


1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……





汉语拼音:kàn guān






  1. 亦作“ 看倌 ”。话本和小说中对听众和读者的称呼。

    宋 罗烨 《醉翁谈录·小说开辟》:“举断模按师表规模,靠敷演令看官清耳。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷一:“看官有所不知,假如人家出了懒惰之人,也就是命中该贱。” 清 李渔 《意中缘·大意》:“作者明言虚幻,看倌可免拘牵。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·<竖琴>前记》:“小说,是供‘看官’们茶馀酒后的消遣之用的。”



  1. Tell me what you do not know whether to feel good like it?


  2. If see an officer definite to try to enlarge to contract oneself of the words of nostril, please turn to carry, don't play to depend on!


  3. Hopefully for you, the next meal will be in the family home as you are accepted.


  4. Still, no African-American rap music to corrupt the young, at least.


  5. The amusement and thinking are to be arisen by the works themselves.


  6. With the World Cup soccer tournament underway in South Africa, a couple of things for the science-interested audience to watch for.


  7. Good Afternoon and thank you for reading my Blog.


  8. everybody, look at LuoXiaoxiao carefully, WHAT IS HER DOING ?


  9. The above is my must be humble see, writing clumsy, everyone please give directions.


  1. 看官别以为我们能够得到相应的赔偿。

    Do not think we can get the same value compensation with the house.

  2. 看官,你的灵魂的了,我要告诉你们的矿井。

    Tell me what your soul's made of, and I'll tell you about mine.

  3. 中午好各位看官,谢谢你们阅读我的博客。

    Good Afternoon and thank you for reading my Blog.

  4. 各位读这篇文章的看官,我必须拜托你们考虑到这一点。

    Of him who shall find this paper I must beg a little consideration.

  5. 故事说到这里,列位看官您先别急,咱下回再做分解。

    That is it for today. Dear readers, if you want to know what happens next, read the next chapter.

  6. 故事说到这里,列位看官您先别急,咱下回再做分解。

    That is it for today. Dear readers, if you want to know what happens next, read the next chapter.

  7. 不是对乔布斯不尊重, 但是列为看官, 你认为谁才是真的英雄?

    No disrespect to Steve Jobs, but who is the real hero?

  8. 你也决不要看我在在验尸官那里看过的照片

    And you must never look at the photos I've seen at the coroner's office

  9. 我看这种人是官越做得高,反就越造得大。

    I think the higher the office these types hold, the greater their treachery.

  10. 在面试前, 设身处地的从面试官的角度去看问题。

    Before the interview, put yourself in the interviewer's shoes to see things from their perspective.

  11. 检查官看了。

    The district attorney looked at the door.

  12. 这个主考官看上去很严肃。

    The examiner looks very serious.

  13. 它看起来象足了原版执政官。

    It really is like the original archon.

  14. 主考官看了看打印好的材料,微笑着走向小张。

    Official ofofexamination reads dozen of printed material, smiling to move toward Xiaozhang.

  15. 你可以看到官网上有卷轴的讯息,也是这么说的。

    You can also see the scrolling news about this on the site.

  16. 废话。我看过有关死刑执行的报道,验尸官宣布他当场死亡。

    That's crap. I read the stories on the execution, and the coroner pronounced him dead spot.

  17. 治安官!你肯定想看看这个

    Sheriff! Youre going to want to see this!

  18. 检疫官好的,让我看一下。

    InspectorOK, let me have a look.

  19. 下官去看看巧儿醒了没有。

    Descend the officer sees Qiao son wake up have no.

  20. 长官,你看起来要去参加万圣节。

    You're all set for Halloween, then, sir.

  21. 即使是长官也没多看他们一眼。

    Even the serjeant did not spare them more than a quick glance.

  22. 晓看红湿处, 花重锦官城。

    Morning and I see a damp redness on the branches, laden down with flowers.

  23. 你可以搜痘全赃官网看看精细引见。

    He has just come out of smallpox.

  24. 于是他看开了人生, 舍官隐居修行。

    With this realization, he quit his position and exiled himself for cultivation.

  25. 是的,长官!你肯定会在那看到我的。

    Aye, aye, Sir! You'll definitely see me there.

  26. 据我看, 形势比一些人强, 甚至比大官强。

    In my opinion, circumstances are more powerful than individuals, even than high officials.

  27. 从宋代官私书目看小说观念的变迁

    The Development of the Conception of Short Story from the Perspective of Bibliotheca in the Song Dynasty

  28. 我们的船舰看到千年鹰号了, 长官

    Our ships have sighted the Millennium Falcon, lord.

  29. 首席执行官们哀叹看不清前景已成为时尚。

    It is fashionable for chief executives to bemoan a lack of visibility.

  30. 长官,这是哈得逊河 我什么都看不见。

    Sir, it's the Hudson. Nothing is visible.


  1. 问:看官拼音怎么拼?看官的读音是什么?看官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看官的读音是kànguān,看官翻译成英文是 A respectful ancient phrase used to mention aud...



看官 kàn ɡuān [reader] 亦作“ 看倌 ”。话本对听众和小说中对读者的称呼。 宋 罗烨 《醉翁谈录·小说开辟》:“举断模按师表规模,靠敷演令看官清耳。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷一:“看官有所不知,假如人家出了懒惰之人,也就是命中该贱。” 清 李渔 《意中缘·大意》:“作者明言虚幻,看倌可免拘牵。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·〈竖琴〉前记》:“小说,是供‘看官’们茶馀酒后的消遣之用的。”