




1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……



汉语拼音:zhuì luò








  1. 下落;掉落。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·归心》:“星有坠落,乃为石矣。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·汪越》:“瞬息至一处,马一跃而逝,与人皆不见, 越 坠落草中。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第五四章:“没有光的残月,已经坠落下去。”

  2. 衰败;没落。

    宋 叶适 《中奉大夫太常少卿直秘阁致仕薛公墓志铭》:“初,公在 真州 ,有倡 单 ,流涕言其祖仕先朝为諫臣长,坠落致此,无面见日月。”



  1. The famous chandelier, with its thou sand lights, broke away from its ropes and crashed down on to the people below.


  2. One witness said: "We do not know why . . . the beginning of the sudden, doves falling one by one, followed by groups of 10 or 20 (fall). "


  3. I knew we were going to crash. The question was: how close to the buildings were we going to be. Honestly.


  4. For good measure, a Russian - made bomb fell (but did not explode) into a vegetable field in Georgia.


  5. Shortly after it arrived, he said, passengers from the downed flight began to come aboard the ferry.


  6. The children trampled over the fallen petals, and where it had been crushed that tender silk turned darker, like a human bruise.


  7. Down came the giant with a terrible crash, and that was the end of him.


  8. Thousands of people began to call in, swamping the 911 dispatchers with reports of sonic booms and metal falling out of the sky.


  9. He thought that this aerolite was a lucky thing so he came to the place that the aerolite landed and found the plate.


  1. 坠落动力学

    falling dynamics.

  2. 坠落星辰碎片

    Shard of the Fallen Star

  3. 黑鹰坠落纪实

    The True Story Of Black Hawk

  4. 坠落的残骸, 碎片

    falling debris

  5. 当星星开始坠落

    When the Stars Begin to Fall

  6. 飞机向地面坠落。

    The airplane fell towards the earth.

  7. 黑鹰坠落军刀部队

    Delta Force Black Hawk Team Sabre

  8. 飞机坠落后的残骸

    the wreckage of the plane after the crash

  9. 献给坠落的神,献给坠落的天使。

    Seven, is for the plunging of gods, is for the fallen angel.

  10. 坠落在荣耀之光中

    Shot down in a blaze of glory

  11. 我坠落, 我冻结, 我屈膝祈求。

    I fall, I freeze, I pray down on my knees.

  12. 模型飞机失控坠落下来。

    The model plane got out of control and crashed.

  13. 当我坠落,你让我重生。

    You make me rise when I fall.

  14. 坠落,不过是一念之间。

    It's not hard to fall.

  15. 这架飞机坠落在海里。

    The plane crashed into the ocean.

  16. 合上书本优雅地坠落,

    To close the book and gracefully decline

  17. 献给坠落得神, 献给坠落得天使。

    Seven, is for the plunging of gods, is for the fallen angel.

  18. 那些飞机被击中起火坠落。

    The airplanes were shot down in flames.

  19. 露水云雀,满口的,坠落声。

    lemongrass, dewlarks, full draught of, fall thud.

  20. 以免断裂成块,坠落下来。

    instead of breaking off into separate members and failing.

  21. 为什么他们翱翔, 而别人坠落?

    Why do they soar when others sink

  22. 却选择当一个坠落天使。

    But when a fall. Choose angels.

  23. 请不要走向深渊和坠落。

    Please do not fall into the abyss.

  24. 下冰雹时坠落的小冰球

    small pellets of ice that fall during a hailstorm

  25. 由于地心引力, 人类终将坠落。

    Human beings are destined to fall beacuse of gravity.

  26. 他在莫斯科城边界坠落了

    He went down just outside Moscow City limits.

  27. 宛如她袖中的毒药, 天使坠落。

    Like the poison in her arm.

  28. 如果我怠慢或粗心,我会坠落。

    If I am inattentive or careless, I will fall.

  29. 我们将坠落到某个热带岛屿

    we're gonna crash on some tropical island.

  30. 损坏的飞机垂直坠落于地上。

    The damaged aircraft plummeted down to earth.


  1. 问:坠落拼音怎么拼?坠落的读音是什么?坠落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坠落的读音是zhuìluò,坠落翻译成英文是 fall

  2. 问:坠落伤拼音怎么拼?坠落伤的读音是什么?坠落伤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坠落伤的读音是zhuì luò shāng,坠落伤翻译成英文是 injury by falling

  3. 问:坠落陨石拼音怎么拼?坠落陨石的读音是什么?坠落陨石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坠落陨石的读音是,坠落陨石翻译成英文是 Meteorite fall



“坠落”是个多义词,它可以指坠落(克里斯托弗·派克著图书), 坠落(蔡健雅歌曲), 坠落(Harvester Games出品电脑游戏), 坠落(词语释义)。