


1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……





汉语拼音:tōng xìng








  1. 共性。

    郭沫若 《集外·七请》:“文艺中的几个部门:诗、小说、戏剧、杂文……它们有它们的通性,然而各有它们的个性。” 谢觉哉 《不惑集·“做概念的游戏”》:“人们接触事物,认识事物的某些通性,如对夏枯草、龙胆草、益母草……等,得到草的概念。”



  1. Regionality and commonality do not conflict, just as they are your left hand and right hand.


  2. and, carrying out a second WAT process to test the electrical continuity of the first metallization layer.


  3. The switch wire harness must be disconnected before testing switch continuity.


  4. So too will I apply this principle to the goods I sell. Salesman and goods, different from all others, and proud of the difference.


  5. One of the generalities most often noted about Americans is that we are a restless, a dissatisfied, a searching people.


  6. In this he was different from the generality of his countrymen.


  7. This article discusses the internal cause permeability and unity of Cauchy inequality in different fields.


  8. This method has the spatially localized, oriented, and bandpass, and is a self-adaptive signal statistical method.


  9. There are several models of its different properties of different models, but the same transparency.


  1. 穿通性骨瘤

    osteoma perforans.

  2. 穿通性眼外伤

    penetrating ocular injuries

  3. 排外是人的通性的!

    Xenophobia is the transparency of the people!

  4. 穿通性鼻部毛囊炎

    folliculitis nares perforans

  5. 关于弧连通性的一些推广

    Some generalizations for the arcwise connectedness

  6. 从电离角度了解酸的通性。

    From the perspective of understanding of ionizing acid common gender.

  7. 穿通性弹力纤维性假黄瘤

    perforating pseudoxanthoma elasticum

  8. 后车门电动车窗开关导通性

    Rear Door Power Window Switch Continuity

  9. 足部穿通性溃疡和隐性脊柱裂

    mal perforans and spina bifida occulta

  10. 不过仍有一些通性,值得你叁考。

    However, here are some principles that you might find useful.

  11. 这些电影为各种分界提供了共通性

    The films provided communality across all manner of divide.

  12. 脐周穿通性弹力纤维性假黄瘤

    periumbilical perforating pseudoxanthoma elasticum

  13. 英汉诗歌语音表意功能的通性

    A Comparative Study of the Stylistic Effects Produced by the International Usage of Sound in English and Chinese Poems

  14. 测量了孔的选通性和稳定性。

    Gating ratio and hole stability were also measured.

  15. 分析与代数内通性的几个简单应用

    Simple applications of the connection of analysis and algebra

  16. 因此,比较文学研究应从共通性转向差异性。

    So the comparative literature research should turn from commonness to difference.

  17. 关于锥有效点集连通性的一点注记

    A Note to the Connectedness of Cone Efficient Point Set

  18. 在这方面,他与他同胞的通性是不相同的。

    In this he was different from the generality of his countrymen.

  19. 核实需要测量导通性的部件没有通电。

    Make sure there is no power to the component being measured.

  20. 核实需要测量导通性得部件没有通电。

    Make sure there is no power to the component being measured.

  21. 在测试导通性之前必须断开开关线束。

    The switch wire harness must be disconnected before testing switch continuity.

  22. 关于有限维代数的单连通性和基本群

    On Simple Connectedness and Fundamental Groups of Finitely Dimensional Algebras

  23. 大气噪声条件下海上短波通信可通性研究

    Research on the Feasibility of Shortwave Communication at Sea under the Condition of Atmosphere Yawp

  24. 同时,成员国要大力提高其经济政策的共通性。

    Meanwhile, Member States were to make significant progress towards economic policy convergence.

  25. 目得分析穿通性角膜移植术后患者得屈光状态。

    Objective To study status of ametropia after penetrating keratoplasty.

  26. 研究结果显示三种类型团体的共通性与独特性。

    The Results reflected both commonality and uniqueness of the three types of groups.

  27. 目的分析穿通性角膜移植术后患者的屈光状态。

    Objective To study status of ametropia after penetrating keratoplasty.

  28. 其有多种型号,不同的型号性能各异,但通性相同。

    There are several models of its different properties of different models, but the same transparency.

  29. 包括音乐在内的中日两国文化具有一定的共通性。

    China and Japans culture including music has homology.

  30. 通性词的只有一个名词同时适用于男性和女性的。

    Having only one form of the noun for both the male and the female.


  1. 问:通性拼音怎么拼?通性的读音是什么?通性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通性的读音是tōngxìng,通性翻译成英文是 common gender

  2. 问:通性的拼音怎么拼?通性的的读音是什么?通性的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通性的的读音是,通性的翻译成英文是 epicene

  3. 问:通性名词拼音怎么拼?通性名词的读音是什么?通性名词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通性名词的读音是tōng xìng míng cí,通性名词翻译成英文是 epicene


拼音:kuàng zhí注音:ㄎㄨㄤˋ ㄓㄧˊ粗犷耿直。矿,通“ 犷 ”。《金史·贺扬庭传》:“ 世宗 喜其刚果,谓 扬庭 曰:‘南人矿直敢为。’”