


1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……





汉语拼音:nǚ tóng







  1. 谓少女。

    汉 刘向 《列女传·楚处庄侄》:“有一女童,伏于帜下,愿有謁于王。”《汉书·外戚传下·孝成许皇后》:“女童入殿,咸莫觉知。”

  2. 称未成年女子。

    《西游记》第五九回:“ 行者 上前迎着,合掌道:‘女童,累你转报公主一声。’”



  1. She asks if he tries to impress girls by making them glow in the dark, but he tells her that he needs it for his work with rocks.

  2. (New York Daily News) Adorable "Slumdog Millionaire" star Rubina Ali is back in the news - but not for her acting skills.

  3. Sexual abuse during conflict is just one of many ways women and girls are brutalized and denied their fundamental rights, he said.

  4. Last week protesters prompted him to cancel a speech in which he was to have highlighted the fears of a nine-year-old girl in urban poverty.

  5. In addition, during the week before the child developed symptoms, her mother purchased chickens from a local market.

  6. Understanding the concept of a nation's female characters is essential to understanding the root of girls dropping out of school.

  7. But ethnicity combined with poverty can be a barrier: two-thirds of out-of-school girls around the world belong to ethnic minority groups.

  8. Nevertheless, two out of every three children not in school are girls; and two out of every three illiterate adults are women (UNESCO 2003).

  9. The boy told the television hostess about his uncertain future, whereas the girl was full of enthusiasm for her life.


  1. 涤棉女童裙

    terylene shirt for girls.

  2. 农村留守女童

    Unattended girls.

  3. 加入幼女童军

    to join the Brownies

  4. 美国女童军

    Bsa. Scouting. Org Girl Scouts of the USA.

  5. 女童入学率

    ratio of primary school attendance for girls.

  6. 偏带女童鞋

    Mary Jane.

  7. 男女童入学率

    school attendance rate for boys and girls.

  8. 世界女童军协会

    World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

  9. 男孩是男童军。女孩是女童军。

    Boys are Scouts. Girls are Brownies.

  10. 全棉灯芯绒男女童裤

    Cotton corduroy trousers for boys and girls

  11. 诱拐和绑架妇女和女童

    Abduction and kidnapping of women and girls

  12. 教育和训练妇女和女童

    ? Education and training of women and girls

  13. 女童闷死校车内。

    Girl suffocates in locked school bus.

  14. 什色麻棉男女童裤

    RC colored trousers for boys and girls

  15. 什色麻棉男女童套装

    RC colored suits for boys and girls

  16. 什色麻棉男女童衬衫

    RC colored shirts for boys and girls

  17. 女童军是爱护动物的。

    Girl Scout is a friend to animals.

  18. 女童睡衣裤或长睡衣或睡袍

    Girls pajamas or nightshirts or robes

  19. 女童长裤, 宽松裤和短裤

    Girls slacks or trousers or shorts

  20. 什色涤棉卡其男女童裤

    terylene cotton colored drill trousers for boys and girls

  21. 您是女童军或童子军吗?

    Are you a Girl Scout or a Boy Scout?

  22. 条绒布或斜纹布女童马裤

    little girls corduroy or twill jodhpurs

  23. 女童异物性阴道炎182例

    Clinical Analysis of Foreign Bodies Colpitis in Premenarche in 182 Girls

  24. 什色涤棉卡其男女童套装

    terylene cotton colored drill suit for boys and girls

  25. 突然,一女童喘鸣,哭了。

    In a trice, a girl stridor, cried.

  26. 女式或女童长纺针织袜

    womens or girlsfulllength hosiery

  27. 女式或女童中统针织袜

    woments or girlskneelength hosiery

  28. 对妇女和女童的暴力行为

    Violence against women and girls

  29. 女童装, 裙子, 纱丽服或和服

    Girls dresses or skirts or saris or kimonos

  30. 保护和促进妇女和女童的健康

    Protecting and promoting the health of women and girls


  1. 问:女童拼音怎么拼?女童的读音是什么?女童翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女童的读音是nǚtóng,女童翻译成英文是 A girl.

  2. 问:女童军拼音怎么拼?女童军的读音是什么?女童军翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女童军的读音是,女童军翻译成英文是 Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting

  3. 问:女童子军协会拼音怎么拼?女童子军协会的读音是什么?女童子军协会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女童子军协会的读音是Nǚtóngzǐjūn Xiéhuì,女童子军协会翻译成英文是 Girl Guides Association