


1. 少 [shǎo]2. 少 [shào]少 [shǎo]数量小的,与“多”相对:多~。~量。~许。缺,不够:缺~。减~。不经常:~有。~见。短时间:~等。~候。~顷。丢,遗失:屋里~了东西。轻视:“且夫我尝闻~仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义者,如……




古代官署名:太常~(古代掌管宗庙礼仪的官署)。鸿胪~(略同于现代的礼宾司)。佛教出家人居住的地方:佛~。~观(guàn )。伊斯兰教徒礼拜、讲经的地方:清真~。……



汉语拼音:shào lín sì






  1. 佛教禅宗和少林派拳术的发源地。在 河南省 登封县 西 少室山 北麓, 后魏 太和 二十年建。

    隋文帝 改名 陟岵 , 唐 复名 少林 。寺西有塔林及 唐 宋 以来的砖石墓塔218座。寺右有面壁石,西北有 面壁庵 ,相传即 达摩 面壁九年处。参阅《清一统志·河南府·寺观》。参见“ 少林拳 ”。



  1. Chang Cheh who has taken notice of him in the meantime gives him a short-lived role in SHAOLIN TEMPLE.


  2. The website administrator called the police, and said the website was inaccessible now. It will take 2-3 days to recover.


  3. "We are trying to spread the temple's values of Shaolin and Buddhism more widely, " he says.


  4. I've been a lot of places but being at the Shaolin Temple has brought a tear to my eye. Buddha blessed.


  5. In a scene for a Chinese TV series, stuntmen portray Shaolin monks battling bandit gangs during the Qing dynasty.


  6. For much of its history, the temple was essentially a wealthy estate with a well-trained private army.


  7. When he moved to the temple from a devoutly Buddhist family in 1981, Yongxin learned to add kungfu moves to his meditation.


  8. The film is the first since Jet Li's to be allowed to shoot on location in the Shaolin Temple.


  9. Shi has made a name for himself and the Shaolin temple by establishing at least five businesses using the Shaolin name in the past decade.


  1. 少林寺拳法

    Shaolin Temple Boxing.

  2. 少林寺大雄主殿

    Main Hall of Shaolin Temple

  3. 少林寺僧侣佛事活动。

    Religious activities of the buddhists in Shaolin Temple.

  4. 少林寺初祖庵大殿

    Main Hall of Chuzu Convent in Shaolin Temple

  5. 天下第一名刹少林寺

    Shaolin Temple, the first famous temple under the sun

  6. 抗倭僧兵少林寺僧?少林派僧?

    Buddhist Soldier of Resistance Against Japan Buddhists in Shaolin Monastery Buddhists of Shaolin School

  7. 你们以为这里是少林寺吗?

    Think this is some Shaolin temple?

  8. 少林寺为什么如此重视网络呢?

    Why does the monastery attach so much importance to the Internet.

  9. 贫僧乃少林寺方丈, 法号梦遗。

    Monk of deficient is Shaolin Temple abbot, law order nocturnal emission.

  10. 贫僧自幼出家,在少林寺修道。

    I entered into religion and have practiced doctrine in the Shaolin Temple since my childhood.

  11. 贫僧自幼出家,在少林寺修道。

    I entered into religion and have practiced doctrine in the Shaolin Temple since my childhood.

  12. 少林寺方丈眼中的普京总统

    President Putin in the Eyes of the Abbot of Shaolin Temple

  13. 昨天我们参观了少林寺的大雄宝殿。

    Yesterday, we visited Daxiong temple hall of Shaolin Temple.

  14. 昨天我们参观了少林寺的大雄宝殿。

    Yesterday, we visited Daxiong temple hall of Shaolin Temple.

  15. 这套刀法是少林寺的高僧传授的。

    This swordsmanship set is taught by a senior monk at the Shaolin Temple.

  16. 这套刀法是少林寺的高僧传授的。

    This swordsmanship set is taught by a senior monk at the Shaolin Temple.

  17. 少林寺有1500年之久,有很伟大的历史。

    The Shaolin Temple is 15 hundred years old and has a great history.

  18. 河南有个很著名得地方叫做少林寺。

    There is a famous place called Shaolin Temple in Henan.

  19. 河南有个很著名的地方叫做少林寺。

    There is a famous place called Shaolin Temple in Henan.

  20. 在清朝,朝庭的军队摧毁了南方少林寺。

    In the Qing dynasty, the army destroyed the South Shaolin Temple.

  21. 邺下高僧对少林寺和少林武术的贡献与影响

    Discuss contributions of monks from Yexia Temple to the development of Shaolin Temple and Shaolin Wushu

  22. 张先生的公司使用少林寺秘方, 生产好的产品。

    Mr Zhang's company makes good products, using a Shaolin temple formula.

  23. 论明清时期少林寺拳法的发展与传播

    Development and Spread of Shaolin Boxing during the Ming and the Qing Dynasty

  24. 我在少林寺花50元买了本九阴真经!

    I have bought nine real overcast classics 50 yuan in flower of temple!

  25. 保护,传播少林医药文化,也是近年来少林寺的重点。

    The Shaolin temple also stresses preservation of Shaolin medicine.

  26. 少林寺白衣殿清代壁画一一少林观武图

    Painting of Watching Gongfu Performance, a painting of the Qing Dynasty in the White Clothing Hall of Shaolin Temple

  27. 因为, 古代一个禅师离开了少林寺, 到了南方的少林寺。

    Because an ancient Zen master got from the Shaolin Temple to the southern Shaolin Temple.

  28. 我今天去了少林寺,看到了许多穿着直裰的僧人。

    I went to the Shaolin Temple today, and saw many monks wearing loose robes.

  29. 在古代的时候, 有一个少林寺的方丈到外地化缘。

    In ancient times when there is a Shaolin abbot of appealing to the field.

  30. 新少林寺高清版在线观看这也是失去的意义吧。

    This is also the significance of losing it.


  1. 问:少林寺拼音怎么拼?少林寺的读音是什么?少林寺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:少林寺的读音是Shàolínsì,少林寺翻译成英文是 The Shaolin Temple

  2. 问:少林寺塔林拼音怎么拼?少林寺塔林的读音是什么?少林寺塔林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:少林寺塔林的读音是,少林寺塔林翻译成英文是 Pagoda Forest at Shaolin Temple