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1. 号 [hào]2. 号 [háo]号 [hào]名称:国~。年~。字~。指人除有名、字之外,另起的别称:别~(如“李白,字太白,~~青莲居士”)。标志:记~。排定的次序或等级:编~。~码。扬言,宣称:~称(a.名义上是;b.以某名著称……
汉语拼音:xùn hào
谢雪畴 《老虎团的结局》:“黄昏时候,突击部队进入阵地,等待总攻击的讯号。” 李钧龙 《野林古风》:“‘妈,我洗澡去啰!’她故意大声地对屋内的母亲喊道,其实是给潜伏在芭蕉林里的人发讯号:‘我来了!’”
So far, the only signals detected are bursts of radiation from stars and a murmur of background noise left over from the big bang.
到目前为止唯一侦测到的讯号是行星辐射爆发,和宇宙大霹雳之后的背景低声杂音。Sometimes the street locations just floated up and down on the screen, as if the satellites were being buffed around in their orbits.
有时候GPS的屏幕上街道的位置上下浮动,好像轨道上的卫星(讯号)减弱,正在缓冲似的。As digital signals are more robust than analogue ones, consumers would be able to get much better sound and picture quality through DTV.
由于数码讯号较模拟讯号强,消费者可透过数码电视收到质素更佳的声音及画面。Bringing wireless to the countryside is uneconomical in any case, so the priority tends to be urban areas and interstate highways.
从经济观点来看,无论怎么做,在外郊覆盖移动电话讯号都不会划算,因此通常覆盖市区和州际公路得到优先考虑。Kyodo said the Japanese government hopes to issue before the original visit to South Korea to North Korea "a strong signal. "
共同社称,日本政府希望通过前原访韩向朝鲜发出“强烈讯号”。His latest project is trying to devise a way to send high-definition television signals over a comparatively slow network infrastructure.
他最近的计画是设计一种方法,透过相对缓慢的网路基础设施,发送高画质电视讯号。Amplifiers are devices which take a relatively weak signal as an input and produce a much stronger signal as an output.
放大器是一种作为输入设备接受相对较弱的信号然后作为输出设备向外输出一个较强讯号的设备。However, the terminology is often used to calculate decibels and measure signals on copper, optical, and wireless media.
然而,此术语经常用来计算分贝和测量铜质、光学及无线媒体上的讯号。As beans fall into bins, photoelectric cells detect duds , signaling for them to be rejected individually with a puff from an air nozzle.