


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng shù







  1. 前面所叙述的。多用于文章段落或条文等结尾。

    邓小平 《坚持四项基本原则》:“上述的政治和经济形势,使全党有可能把工作重点从今年起转移到社会主义现代化建设上来。”



  1. Try at your own risk, I am not recommending the above BIOS settings for your rig, just trying to shed some light on these bios settings.


  2. The audits of 11 suppliers so far followed a meeting in August as the coalition prepared to release a sharply critical report.


  3. A field audit investigation might have been conducted in relation to cases falling within the above categories.


  4. In the case of at least one proposal reportedly included in the Senate package, bipartisan support actually seems to prove the opposite.


  5. The biblical account suggests that, in that era at least, this was a standard post-conflict resolution of property questions.


  6. China's market for international travel is expected to grow by 17 per cent a year over the next decade.


  7. Make a list of superstars that you think is unobtainable and then land one of them.


  8. The goal should not be to restrict business, to cap the size of companies or to vindictively cut profit margins.


  9. If you've tried the steps above and still can't seem to get a good night's rest, talk to your doctor about other options.


  1. 鉴于上述情况

    In light of the above

  2. 根据上述理由

    for the above reasons.

  3. 达到上述目标

    achieve the aforementioned objectives

  4. 上述哪一個正確?

    Which one of those two is correct?

  5. 上述注释的总称

    the Midrash

  6. 上述信息的编辑

    A compilation of such information.

  7. 上述中任一/ 无一

    any/ none of the above

  8. 上述论点值得推敲。

    The argument just mentioned deserves elaboration.

  9. 本规范涵盖上述规范。

    TurboLinux. Spec file Specification or RPM HOWTO or Maximum RPM.

  10. 持上述旗帜的旗手

    A soldier bearing such a flag or pennant.

  11. 绞死处以上述之绞刑

    To execute by garrote.

  12. 应考虑到上述因素。

    The above factors are taken into account.

  13. 对上述订单,请取消。

    Please countermand our order for same.

  14. 财经否认了上述传言。

    Caijing has denied the rumours.

  15. 露茜符合上述所有要求。

    Lucie met every requirement.

  16. 上述反应称为二级反应。

    The above reaction is called secondorder reaction.

  17. 回应上述冲动的行为

    an act or acts performed in response to such an impulse

  18. 柳枝上述树木的细枝

    A twig of one of these trees.

  19. 请确认承保上述货物。

    Would you please confirm that you hold the consignment covered.

  20. 上述策略仍只是空中楼阁。

    The above scheme is still in nubibus.

  21. 领取上述许可证无须缴费。

    No fee is payable for the issue of such permit.

  22. 旭光否认了上述指控。

    The company dismissed the allegations.

  23. 上述报价的货物已售謦。

    The item offered above is running out.

  24. 上述有些事情是合理的。

    Some of that is legitimate.

  25. 上述目标是可以实现的。

    The above goals are attainable.

  26. 上述报价两周内有效。

    This quotation is subject to acceptance within two weeks.

  27. 上述股份均受禁售限制。

    The shares are subject to sale restrictions.

  28. 注上述收费可予调整。

    Note The above charge is subject to revision from time to time.

  29. 上述装置也称为圆锥摆。

    The present device is also called a conical pendulum.

  30. 不代表上述的努力不重要。

    This doesn't mean that this advice is unimportant.


  1. 问:上述拼音怎么拼?上述的读音是什么?上述翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上述的读音是shàngshù,上述翻译成英文是 above-mentioned; foregoing; aforementioned

  2. 问:上述的拼音怎么拼?上述的的读音是什么?上述的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上述的的读音是shàng shù de,上述的翻译成英文是 above-named

  3. 问:上述军官拼音怎么拼?上述军官的读音是什么?上述军官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上述军官的读音是shàng shù jūn guān,上述军官翻译成英文是 Above Named Officer

  4. 问:上述绞刑拼音怎么拼?上述绞刑的读音是什么?上述绞刑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上述绞刑的读音是,上述绞刑翻译成英文是 garotte

  5. 问:上述罪行拼音怎么拼?上述罪行的读音是什么?上述罪行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上述罪行的读音是shàngshùzuìxíng,上述罪行翻译成英文是 aforesaid offense

  6. 问:上述之绝食拼音怎么拼?上述之绝食的读音是什么?上述之绝食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上述之绝食的读音是,上述之绝食翻译成英文是 ramadan

  7. 问:上述参电中所需之信息拼音怎么拼?上述参电中所需之信息的读音是什么?上述参电中所需之信息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上述参电中所需之信息的读音是shàng shù cān diàn zhōngsuǒ xū zhī xìn xī,上述参电中所需之信息翻译成英文是 Information Requested in above Referenced Mes...




【读音】shàng shù

