


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……









汉语拼音:yǒu jǐ wú rén







  • 【解释】:自私自利,只顾自己,不顾别人。


  1. Chasing profit for its own sake is still considered grubby in Japan, like blowing your nose in public.


  1. 你的行李是否有无人照看的时候?

    Have you left your baggage untended at any time

  2. 有无人想买木结他呢请留言。

    Lydia Wanna buy a brand new ovation!

  3. 他有一个无人知晓的秘密计划。

    He has a mysterious plan which nobody has been told.

  4. 又一道闪光提醒你有个无人防守的接球员

    Another flash alerts you to an open receiver.

  5. 身在万物中,要有人无我。心在三界外,要有我无人。

    Show selfless concern for others. Transcend the three realms of existence by cultivating yourself.

  6. 建房在先限制在后氨气袭人有无追溯力?

    Building restrictions in effect after Ammonia availability retrospective night?

  7. 其中有人要捉拿他, 只是无人下手。

    Some wanted to seize him, but no one laid a hand on him.

  8. 听见我叹息的有人。安慰我的却无人。

    People have heard my groaning, but there is no one to comfort me.

  9. 投保人在美国和加拿大有无固定资产?

    Does the applicant any assets in U. S. or Canada ?

  10. 假如有人问,伯承同志有无缺点呢?

    People may ask whether Comrade Bocheng has any shortcomings.

  11. 有了一个酗酒得丈夫, 方太太依靠无人。

    In her intemperatehusband, Mrs Fang has a broken reed.

  12. 有了一个酗酒的丈夫,方太太依靠无人。

    In her intemperate husband, Mrs. Fang has a broken reed.

  13. 他承担了为之辩护的苦差事,因为似乎无人有此思想准备。

    He has taken on the task of defending it because nobody else seems prepared to.

  14. 因为在死地无人记念你,在阴间有谁称谢你。

    No one remembers you when he is dead. Who praises you from the grave ?

  15. 曾有人预见暴风来袭,但无人能力挽狂澜。

    And though some had seen the coming storm, none could hold against its tide.

  16. 总是有一个救生员在场以确保无人受到伤害。

    There is always a lifeguard to ensure that no one comes to any harm.

  17. 迄今为止,还无人尝试过,不过你有优先取舍权。

    No one has tried so far, but you can have the first refusal.

  18. 有无证据表明外国军队和狄扬的人一起?

    Is there any evidence of foreign troops fighting with Deong's forces ?

  19. 有无证据表明外国军队和狄扬得人一起?

    Is there any evidence of foreign troops fighting with Deong's forces ?

  20. 小规模无人驾驶汽车试验已经进行了有些时日了。

    Smaller scale experiments have been going on for some time.

  21. 随着时间流逝,这些地点会广为人知,并被互通有无。

    Over time, the locations of these become known, and shared lore.

  22. 只有破庙的神遗留在无人礼拜的,不死的冷淡之中。

    Only the deity of the ruined temple remains unworshipped in deathless neglect.

  23. 无论有无相反的指示,此费用总是由受益人承担。

    We have never failed to keep a complete account of every penny we have spent.

  24. 对那些不能独立, 无人照管的儿童, 也有类似的安排。

    A similar arrangement exists for the care of dependent and neglected children.

  25. 在上述期限内无人认领的物品, 酒店有权自行处理。

    The hotel reserves the right to dispose of any item which is not claimed within this period of time.

  26. 太阳系外还有另外一个完全未知的宇宙,无人察觉。

    There is a whole uncharted universe out there that nobody else is aware of.

  27. 我这么做是有理由的过去已尽人皆知, 未来则无人知晓。

    My premise is that the past is knowablethe future is not.

  28. 船儿无助地顺着排水沟漂流直到有人看见他。

    The boat drifted helplessly along the drain until some people saw him.

  29. 还有,我也从来没有生活在一个无人居住的岛屿上。

    But moreover, I'd never lived on an uninhabited island.

  30. 这岛上有几小片通常是无人居住的布满石子的海滩。

    The island has several small stony beaches which are usually deserted.