




1. 径 [jìng]径 [jìng]小路;亦指道路,方法:~道。山~。捷~。途~。大相~庭(相差太远)。直,直捷了当:~直。~流。~情(任性)。~自。数学上指连接圆心和圆周的直线:直~。……



汉语拼音:xiǎo jìng









  1. Beyond the road was a thick young woods and through it a dimlighted path led a quarter of a mile.


  2. All this gave me a physical lift; I felt more energetic as I walked along the raised footpath between the river and the fields.


  3. I had continued to scroll along my path, while my eyes were still fixed at the rays around the Sun!


  4. She quitted it again, stealing away through the winding shrubberies, now just beginning to be in beauty, to gain a distant eminence.


  5. You know, we look down a dark alley or a jungle path, trying to make out a face or a creature.


  6. I pray they survive, pray that they take my guidence so I can lead them into a bright future instead of the dark path they are leading.


  7. There was an old abandoned cemetery atop the hill with rows of unmarked headstones and tangles of brushwood clogging the aisles.


  8. He rose and descended river-wards once more; then changed his mind and sought the side of the dusty lane.


  9. Having uttered these words he left the house, slowly sauntered down the garden path, and disappeared through the gate.


  1. 小径落叶松

    small diameter larch.

  2. 花园小径句

    garden path sentence.

  3. 沿小径前行

    to walk along a path.

  4. 小径人工血管

    small diameter artificial vessels.

  5. 小径通向果园。

    The path leads to the orchard.

  6. 一条泥泞小径

    a muddy path

  7. 花键轴小径

    Minor radial of splined spindle.

  8. 花园小径句式

    garden path sentences

  9. 树叶落满小径。

    Leaves strewed the path.

  10. 小径是怎么样的?

    What is the trail like?

  11. 通向童话的小径

    The path to the Fairy Tale.JPG

  12. 阳光照耀着小径

    The sun is shining on the path

  13. 婚姻是砾石小径。

    Marriage is a tarmac drive.

  14. 被惯踏的小径

    a trite path

  15. 再热器小径管

    small diameter tube of reheater

  16. 狗弄脏了小径。

    The dog's fouled the path.

  17. 长满野草的小径

    an overgrown path

  18. 蜿蜒的山间小径

    a tortuous mountain track

  19. 小径分岔的花园

    The Garden of Forking Paths

  20. 耙平花园的小径。

    Rake the garden paths smooth.

  21. 耙平花园得小径。

    Rake the garden paths smooth.

  22. 他穿过森林小径。

    He threaded the paths of the fore st.

  23. 小径上落叶满铺。

    The path was bestrewn with fallen leaves.

  24. 花朵点缀在小径上。

    Flowers fringe the path.

  25. 树林里幽暗的小径

    a shadowy path through the woods

  26. 小径由此转向上坡。

    The path ascends from here.

  27. 林荫小径图片壁纸

    Desktop Wallpaper of Green Pathway

  28. 这条小径布满荆棘。

    The path bristled with thorns.

  29. 小径向下通往村庄。

    The path led downwards to the village.

  30. 小径开始陡峭而上。

    The path started to ascend more steeply.


  1. 问:小径拼音怎么拼?小径的读音是什么?小径翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小径的读音是xiǎojìng,小径翻译成英文是 Alley, bypath; track; path

  2. 问:小径管拼音怎么拼?小径管的读音是什么?小径管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小径管的读音是xiǎo jìng guǎn,小径管翻译成英文是 small-bore

  3. 问:小径油缸拼音怎么拼?小径油缸的读音是什么?小径油缸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小径油缸的读音是xiǎo jìng yóu gāng,小径油缸翻译成英文是 miniature bore cylinder

  4. 问:小径传感器拼音怎么拼?小径传感器的读音是什么?小径传感器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小径传感器的读音是xiǎo jìng chuán gǎn qì,小径传感器翻译成英文是 small-bore pick-up

  5. 问:小径元件盒拼音怎么拼?小径元件盒的读音是什么?小径元件盒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小径元件盒的读音是xiǎo jìng yuán jiàn hé,小径元件盒翻译成英文是 small diameter component cask

  6. 问:小径试验器拼音怎么拼?小径试验器的读音是什么?小径试验器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小径试验器的读音是xiǎo jìng shì yàn qì,小径试验器翻译成英文是 small-bore tester

  7. 问:小径禁止通行拼音怎么拼?小径禁止通行的读音是什么?小径禁止通行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小径禁止通行的读音是xiǎojìng jìnzhǐ tōngxíng,小径禁止通行翻译成英文是 Do Not Take a Byway.