


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……





汉语拼音:de yíng






  1. 获利。

    《汉书·食货志下》:“然铸钱之情,非殽杂为巧,则不可得赢;而殽之甚微,为利甚厚。” 颜师古 注:“殽谓乱杂也。赢,餘利也。言不杂铅铁,则无利也。”



  1. It became gradually apparent that Deans was to gain the strife, and his ally in the conflict was to lose it .


  2. basketball team was organized two years ago and it has yet to win a single game.


  3. fight when you can win , move away when you can ' t win " - - this is the popular way of describing our mobile warfare today" .


  4. He needs to win this game to stay in the match.


  5. Alright, that's it! Scissor time! - No!


  6. Milan have to win the Champions League this year, but also next season when I will be able to play!


  7. Win win away to play, play. Mao Zedong.


  8. I have to win money to exert my power over women!


  1. 打得赢就打,打不赢就走。

    Fight when you can win, move away when you can't.

  2. 首先 你们得赢些大奖

    First,you've gotta win some awards.

  3. 首先 你们得赢些大奖。

    First, you've gotta win some awards.

  4. 不知道现在打不打得赢我?

    I wonder, can you defeat me too?

  5. 好了, 看看谁打得赢不, 不要!

    Alright, thats it! Scissor time! No!

  6. 那么到底是最快得还是最慢得赢?

    So is it the slowest or the fastest ?

  7. 我们不想开战!也未必打得赢。

    We do not want it and we may not win it.

  8. 除去开支, 我们只有几百元得赢余。

    After our expenses, we only have a few hundred yuan profit.

  9. 他得赢下这场比赛以免被淘汰出局。

    He needs to win this game to stay in the match.

  10. 对21世纪初我军后勤保障打得赢的思考

    Thinking of the logistic construction in the early21 st Century

  11. 这场比赛咱们一定得赢,不能挫了锐气。

    We've got to win the game, otherwise we'll lose our momentum.

  12. 紧紧围绕打得赢、不变质两个历史性课题。

    We will be in close connection with the two historic objectives of being capable of winning battles and never degenerating.

  13. 围绕打得赢、不变质做好军费使用质量审计工作

    The auditing of military expenditure quality

  14. 还要打富勒姆和利物浦,我们这2场都得赢。

    Fulham and Liverpool are coming up too and we have to win every game in the league.

  15. 箭牌创意业务得赢得也使其首次在广州开办分公司。

    It embraced a number of new business wins including McDonald's, Yahoo, Roca, Qumei and Citizen.

  16. 他赢得干脆。

    He won outright.

  17. 我赢得光明正大

    I beat you!Fair and square!

  18. 他赢得很轻松。

    He won easily.

  19. 通过谈判赢得时间

    to buy time by negotiating

  20. 我完全是侥幸赢得。

    I won purely by chance .

  21. 那场比赛赢得轻松。

    The game was a walkover.

  22. 内赢得老板的股权。

    Option inside boss for the win.

  23. 他轻易地赢得头奖。

    He walked off with first prize.

  24. 你赢得很不体面啊。

    You did not win very honourably.

  25. 她的插花赢得头奖。

    Her flower arrangement won first prize.

  26. 我完全是侥幸打赢得。

    Iwon purely by chance .

  27. 祝你们赢得更大胜利!

    May you win still greater victories!

  28. 杰克赢得好几项奖。

    Jack bore away several prizes.

  29. 你一定要顺利赢得比赛。

    You're sure to get to hit the ball to win the game.

  30. 他赢得不公平,你输了

    He didn't win fair.Oh,you lost.