


求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……



汉语拼音:qǐng diào






  1. 请求调动工作。

    《中国妇女》1984年第11期:“‘我想在目前这场经济改革中当一个探路的石子,这个石子将会掷地有……’ 李毓芬 在请调报告中这样写道。”《经济日报》1985.1.13:“在最近半年内,已有三人调走,四人办了调动手续,还有六人提出正式申请,请调人员已占全厂技术人员的三分之二强!”



  1. When you are ready to begin execution on the thread, call the System. Threading. Thread. Start method.


  2. To determine whether a field is allowed to be Null, call IsFieldNullable.


  3. Duty officer, now the ship is listing to starboard side, please try to make upright, ok?


  4. With your new Counter object defined, you call the increment method and then emit the Counter value using your getter method.


  5. The number of participants in short-term summer programs has swelled, as has the interest in courses at more exotic locales.


  6. Before you take photos, please adjust the focus of your camera.


  7. Please dim the lights, they are a bit too bright.


  8. Method when you change the cell or row error text to ensure that the current value is displayed in the control.


  9. To change all the user settings back to the last saved settings, call the Reset method.


  1. 请调低声音。

    Sound down, please.

  2. 请调一下室内天线。

    Please adjust the antenna.

  3. 请调到五频道。

    Please switch to channel 5.

  4. 请调一下收音机得声音。

    Please regulate the sound of the radio.

  5. 请调一下收音机的声音。

    Please regulate the sound of the radio.

  6. 请调一下那个收音机得音量。

    Please regulate the sound on that radio.

  7. 请调一下那个收音机的音量。

    Please regulate the sound on that radio.

  8. 请调一下兔耳形室内天线。

    Please adjust the rabbit ears.

  9. 请调一下音量。请把音量关小一点好不好?

    Please adjust volume. World you pleaseyurn it down a little?

  10. 电脑显示器得对比度太低了, 请调高一些吧。

    The contrast of the computer screen is too low, please adjust it.

  11. 电脑显示器的对比度太低了,请调高一些吧。

    The contrast of the computer screen is too low, please adjust it.

  12. 电脑显示器的对比度太低了,请调高一些吧。

    The contrast of the computer screen is too low, please adjust it.

  13. 古典调频电台是我的最爱,请调到那个频段。

    Classic Fm is my favorite, please tune it in.

  14. 如果那时一个高能量的地方, 请调高你的能量水平。

    If it is a high energy place, increase your own energy level.

  15. 那么就请您调一下音量吧。

    Please adjust the volume.

  16. 这时钟慢了,请你调一下好吗?

    Will you please adjust the clock? It's slow.

  17. 请把盘子调一下。

    Please change the plates over, ie exchange their positions.

  18. 请把椅背调直。

    Please put your seat back upright.

  19. 请把音量调大些。

    Turn it up, please.

  20. 请把音量调低些。

    Please turn the volume down.

  21. 请把桌子调个头。

    Please turn the table end for end.

  22. 请把它调低一些。

    Please tam the radio down. It's too loud.

  23. 请把煤气调小一些。

    Please turn down the gas.

  24. 请把电视机调到4频道。

    Please tune the television set to channel 4.

  25. 请把座椅调回原位。

    Please put your seat back to the upright position.

  26. 请把电视机调到四频道。

    Please tune the television set to Channel 4.

  27. 请将电视机调到第五频道。

    Please tune the television set to Channel 5.

  28. 请把收音机调回到另外那个节目。

    Please switch the radio back to the other program.

  29. 请不要假定调用方是受信任的而编写不安全的代码。

    Class. Do not write insecure code by assuming the caller is trusted.

  30. 电视上正在播放一个有趣得节目, 请把声音调大点儿。

    There is an interesting programme on TV. Please turn up.


  1. 问:请调拼音怎么拼?请调的读音是什么?请调翻译成英文是什么?

    答:请调的读音是qǐngdiào,请调翻译成英文是 ask for a transfer