细沙在趾间滑过。

    The cold sand between my toes.

  23. 由于发烧, 我睡觉时双脚冰凉。

    On account of the fever, my feet feel cold as ice at bedtime.

  24. 你想喝点什么冰凉的东西吗?

    Do you want something cold to drink?

  25. 冰凉的棕色泡沫溅在我的手上。

    Cool brown foam sprayed my hands.

  26. 病人四肢冰凉。但仍有微弱心跳。

    The patient's limbs were cold, but there was still a faint heartbeat.

  27. 凛冽的寒风吹得他们遍体冰凉。

    They were chilled by the icy wind.

  28. 湿润, 冰凉, 柔软的草在脚边生长

    moist, cool, soft grass growing underfoot.

  29. 他们的尖叫声吓得我浑身冰凉。

    Their screams made my blood curdle with terror.

  30. 她光着脚感到石头地板冰凉刺骨。

    The stone floor felt like ice to her bare feet.


  1. 问:冰凉拼音怎么拼?冰凉的读音是什么?冰凉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰凉的读音是bīngliáng,冰凉翻译成英文是 ice-cold

  2. 问:冰凉花拼音怎么拼?冰凉花的读音是什么?冰凉花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰凉花的读音是bīngliánghuā,冰凉花翻译成英文是 Amur Adonis Herb



《红楼梦》第四一回:“ 刘老老 便伸手去羞他的脸,他也拿手来挡,两个对着闹。