




1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:yìn fā






  1. 盖印后发出。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·保甲·保甲之制》:“其烟户十家门牌,各保正汇齐,送保长查明,呈县印发。”

  2. 印刷并散发。

    李瑛 《<诗选>自序》:“我们组织社团活动,我们秘密印发传单。”



  1. He would print up certificates just like the Chinese ones, decree death for anyone who refused them, and all his problems would be solved.


  2. Several hundred of these little blue slips I had printed up, a few days after Ray's death.


  3. Off the web there have been a pair of sporadic print newspapers, a couple of documentary films and at least three books.


  4. We hereby print and distribute to you. Please carry them out in light of your actual situation.


  5. It's traditionally a time of celebration, and if a coffee brand could "own" this, it would be a license to print money.


  6. That may explain why, for a period around 1916, you could carry your cash to Washington, D. C. , to have it washed, ironed, and reissued.


  7. New and up - to - date techniques on television are matched by old-style personal pamphlets issued by the individual candidates.


  8. Each session of Olympic games will print and release stamps in honor of every champion.


  9. If this were the case, then most third-world economies would have eliminated poverty by now through printing large quantities of money.


  1. 现印发给你们

    be formulated and hereby distributed

  2. 这些都是正式印发的文件。

    These are published as formal documents.

  3. 他们迫使政府印发更多的钞票。

    They drove the Government to printing more money.

  4. 该报告应不得迟于4月15日印发。

    The report should be issued no later than15 April.

  5. 结果于2001年10月印发了一份报告。

    The outcome was a report issued in October2001.

  6. 他们印发内部季刊与会员保持联系。

    They keep in touch with their members by issuing a quarterly newsletter.

  7. 印发了这方面的许多手册和课本。

    Many handbooks and textbooks from this field have been printed.

  8. 每星期都要印发这么多的油印材料

    issued so many memos each week.

  9. 警察印发出其不意行凶抢劫者得形象拼图。

    The police issued an identikit picture of the mugger.

  10. 警察印发出其不意行凶抢劫者的形象拼图。

    The police issued an identikit picture of the mugger.

  11. 本清单包括2009年10月15日前要印发得文件。

    This list includes documents to be issued by15 October2007.

  12. 本清单包括2009年10月15日前要印发的文件。

    This list includes documents to be issued by15 October2009.

  13. 现将该标准印发给你们,请遵照执行。

    Give you this standard print and distribute now, ask comply with to carry out.

  14. 文件编印状况将作为本报告的增编印发。

    The status of documentation will be issued as an addendum to the present report.

  15. 既然门票如此走俏, 为什么不多印发些呢?

    Why don't they print and distribute more tickets since tickets are so badly needed ?

  16. 交通部以通知的形式印发了此份纪要。

    The ministry released the meeting summary in form of a circular.

  17. 在12月,办事处印发了这次讨论会的报告。

    In December, the Office published the report of the seminar.

  18. 本说明的印发时间反映了进行协商所需时间。

    The timing of the issuance of this note reflects the need to carry out consultations.

  19. 一览表和解释性说明将以本报告增编印发。

    The chart and explanatory note will be issued in an addendum to the present report.

  20. 印发关于规范体外诊断试剂管理的意见的通知

    Notice on Issuing Opinions on Standardizing Administration of Extraccorporal Diagnosis Reagents

  21. 出版物将以英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文印发。

    The publication should be issued in English, French, Russian and Spanish.

  22. 现印发给你们, 请结合自身实际, 认真贯彻落实。

    We hereby print and distribute to you. Please carry them out in light of your actual situation.

  23. 该新闻处还协助安排采访和印发每日新闻稿。

    It also assisted in organizing interviews and the issuance of daily press releases.

  24. 文件管理工作涉及文件提交、处理和印发的全过程。

    The management of documentation covers the whole process of submission, processing and issuance.

  25. 平时常印发一些佛教教义互相赠阅或免费发放。

    Usually issued in a number of Buddhist teachings often mutually complimentary or free distribution.

  26. 关于印发优化失业保险经办业务流程指南的通知

    Notice on Issuance of Guidelines for Optimizing Unemployment Insurance Operational Procedures

  27. 印发关于造林质量事故行政责任追究制度的规定

    Rules on the System of Investigating and Fixing Administrative Liabilities for Afforestation Quality Accidents

  28. 秘书处对一些文件未能及时印发得原因作了说明。

    The secretariat indicated the reasons for the late issuance of some documents.

  29. 秘书处对一些文件未能及时印发的原因作了说明。

    The secretariat indicated the reasons for the late issuance of some documents.

  30. 我已要求将该宣言作为安全理事会正式文件印发。

    I have requested that declaration to be circulated as an official document of the Security Council.


  1. 问:印发拼音怎么拼?印发的读音是什么?印发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印发的读音是yìnfā,印发翻译成英文是 print and distribute




拼音:yìn fā 基本解释 [print and distribute] 印刷发行 对每年像洪水似地印发的货币感到吃惊 详细解释 1. 盖印后发出。 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·保甲·保甲之制》:“其烟户十家门牌,各保正汇齐,送保长查明,呈县印发。” 2. 印刷并散发。 李瑛 《<诗选>自序》:“我们组织社团活动,我们秘密印发传单。”