




1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……



汉语拼音:xún si








  1. 思索;考虑。

    《后汉书·循吏传·刘矩》:“民有争讼, 矩 常引之於前,提耳训告,以为忿恚可忍,县官不可入,使归寻思。讼者感之,輒各罢去。” 唐 白居易 《南池早春有怀》诗:“倚棹忽寻思,去年池上伴。”《三国志平话》卷上:“ 仲相 低头寻思半晌,终不晓其意。”《古今小说·羊角哀舍命全交》:“ 角哀 寻思:‘我若久恋,亦冻死矣;死后谁葬吾兄?’”《醒世姻缘传》第十八回:“ 晁大舍 道:‘这是什么小事情么?可也容人慢慢的寻思。’” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十六:“﹝ 祥子 ﹞一边走着一边寻思,莫非人和厂倒出去了?”



  1. When I knew I was going to come and speak to you, I thought, "I got to call my mother. "


  2. He wondered how her hair would feel to his touch, how the curve of her back would fit his hand, how she would feel underneath him.


  3. She thinks for just a moment, her eyes full of possibilities, and then whispers two words: fried pork.


  4. I wondered how I would look back on my life once I reached Nicholas's age, so I asked him, "What was the best time of your life? "


  5. She figured that she could slip away15 in the crowd then. But she knew she should at least attempt the letter.


  6. I wondered silently if it was too late to shut the door and pretend I had never opened it.


  7. I exclaimed, still not knowing that this poster was not advertising for a one-of-a-kind product.


  8. I try to ask myself why I care so much what other people think of me, where they will place me on the lose-o-meter.


  9. I saw she was on the phone as I approached and expected to wait a minute or two.


  1. 让我寻思寻思再说。

    Let me think it over first.

  2. 我寻思她到底在哪儿。

    I wonderwhere she could be.

  3. 凯瑟琳寻思了一会儿。

    Catherine thought for a moment.

  4. 她寻思,人生是短暂的。

    She reflected that life is short.

  5. 马克寻思着怎样越狱。

    Mark took thought how to escape from prison.

  6. 你寻思寻思这事该怎么办。

    Think over what to do about it.

  7. 我寻思着,没停下脚步。

    I thought, without stopping.

  8. 不要再寻思希望和恐惧。

    And brood on hopes and fears no more.

  9. 你开始寻思,有什么意义呢

    You start thinking, What's the point?

  10. 我寻思如何让读者身临其境。

    And I began to think about how I could communicate this in book form.

  11. 她寻思着他是否能够找到他。

    She wondered whether he could get hold of him.

  12. 她寻思着他是否能够找到他。

    She wondered whether he could get hold of him.

  13. 寻思多日以求解答这个问题

    Beat about for days in search of an answer to the problem

  14. 迈克尔寻思他父亲的组织。

    Michael thought about his father's organization.

  15. 他们精神不正常吗,他寻思着。

    Were they out of their minds, he wondered.

  16. 我睡不着, 只顾躺着寻思, 心猿意马。

    I lay awake thinking and mind jumping around.

  17. 我寻思多日以求解答这个问题。

    I beat about for days in search of an answer to the problem.

  18. 同学们笑着,开始寻思着有趣的话题。

    Everyone laughed and I could see the students start to think of questions to ask.

  19. 他在寻思如何才能把问题解决好。

    He is pondering how to solve the problem.

  20. 他们会怎么解决那个问题?他寻思着。

    How would they get over that problem, he wondered?

  21. 他就寻思如何得便,把耶稣交给他们。

    And he sought how he might conveniently betray him.

  22. 她沉默片刻,寻思着抨击他的话语。

    She went quiet for a moment while she summoned up the words to lash him.

  23. 男人寻思,下次不能再这样问了。

    The man thinks over, cannot ask so again next time.

  24. 他寻思那一年的玉米收成好不好。

    He wondered how the corn was going to stand that year.

  25. 我寻思他们明天会想出什么借口。

    I wonder what excuse they will dream up tomorrow.

  26. 我寻思他们明天会想出什么借口。

    I wonder what excuse they will dream up tomorrow.

  27. 我们寻思着下个四月举行婚礼可好。

    We were wondering about next April for the wedding.

  28. 他寻思了半天, 眉头一皱, 计上心来。

    He thought to himself for a while. He knit his brows heavily and at last a plan was born in his heart.

  29. 就能思考着同一的思想,让我寻思寻思再说。

    Who think the same thoughts Let me think it over first.

  30. 一刹那间我寻思自己是否正在犯错误。

    For just a minute I wondered if I wasn't making a mistake.


  1. 问:寻思拼音怎么拼?寻思的读音是什么?寻思翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寻思的读音是xúnsi,寻思翻译成英文是 ponder



xún sī北方俚语。意为:琢磨。心里琢磨。想;思索;考虑。