




1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……



汉语拼音:yǔn luò








  1. 谓星体或其他物体从上坠落下来。

    清 姚鼐 《宝扇楼后记》:“俯仰斯楼,循玩吾言,感念国恩之无穷,将有漼然不知泣涕之陨落者已。” 杨朔 《铁骑兵》二:“星群脱离轨道,一定要损落,八路军掉队了,却能自动地打游击。” 童恩正 《五万年以前的客人》一:“ 顺治 二年五月,有巨星自东陨落于 粤 。红光烛地,声如雷鸣。”

  2. 死的婉称。

    汉 应劭 《风俗通·正失·封泰山禅梁父》:“《传》曰:‘五帝圣焉死,三王仁焉死,五伯智焉死。’其陨落崩薨之日,不能咸至百年。” 冰心 《悼郭老》:“他并没有陨落,他永远不会陨落。”



  1. There is no denying that hard times are still going to occur, as you cannot otherwise experience the decline and fall of your civilization.


  2. If I can with you together, I'd rather possessory starlight flop, because your eyes , the sunshine of my life.


  3. The wind with you be neither friendly nor aloof, leave the pity is not hit, falling of our memories.


  4. In order to please her, Pushkin had to stop writing, and run heavily into debt. The great writer finally died of a duel for her.


  5. But if western banks have been turned upside down, in Asia, precisely the opposite has happened: they have been turned downside up.


  6. R&B star Aaliyah only did two movies in her very short life, and there's no doubt she left us way too soon.


  7. Messages lamented the loss of her talent at the age of 27 and said her legend would live on.


  8. Simultaneously also is a world that religion falls from the sky, that the value is nihility, and that the significance loses.


  9. he saw a star fall from the sky and disappear, and this was the symbol of himself.


  1. 一旦巨星陨落

    And if you fall as Lucifer fell

  2. 星星就将陨落

    The stars are about to fall.

  3. 黑暗国王的陨落

    Fall of the Black King

  4. 星辰由天际陨落。

    The stars fall out of the sky.

  5. 北极星也许会陨落

    He north star may die

  6. 天堂都在陨落!我们如何?

    The heavens are falling down! What about us?

  7. 为什么天上的星星会陨落?

    Why do stars fall down from the sky?

  8. 它也许是天边陨落的星星。

    It may be the stars Fallen from above.

  9. 有多少英雄名噪一时,瞬间陨落。

    The number of reputable hero, an instant fall.

  10. 倘若所有的星星消失或陨落。

    Were all stars to disappear or die.

  11. 星星爱上地球,注定只有陨落。

    The stars falls in love with the Earth, destining to only wither.

  12. 音乐界的一颗巨星陨落了。

    A superstar of the musical circles passed away.

  13. 那是陨落的流星吗,物鲁德?

    Is that a falling star, trude?

  14. 陨落的神的标示, 被装饰在粪便里

    Icons of fallen gods, decorated in excrement

  15. 完结,在黑夜中陨落,并永远消失了。

    Concluded, dropt in the night, and was gone.

  16. 民族体育是体育领域中永不陨落的星。

    The national sports is a star in sports domain forever in China.

  17. 可是当彗星陨落, 谁会忍心掉首不顾?

    But who takes off his eyes from a comet when that breaks out ?

  18. 那童年里梦幻世界的一个星星陨落了。

    The one of stars of my dreamlike world of my childhood was get down!

  19. 总的来说,泰坦陨落是一款很有乐趣的游戏。

    At the end of the day, titanfall is just fun to play.

  20. 园丁集27欢乐像露珠一样脆弱,在笑声中便会陨落。

    The Gardener 27 Pleasure is frail a dewdrop, while it laughs it dies.

  21. 另一个西方对未来的过气观点也会因此陨落。

    Another Western shibboleth about the future will thereby fall.

  22. 你见到过同时陨落的流星在半空中互相吸引吗?

    Have you seen two meteors mutual attracting in midair of simultaneously falling?

  23. 他像一颗闪亮的流星,划破暗夜的天空,很快就陨落了。

    He is like a shining star, piercing the night sky, and soon falls from the sky.


  1. 问:陨落拼音怎么拼?陨落的读音是什么?陨落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陨落的读音是yǔnluò,陨落翻译成英文是 fall from the sky; die

  2. 问:陨落星辰拼音怎么拼?陨落星辰的读音是什么?陨落星辰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陨落星辰的读音是,陨落星辰翻译成英文是 Falling Skies

  3. 问:陨落物体拼音怎么拼?陨落物体的读音是什么?陨落物体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陨落物体的读音是yǔn luò wù tī,陨落物体翻译成英文是 Decayed Object


