








汉语拼音:jiè shǐ




1.假设连词。假如,倘若。汉 贾谊《过秦论下·事势》:“借使 秦王 计上世之事,并 殷 周 之迹以制御其政,后虽有淫骄之主,犹未有倾危之患也。”晋 陆机《<豪士赋>序》:“借使伊人颇览天道,知尽不可益,盈难久持,超然自引,高揖而退,则巍巍之盛,仰邈前贤,洋洋之风,俯冠来籍。”宋 司马光《论衙前札子》:“借使今日家产直十万者充衙前,数年之后,十万者尽,则九万者必当之矣。”

2.假设连词。即使,纵然。《资治通鉴·晋成帝咸和三年》:“刘曜 虽东征,其子 胤 守 长安,未易轻也。借使小有所获,彼若释东方之图,还与我校;祸难之期,未可量也。”宋 苏轼《司马温公行状》:“臣疎贱,在闕门之外,朝廷之事不能尽知;借使闻之道路,又不知其虚实也。”《元史·世祖纪六》:“借使 似道 实轻汝曹,特 似道 一人之过耳,且汝主何负焉。正如所言,则 似道 之轻汝也固宜。”



  1. 假设连词。假如,倘若。

    汉 贾谊 《过秦论下·事势》:“借使 秦王 计上世之事,并 殷 周 之迹以制御其政,后虽有淫骄之主,犹未有倾危之患也。” 晋 陆机 《<豪士赋>序》:“借使伊人颇览天道,知尽不可益,盈难久持,超然自引,高揖而退,则巍巍之盛,仰邈前贤,洋洋之风,俯冠来籍。” 宋 司马光 《论衙前札子》:“借使今日家产直十万者充衙前,数年之后,十万者尽,则九万者必当之矣。”

  2. 假设连词。即使,纵然。

    《资治通鉴·晋成帝咸和三年》:“ 刘曜 虽东征,其子 胤 守 长安 ,未易轻也。借使小有所获,彼若释东方之图,还与我校;祸难之期,未可量也。” 宋 苏轼 《司马温公行状》:“臣疎贱,在闕门之外,朝廷之事不能尽知;借使闻之道路,又不知其虚实也。”《元史·世祖纪六》:“借使 似道 实轻汝曹,特 似道 一人之过耳,且汝主何负焉。正如所言,则 似道 之轻汝也固宜。”



  1. My wife will certainly yell fra fantastically murder when she learns how much I h audio-videoe spent for them.


  2. If you shed tears when you miss the sun; you is so miss the tears.


  3. You can turn this into a wonderful opportunity if youwoulll just put your best foot forward.


  4. The flood of foreign-currency borrowing destabilised their economies and left them vulnerable when Western banks reduced lending.


  5. if my daugusthtersshould be so lucky to live rear enduing that Ann Nixon Cooper- what change will they see?


  6. Stop yourself out if market moves denosing with you 20% from your peak profit point.


  7. If I had a single flower for every time I think a person, Icould walk forever in my garden.


  8. One can never succeed without enough confidence in himself.


  9. Certainly: if the conditions turn significould likely.


  1. 他们有他们自身的语言,借使想大白。

    They have their own language, if you will.

  2. 借使你想明白如何修缮汽车!你应该读这些书。

    You ought to reposting these stories if you wish to know how to repair the motorcar.

  3. 借使你的内涵评价使你安泰,我想你会有兴奋的糊口。

    If your inner scorecard, if you're comfortable with that, I think you're going to have a pretty happy life.

  4. 借使倘使我们把情形告诉他,那可能弊多利少。

    If we tell him about it, it may do more harm than good.

  5. 借使倘使你知道如何利用生命,那么一生的时间是够长的。

    If you know how to take advantage of life, life time is long enough.

  6. 把词典借我使使。

    Please lend me your dictionary.

  7. 母亲们常借念书使孩子入睡。

    The mothers read the child to sleep.

  8. 他常和名人在一起,希望借此使自己获得名气。

    He haunted famous men, hoping to get celebrity for himself.

  9. 他常与名人为伍,希望借此使自己也变得有名气。

    He haunted famous men, hoping to get celebrity for himself.

  10. 我说了许多好话才使我借到钱。

    My kind words led up to a request for money.

  11. 有的情况会使人借酒浇愁, 这是不难理解的。

    It is understandable that certain situations might drive anyone to drink.

  12. 有得情况会使人借酒浇愁, 这是不难理解得。

    It is understandable that certain situations might drive anyone to drink.

  13. 借来的钱使他支撑到月底。

    The money he borrowed carried him through to the end of month.

  14. 离婚使她每天借酒消愁。

    Her divorce drove her to drink everyday.

  15. 借风力的推动而使船前进。

    Travel in a boat propelled by wind.

  16. 我已濒於破产, 是你借给我的钱使我幸免於难。

    I was nearly bankrupt, but your loan saved my bacon.

  17. 我已濒临破产, 是你借给我的钱使我幸免于难。

    I am nearly bankrupt, but your loan save my bacon.

  18. 这张现金卡是借记卡, 能使购物更加灵活方便。

    This cash card is a debit card designed to provide flexibility when making purchases.

  19. 这张现金卡是借记卡,能使购物更加灵活方便。

    This cash card is a debit card designed to provide flexibility when making purchases.

  20. 我已濒于破产,是你借给我的钱使我幸免于难。

    I was nearly bankrupt, but your loan saved my bacon.

  21. 他去跟放高利贷的人借钱,订了使他破产的契约。

    He went to the money lenders and borrowed on ruinous terms.

  22. 海伦同意把我需要得书借给我, 这使我不必跑图书馆了。

    Helen has agreed to lend me the book I need. This obviates my trip to the library.

  23. 海伦同意把我需要的书借给我,这使我不必跑图书馆了。

    Helen has agreed to lend me the book I need. This obviates my trip to the library.

  24. 海轮同意把我需要的书借给我, 这使我不必要跑到图书馆了。

    helen has agreed to lend me the book i need. this obviate my trip to the library.

  25. 他欺骗我使我把自行车借给了他。

    He beguiled me into lending him my bicycle.

  26. 这该能使他们不再来借我的锤子了。

    That should stop people from borrowing my hammer all right.

  27. 这该能使他们不再来借我得锤子了。

    That should stop people from borrowing my hammer all right.

  28. 使收支平衡使借方和贷方的总额数相符或相等

    To reconcile or equalize the sums of the debits and credits of.

  29. 记在帐中某一栏里的金额, 它使借方与贷方的总款项相平衡。

    A sum transferred to a new column, page, or book relating to the same account.

  30. 这使业主, 尤其是借了许多钱的业主感到更多的压力。

    This puts pressing pressure especially on owners who borrowed a lot of money.