




1. 许 [xǔ]2. 许 [hǔ]许 [xǔ]应允,认可:~可。允~。特~。承认其优点:赞~。嘉~。预先答应给与:~诺。女方接受男方求亲:~配。~嫁。以身相~。或者,可能:也~。或~。处,地方:何~人。表示约略估计的词:几~。少~。这样:……



汉语拼音:jiù xǔ






  1. 也许,或许。

    曹禺 《原野》第一幕:“回头?不,那你千万别! 大星 就许回了家。”



  1. If you are sure you are ready to begin studying, make a commitment.


  2. Instead, the screen gives a sense of anonymity and security that ensures that individuals tend to engage more easily.


  3. Star light, star birght, The first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight.


  4. When campaigning for a second term in an election last year, he promised that power companies would be next.


  5. Death is inevitable, it's God's promise made to each of us at birth.


  6. DURING his campaign, Barack Obama promised to end two wars.


  7. The fool, from the first day start which starts, perhaps under the promise, I only marry you!


  8. Vow from the start and a


  1. 她才满十岁就许配人了。

    She was betrothed to her husband when she was only ten.

  2. 但他以前就许过类似的承诺。

    But similar promises have been made before.

  3. 只要我不完全放弃音乐,她就许我不弹钢琴。

    She let me quit piano as long as I never quit music entirely.

  4. 我喜好在他弹吉他的时辰, 就如许谛视着他。

    I like to stare at him when he play guitar.

  5. 主人选定她归自己,若不喜欢她,就要许她赎身。

    If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself, he must let her be redeemed.

  6. 就向流星许个愿望,让你知道我爱你。

    Looking to make a wish on the meteor to let you know I love you.

  7. 她父亲在她年幼时就把她许配给一个男孩。

    Her father betrothed her very early to a boy.

  8. 要是她自己的品性跟模样一样好, 就把她许给我吧!

    Give me Jude, if her conduct was only equal to her looks!

  9. 她父母在她年幼时就把她许配给邻村的一个小男孩。

    Her parents betrothed her to the boy of the neighboring village.

  10. 你如果那样做了,出于神的怜悯你就能得永生。这就是应许。

    Do and by God's mercy you will live for ever. That's a promise.

  11. 今天下午刚刚赶到上海, 许先生就赶去了殡仪馆。

    This afternoon just rushed to Shanghai, Mr. Xu hurried to the funeral parlor.

  12. 如果他还如许做, 就要遭到处罚。

    Should he act like that again, he would be fined.

  13. 你给孩子许了愿就千万不要食言。

    You should never go back on your promise to a child.

  14. 我们要相信神在这里所应许的一切, 神就会成全这应许。

    Let us believe all that God here promises, and God will do it.

  15. 你许了诺言, 就一定要兑现。

    If you make a promise, it should be carried out.

  16. 如许, 测量值就不具备遍及性或靠得住性了。

    Such, measured value does not have catholicity or reliability.

  17. 妻子和仙女都感到非常的失望,但是许了的愿就要实现它。

    The wife, and the fairy, were deeply disappointed, but a wish is a wish.

  18. 许老太太在生日那天就收到了一大笔钱。

    Granny Xu got a whole pile of money for her birthday.

  19. 遗赠物如何将会一般的电不需要杰克威尔许就进展

    The Legacy How Will General Electric Fare Without Jack Welch

  20. 他不要报酬,只要许他白坐船,又管饭就行。

    He would offer himself as a cook or servant, in payment of his passage and meals.

  21. 许教授那时还是个学生,就已经为报刊杂志写小说了。

    Professor Xu, at that time a student, wrote poems and stories for newspapers and magazines.

  22. 从开炮以后, 只有许先生绕道去过一次, 别人就没有去过。

    Since the Japanese bombardment of Shanghai only Mrs. Lu Xun has made a detour to visit the tomb, but no others have ever been there.

  23. 这个人就是许真君。

    This man was Xu Zhenjun.

  24. 我就不许上岸了?

    Must I not go ashore?

  25. 不许动!否则就开枪了。

    Don't move, or I'll shoot.

  26. 就如许定了政策,散了会。

    Thus the policy was decided and the meeting over.

  27. 你许下诺言, 你就应该坚持。

    You have made a promise and you should stick to it.

  28. 如果许下诺言就应该履行。

    If you make a promise you should fulfil it.

  29. 吃不完早饭就不许看电视。

    No television until you eat up your breakfast.

  30. 一旦许下诺言, 就不要翻悔。

    Once you have given your word, do not try to back out.



就许 jiùxǔ [perhaps]副词,表示不很肯定;也许 没准儿他今儿就许来了