







汉语拼音:fěi bāng







  1. 有组织的匪徒或行为如同盗匪的反动政治集团。

    曲波 《林海雪原》二九:“教育群众爱国保田,帮助小分队侦察 侯殿坤 、 马希山 的下落,并宣传将来发枪成立民兵,协同解放军一网打尽 侯 、 谢 、 马 、 李 匪帮。”



  1. A year later, he accompanied Pershing as an aide on his expedition against Francisco "Pancho" Villa into Mexico.


  2. Emma Stone is the star of the new film Gangster Squad. That's not truly the star. That seems more like an ensemble piece, right?


  3. In old gangster movies there was always a dame swinging off the arm of the tough guy.


  4. A pipeline carrying gas from Egypt to Israel and Jordan has exploded after an attack by an armed gang in the north Sinai area of Egypt.


  5. Later, Ford produced V-8 model car, it is enough to make police cars far behind, when the gang also be shipped and birth.


  6. The police have done a terrific job of hounding the vicious 204th Street gang [2] , says Najee Ali, a former member of the Crips.


  7. Some refer to its growing network of graduates as the YC mafia.


  8. To the history of Gali and Bobby Rush for the drugs, by Anne Interpol intelligence these two gangs surrounded and eliminated.


  9. Meaning: . . . and expanding the size and number of armed gangs in rural areas by joining them.


  1. 抢劫财物的匪帮

    predatory groups of bandits

  2. 我被迫加入匪帮。

    I was coerced into joining the gang.

  3. 他是哪个匪帮的人?

    Whose mob is he with?

  4. 匪帮或犯罪集团的一员

    A member of a criminal gang or crime syndicate

  5. 黑社会的首领,匪帮,谋杀,阴谋。

    a Mafia boss, gang, killing, plot

  6. 我们正想法去袭击那个匪帮。

    We're thinking of a way to run at the gang.

  7. 罪犯匪帮或犯罪集团的一员

    A member of a criminal gang or crime syndicate.

  8. 强盗, 土匪强盗或土匪, 尤指违法的匪帮。

    A robber or bandit, especially one of an outlaw band.

  9. 他大胆地闯进了匪帮的屋子。

    With great hardihood he force into the room of the gangster.

  10. 他们是一伙干尽坏事的匪帮。

    They are a band of gangsters whose evil doings know no limits.

  11. 这一事件暴露了那个匪帮的秘密。

    The incident stripped the secrecy from the gang.

  12. 他是个匪帮,却想让你当英雄。

    He was in the mob, but yet he wanted you to be a hero.

  13. 猖獗一时的匪帮,曾几何时,遭到了彻底覆灭。

    The gang was on the rampage for a time, but before long it was completely overthrown.

  14. 这是匪帮去年犯的一桩最恶劣的罪行。

    It was the last crime the bandit gang committed last year.

  15. 这个匪帮声称与这次爆炸事件毫无关系。

    The gang disclaimed all responsibility for the explosion, ie said they did not cause it.

  16. 街头匪帮之间爆发了一场争夺地盘的冲突。

    A turf war erupted between street gangs.

  17. 街头匪帮之间爆发了一场争夺地盘的冲突。

    A turf war erupted between street gangs.

  18. 没有给匪帮黑鬼的天堂,这就是为什么我们去匪帮的乐土

    Aint no heaven for a thug nigga, thats why we go to Thug Mansion.

  19. 警方正在追捕这帮匪徒。

    The gang are being hunted by the police.

  20. 他回忆当时被帮匪用枪指着脑袋时的可怕情景。

    He recalls the horror of kidnappers holding a gun to his head.

  21. 努斯回忆了当时被帮匪用枪指着脑袋时的可怕情景。

    He recalls the horror of kidnappers holding a gun to his head.

  22. 警察正在追踪过去一个月里抢劫了五家邮局的一帮匪徒。

    Police are on the track of a gang that has robbed five post offices in the last month.

  23. 法西斯匪帮

    the Fascist gangsters.

  24. 巴布扎布匪帮问题之解决

    The Solution of Problem about Babdjab Bandit Gang

  25. 有股匪帮进来对这个地方开枪扫射。

    Some gang came in and shot the place up.


  1. 问:匪帮拼音怎么拼?匪帮的读音是什么?匪帮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匪帮的读音是fěibāng,匪帮翻译成英文是 bandit gang



漫画《海贼王》中的角色。 火焰坦克海贼团船长,西海出身11位超新星的其中一人,悬赏金额在香波第诸岛排行第9名,西海出身,悬赏金1亿3千800万贝里。认为违抗他的人就算是部下也杀无赦。推测是能力者,身体内部就像是一座城堡,可以把自己手下,大炮,甚至马变成迷你号然后藏在身体里,出来后会恢复原状。船员以“教父”来称呼他。