







汉语拼音:nóng chuāng






  1. The two refugees wore in rags, had sunken eyes and scores all over their arms and legs.


  2. Even the simplest operation-the removal of a single joint of a finger, the lancing of an abscess-would prove fatal.


  3. Patients who have sores that won't heal or are filled with pus should see a doctor and ask to be tested for staph infection.


  4. Liver disorders include jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumours, vascular obstruction, abscess, and glycogen-storage diseases.


  5. If infective contents enter the bloodstream, they may be carried to remote tissues, seeding new abscesses.


  6. So these key issues remain as festering problems that will not satisfy the Palestinian people.


  7. Cause skin deep abscess formation, affecting facial appearance.


  8. The breasts may become swollen, red, hard, and tender; without treatment abscesses may occur.


  9. Upture of the abscess allows the pus to escape and relieves swelling and pain.


  1. 深脓疮病毒

    Ecthyma virus.

  2. 脓疮性细菌疹

    Pustular bacterid.

  3. 感染性深脓疮

    ecthyma infectiosum.

  4. 梅毒性深脓疮

    ecthyma syphiliticum.

  5. 脓疮, 肾炎和风湿热。

    Complications may include abscess, nephritis, and rheumatic fever.

  6. 脓疮,肾炎和风湿热。

    Complications may include abscess, nephritis, and rheumatic fever.

  7. 触染性深脓疮

    contagious ecthyma

  8. 触染性脓疮性皮炎

    Contagious pustular dermatitis

  9. 马触染性脓疮皮炎病毒

    contagious pustular dermatitis of horses virus

  10. 绵羊触染性脓疮皮炎病毒

    contagious pustular dermatitis of sheep virus

  11. 医生用刺血针刺破一脓疮。

    The doctor lances an abscess.

  12. 口腔后部有一块大脓疮

    a major abscess in the back of his mouth.

  13. 我想我的牙床上有个脓疮。

    I think I have an abscess on my gums.

  14. 你想长着脓疮度过余生吗?

    Raelag You wish to spend eternity rubbing against diseased flesh?

  15. 它导致动脉阻塞和溃烂的脓疮。

    It caused arterial constriction, horrible sores and gangrene.

  16. 我敷上膏药, 脓疮迸裂, 开始痊愈。

    I applied a poultice and the abscess opened and began to heal.

  17. 你在做这个的时候,这边的脓疮

    And while you're at it, this abscess.

  18. 脓疮的, 与脓疮有关的, 或由脓疱组成的。

    Of, relating to, or consisting of pustules.

  19. 脓疮得,与脓疮有关得,或由脓疱组成得。

    Of, relating to, or consisting of pustules.

  20. 马触染性脓疮口炎病毒

    Contagious pustular stomatitis of horses virus

  21. 脓疱的脓疮的,与脓疮有关的,或由脓疱组成的

    Of, relating to, or consisting of pustules.

  22. 绵羊触染性脓疮口炎病毒

    contagious pustular stomatitis of sheep virus

  23. 生小脓疱的布满小粒点或脓疮的

    Covered with pustules.

  24. 大夫用刺血针刺破了一个脓疮。

    The doctor lanced an abscess.

  25. 蒙古族民间药材脓疮草的生药学研究

    Studies on Pharmacognosy of Mongolian Folk Drug Panzeria Alaschanica Kupr

  26. 中间有脓液的脓疮, 疖或丘疹的顶端。

    The tip of an abscess, a boil, or a pimple, in which pus forms.

  27. 脓头中间有脓液的脓疮, 疖或丘疹的顶端。

    The tip of an abscess, a boil, or a pimple, in which pus forms.

  28. 我想我的牙床上有个脓疮,这可能是严重的。

    I think I have an abscess on my gums.This could be serious.

  29. 小脓疮皮肤上充满脓液的小的发炎了的隆肿

    A small inflamed elevation of the skin that is filled with pus a pimple.

  30. 即便是牙齿长了脓疮,也没人喜欢去看牙医。

    Even with an abscessed tooth, nobody likes to go to the dentist.


  1. 问:脓疮拼音怎么拼?脓疮的读音是什么?脓疮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脓疮的读音是nóngchuāng,脓疮翻译成英文是 running sore; fester; ulcer

  2. 问:脓疮口拼音怎么拼?脓疮口的读音是什么?脓疮口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脓疮口的读音是nóng chuāng kǒu,脓疮口翻译成英文是 issue

  3. 问:脓疮草拼音怎么拼?脓疮草的读音是什么?脓疮草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脓疮草的读音是nóngchuāngcǎo,脓疮草翻译成英文是 Panzeria alaschanica

  4. 问:脓疮草属拼音怎么拼?脓疮草属的读音是什么?脓疮草属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脓疮草属的读音是nóngchuāngcǎo shǔ,脓疮草属翻译成英文是 Panzeria

  5. 问:脓疮性唇炎拼音怎么拼?脓疮性唇炎的读音是什么?脓疮性唇炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脓疮性唇炎的读音是nóng chuāng xìng chún yán,脓疮性唇炎翻译成英文是 impetiginous cheilitis

  6. 问:脓疮性痤疮拼音怎么拼?脓疮性痤疮的读音是什么?脓疮性痤疮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脓疮性痤疮的读音是nóng chuāng xìng cuó chuāng,脓疮性痤疮翻译成英文是 acne pustulosa


