







汉语拼音:kǒng dào







  1. 大道;通道。

    汉 扬雄 《太玄·羡》:“孔道夷如,蹊路微如,大舆之忧。” 范望 注:“大道平易,舍而不从,而从蹊径,故为忧也。”《汉书·西域传上·婼羌国》:“﹝ 婼羌国 ﹞去 阳关 六千三百里,辟在西南,不当孔道。” 王先谦 补注引 王念孙 曰:“孔道犹言大道,谓其国僻在西南,不当大道也……《説文》曰:‘孔,通也。’故大道亦谓之通道,今俗语犹云通衢大道矣。” 元 李治 《敬斋古今黈·史书》:“ 师古 曰:‘孔道者,穿山险而为道,犹今言穴径耳。’此又误矣。孔道止谓大道也。前言‘辟在西南’,故后言‘不当大道’。” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·偕计》:“兹奉严君而同上公车,须别慈母而载驰孔道。” 彭湃 《海丰农民运动》第一节:“次日就到一个 龙山庙 的面前的大路去,此路乃是 赤山约 、 北笏约 、 赤岸约 、 河口约 交通的孔道,每日都有无数农民在此经过。”

  2. 指地道。

    唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·瞿萨旦那国》:“罗汉将去,谓其人曰:‘从后七日,当雨沙土,填满此城,略无遗类,尔宜知之,早图出计。’……此人心知必然,窃开孔道出城外而穴之。第七日夜宵分之后,雨沙土满城中。其人从孔道出,东趣此国,止 媲摩城 。”

  3. 必经之道;四通八达之地。

    宋 文天祥 《海船诗序》:“自狄难以来,从 淮 入 浙 者必由海,而 通 为孔道也。”《明史·忠义传·张春》:“ 天启 二年, 辽 东西尽失,廷议急边才,擢 山东 僉事, 永平 、 燕建 二路兵备道。时大军屯 山海关 , 永平 为孔道,士马络绎,关外难民云集。” 清 钮琇 《觚賸·雪遘》:“ 六奇 世居 潮州 ,为 吴观察 道夫 之后,略涉诗书,躭游卢雉,失业荡产,寄身邮卒,故於关河孔道、险阻形胜,无不諳熟。” 章炳麟 《<社会通诠>商兑》:“至于都会,地当孔道,则五方杂错,民族不纯,祠堂之制,视之蔑如也。” 郭小川 《长江组歌·双虹颂》:“西边一座桥,东边一座桥,成了沟通南北的交通孔道。”

  4. 由 孔子 倡始的儒家之道。

    唐 韩愈 《进学解》:“昔者 孟軻 好辩, 孔 道以明,辙环天下,卒老于行。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·十四年的“读经”》:“我总相信现在的阔人都是聪明人;反过来说,就是倘使老实,必不能阔是也。至于所挂的招牌是佛学,是 孔 道,那倒没有什么关系。”



  1. Smaller length of monolith and larger channel width decrease the regeneration time of the whole monolith .


  2. Repeat with a four channel tape and the number of patterns goes up to sixteen.


  3. They delivered an electric pulse to the cells, making tiny holes in the surface through which plasmids can slip inside.


  4. In this paper, hierarchically porous materials are referred to those materials containing both micropore and mesopore.


  5. The superfluid is capable of flowing through narrow capillaries and channels that are impervious to most gases and certainly to all liquids.


  6. However, further increase in mesopore size led to a decrease in the reaction rate, which is due to low surface area of the MOF material.


  7. Objective To investigate the long-term outcomes of myocardial revascularization by low energy laser-induced transmyocardial channelling.


  8. Then the surfactant removal leads to materials of organized cage-like pore structure and tailored porosities and of large surface areas.


  9. This also involves a nanopore in an AHL protein, but the DNA strand does not pass through the nanopore intact.


  1. 孔道闭合度

    channel closure.

  2. 孔道状垒结

    channel fabric.

  3. 微孔道效应

    microchannel effect.

  4. 多级孔道硅胶

    hierarchical silica.

  5. 喷火孔道直通火山口的熔岩通道

    An eruptive passageway opening into the crater of a volcano.

  6. 预应力钢束孔道灌油技术的应用

    The application of filling grease in the prestressed tendons

  7. 结果表明大孔道参数法识别大孔道是行之有效的。

    The method is thus named the parameter method for large pore paths,whi.

  8. 预应力孔道真空吸浆技术在灌浆中的应用

    Application of prestressed conduit vacuum grout suction technology to grout pouring

  9. 一端的孔道被封住, 整体式样类似棋盘。

    All channels are then closed in one end , to produce a chessboard like patter

  10. 线夹内带有并列的数量至少为二的夹线孔道。

    The inner part of the line clip is provided with at least two line clamping tunnels which are arranged in parallel.

  11. 这些孔道也有助于空气轻易地透进泥土里面。

    These tunnels also serve to help the air move more easily through the soil.

  12. 示踪剂试验证实了地层大孔道的存在。

    In has been verified by tracer test that there are channels in some reservoirs.

  13. 示踪剂试验证实了地层大孔道得存在。

    In has been verified by tracer test that there are channels in some reservoirs.

  14. 若用四条孔道带,孔型数就会增加到16种。

    Repeat with a four channel tape and the number of patterns goes up to sixteen.

  15. 丙酮被充入钢瓶,彻底填满填充物材料的孔道。

    Acetone is charged into the cylinder and completely fills the pores of the filler material.

  16. 喇嘛甸油田大孔道电测特征及其识别方法研究

    Research on the Electrometric Characteristic and Identifying Method of Bighole in Lamadian Oil Field

  17. 结块分子筛的机械性能大大下降,孔道内有油和结焦。

    Mechanical property of agglomerated molecular sieve decreased greatly and there were oil and coke, in it.

  18. 结块分子筛得机械性能大大下降,孔道内有油和结焦。

    Mechanical property of agglomerated molecular sieve decreased greatly and there were oil and coke, in it.

  19. 三氧化二砷诱导线粒体通透性转变孔道开放的机制研究

    Mechanism of Opening of Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore Induced by Arsenic Trioxide

  20. 中间满布通气孔道的地下茎,横生于水底淤泥中,称藕。

    Horizontal and airpocketed rhizomes grow in mud under water.

  21. 低温低渗透砂岩油藏窜流大孔道深部封堵技术研究

    Plugging Indepth Macroporous Flowage Channels in Low Permeability and Low Temperature Sandstone Reservoirs

  22. 然后,他将这捆东西塞进竖井地底的一个小金属孔道中。

    Then, he stuffs the whole bundle into a small metal porthole in the base of the silo wall.

  23. 并对介孔分子筛孔道内表面活性剂去除进行了相关研究。

    Some relative researches for the removal of surfactant in the chunnel of molecular sieves were investigated.


  1. 问:孔道拼音怎么拼?孔道的读音是什么?孔道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔道的读音是kǒngdào,孔道翻译成英文是 an only passage providing access to a place...

  2. 问:孔道区拼音怎么拼?孔道区的读音是什么?孔道区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔道区的读音是kǒng dào qū,孔道区翻译成英文是 pore region

  3. 问:孔道奇拼音怎么拼?孔道奇的读音是什么?孔道奇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔道奇的读音是Kǒngdàoqí,孔道奇翻译成英文是 Kondacs

  4. 问:孔道狭窄拼音怎么拼?孔道狭窄的读音是什么?孔道狭窄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔道狭窄的读音是kǒng dào xiá zhǎi,孔道狭窄翻译成英文是 arctation

  5. 问:孔道罗夫拼音怎么拼?孔道罗夫的读音是什么?孔道罗夫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔道罗夫的读音是Kǒngdàoluófū,孔道罗夫翻译成英文是 Kondaurov

  6. 问:孔道探测杆拼音怎么拼?孔道探测杆的读音是什么?孔道探测杆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔道探测杆的读音是kǒng dào tàn cè gān,孔道探测杆翻译成英文是 rodding dolly


