







汉语拼音:zhē yīn






  1. 见“ 遮荫 ”。



  1. Here she had a comfortable back room, looking over a collection of back yards in which grew a number of shade trees pleasant to see.


  2. love is towering tree leaves, the height of summer was extremely hot, ready to spit out the cool shade, autumn , quietly closed.


  3. A hat with a wide brim can help shade your eyes and protect your face from the sun.


  4. Pick out the main building layer, constitute the body from the sun, has a lower energy saving shade space.


  5. Light: Grow jade vine in full sun with some shade at midday. It performs best where its roots are in the shade and its top in the sun.


  6. The sun shone on him pitilessly, by day-only the king night gave him shade.


  7. It became an impromptu cafe for at least five runners and their crew, who stopped under the shade for lunch.


  8. The shaft was shaped to let in the morning and evening sun but throw shade over the seedling at midday.


  9. The ants build their nests in form of mounds in almost any type of soil, but prefer open, sunny areas or partially shaded ones.


  1. 遮阴减少了光合产物

    shading to decrease photosynthate production

  2. 给予或形成阴影的遮阴的

    Affording or forming shadeshady.

  3. 大树呈拱形遮阴了小道。

    Tall trees arched over the path.

  4. 遮阴方法对茶树短穗扦插的影响

    Influences of Shading Methods on Single Node Cutting of Tea Plant.

  5. 她在海滩伞的遮阴下在岸边阅读。

    She read by the water under the shade of a beach umbrella.

  6. 由于适应性,叶片能适应向阳或遮阴的条件。

    In fact, leaves may adapt to sun or shade as a result of acclimatization.

  7. 遮阴对四川野生狗牙根生理特性的影响

    Effects of Shade Stress on Physiological Indices of Native Bermuda Grass in Sichuan.

  8. 遮阴对园艺园林树种光合特性的影响

    Research Progress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Horticulture and Landscape Tree Species under Shading Condition.

  9. 创造良好的遮阴条件,可有效地减少日灼。

    Making a good shading of the bag can effectively reduce sunburn.

  10. 遮阴对红松幼苗生长及光合特性的影响

    Effect of Shading on the Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Pinus koraiensis.

  11. 遮阴对不同品种玉米叶片形态和功能的影响

    Effects of Shading at the Whole Growth Stage on the Leaf Morphology and Function of Different Maize Varieties.

  12. 研究遮阴对黄精光合特性和蒸腾速率的影响。

    Objective To study the characteristics and immunological activities of the polysaccharides from Polygonatum sibiricum.

  13. 基质和遮阴对真藓群落栽培成活率的影响研究初报

    The Infection from Growth Base on the Survival Rate of Bryum Community

  14. 其主要孳生地是遮阴良好的沟溪、甘蔗地和香蕉地。

    Well shadowed crooks and ditches, sugarcane and banana fields were the main breeding places of An. anthropophagus.

  15. 攀援植物苦瓜对遮阴和外界支持物的形态可塑性反应

    Effects of Shading and External Mechanical Supporting on Morphological Plasticity of Climbing Plant Momordica Charantia

  16. 为了遮阴避阳,他们在甲板上做了个小型的竹棚子。

    For shelter, they made a small bamboo hut on the deck.

  17. 过了一会儿,我们在一些白杨树下面找到了一个遮阴的地方。

    After a while, we find a shady place under some poplar trees.