




1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……



汉语拼音:biàn zhuǎn








  1. 变更,转变。

    《易·繫辞上》“生生之谓易” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“阴阳变转,后生次於前生,是万物恒生,谓之易。”

  2. 指变声转调。

    隋 李孝贞 《听百舌鸟》诗:“间关既多绪,变转復无穷。” 唐 杜甫 《秋日夔府咏怀奉寄郑监李宾客一百韵》:“法歌声变转,满座涕潺湲。” 唐 李岑 《东峰亭各赋一物得栖烟鸟》诗:“变转对朝阳,差池栖夕烟。”

  3. 变换。




  1. This control system uses speed mode, changing torque by calculating diameter automatically.


  2. kHz ? both the constant torque and variable torque applications


  1. 只是说一下, 并没有让系统变转的可能性。

    Just to state, that there is NO possible chance of bricking the system.

  2. 提出了一种滑模变结构滚转驾驶仪得设计方法。

    Sliding mode control method for the design of roll autopilot was proposed.

  3. 提出了一种滑模变结构滚转驾驶仪的设计方法。

    Sliding mode control method for the design of roll autopilot was proposed.

  4. 墨水染污了绳索转而变干

    Forgotten words and bonds And the ink stains that have dried upon some lines

  5. 不需要变着花样转,保持在腰间转动呼啦圈就可以了。

    No fancy moves required, either. Simply keep it going around your waist.

  6. 所以即使地球自转速度变慢了 那个钟依然会准时的

    So even with the slowing of the rotation of the earth and so on, the clock will keep perfectly good time.

  7. 当裂缝传至土体上部时,传播角会向上盘偏转而变大。

    When approaching the upper part of stratum, the rupture bends towards the hanging wall block with a larger angle.

  8. 变转矩控制

    variation torque control.

  9. 害怕她会变得不屑,我转过身去不理她。

    Being afraid that she may become disdainful, I turn my back upon her.

  10. 遗产,继承如通过不可更变的继承而移转某物

    Something transmitted as if by unalterable inheritance.

  11. 实时完成卷径自动计算的变转矩,速度控制模式。

    This control system uses speed mode, changing torque by calculating diameter automatically.

  12. 舆论向左转变

    a leftward swing in public opinion

  13. 你的心念怎麽转,怎麽变,就生出怎样的境界来。

    The mental state will be created based on how your mind turns and varies.

  14. 正因为如此,这些经济数字在转好之前会变得更糟。

    Because of this, the economic numbers are likely to get worse before get better.

  15. 随着这一转变得开始,传来得也并非都是坏消息。

    The news isn't all bad as this shift begins.

  16. 新闻媒体对这一转变得忽视使损失得严重程度更加复杂。

    Inattention to this shift by the news media compounds the severity of the loss.

  17. 随着天转暖,白天也变长了。

    The days are drawing out as it's getting warmer.

  18. 环转可变电容

    endless variable capacitor.

  19. 转矩流变仪

    torque rheometer.

  20. 变焦转绘仪

    zoom transferscope.

  21. 转接饰变假说

    adaptor modification hypothesis

  22. 转基因食品 何必谈虎色变

    Open The Veil of GM Food

  23. 哈克转矩流变仪

    HAAKE torque rheometer

  24. 不想变硬颈,得转转转,两边转!

    Do not wanna turn into the hard neck, rotate, and rotate on both side!

  25. 当风向转北时, 天变冷了。

    When the wind shifted to north, it began to get cold.

  26. 通用可变支架, 平衡。可回转。聚焦容易。

    High stability bench stand with integral focus, dimmable substage illumination.

  27. 把帆转到船这边来,风向变了。

    Bring the sails over, the wind has changed.

  28. 变频调速异步电动机的转差率

    Slip of Induction Motor with Frequency Speed Control

  29. 可是这位总理话锋一转, 气氛顿变。

    But then the Premier introduced a jarring note.

  30. 当风向由南转北时,天变冷了。

    When the wind shifted from south to north, it began to get cold.