


比:~量(liàng )。~劲(亦作“叫劲”)。比~。计~。对比着显得更进一层的:成绩~佳。明显:~然(显明)。彰明~著。大旨,大概:~略。……


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……



汉语拼音:jiào hǎo







  1. 病愈。

    元 郑光祖 《倩女离魂》第三折:“[夫人上云]来到孩儿房门首也。梅香,您姐姐较好些么?……[夫人见科云]孩儿,你病体如何?” 元 无名氏 《争报恩》第三折:“到 权家店 支家口 ,不幸染了一场重病,不甫能将息的身子较好,要回 梁山 去。”



  1. It might be more accurate to say that this team is the better one.


  2. The research and the simulation calculation demonstrate that this method can solve the interpolation of these unknown-formula curves.


  3. The tool also can be used for evaluation of formation oil saturation and formation flooding degree perfectly in an old producing well.


  4. The results indicate that this method needs a great deal of various training samples and a lot of priori knowledge.


  5. "With a comparatively good language background, students will concentrate more on their lessons, " she said.


  6. Next time you get into a comfort zone with your business just take some time to ask yourself, "Am I there yet? "


  7. I cheerful personality, modesty and self-discipline, thinking, active, very creative, easy to communicate better with a sense of team.


  8. These research findings have been used in the practice of conducting the education of media literacy for middle school students.


  9. The results of practical application indicate that this subsystem is provided with flexibility, intelligence and practicability.


  1. 她的较好。

    Hers are better.

  2. 好转。较好。改善

    For the better

  3. 你慢慢走较好。

    You may advisably walk slowly.

  4. 煮后剥皮较好。

    The better plan is to peel them after boiling.

  5. 较好理解医学术语。

    Good understanding of medical terminology.

  6. 早期治疗预后较好。

    Early treatment may be beneficial to the prognosis of EBE.

  7. 受过较好训练的人

    better trained persons

  8. 伯伯是等一下较好。

    It is preferable that you wait.

  9. 硫得状况一般较好。

    Sulphur status, in general, is satisfactory.

  10. 硫的状况一般较好。

    Sulphur status, in general, is satisfactory.

  11. 具有较好的谈判技巧。

    Good negotiation skills and leadership.

  12. 很难说哪一个较好。

    It's hard to say which is better.

  13. 我承认你的计划较好。

    I agree that your plan is better.

  14. 较好得英语读写能力。

    Good at English reading and writing.

  15. 较好的英语读写能力。

    Good at English reading and writing.

  16. 我承认你得计划较好。

    I agree that your plan is better .

  17. 什么是较好的解释爆发?

    What best explains the outbreak?

  18. 我们承认你得计划较好。

    We agree that your plan is better.

  19. 我们承认你的计划较好。

    We agree that your plan is better.

  20. 两本书中较好的一本

    the better of the two books

  21. 拥有一个较好家庭出身。

    Having a favorable family background.

  22. 日场有没有较好的座位?

    Could I get better seats at a matinee

  23. 我看还是回访一下较好。

    I'd think it better to return the visit.

  24. 较贵的东西不见得就较好。

    The more expensive articles are not necessarily better.

  25. 表情较好的1号线的乘客。

    The facial expression of the passengers in No.1 Subway.

  26. 表情较好得1号线得乘客。

    The facial expression of the passengers in No.1 Subway.

  27. 我们希望取得较好的结果。

    We hope for better results.

  28. 我们希望取得较好的结果。

    We hope for better results.

  29. 具有较好的团队合作精神。

    Have good sense of team spirit.

  30. 较好的英文及计算机能力。

    Good command and computer skill.


  1. 问:较好拼音怎么拼?较好的读音是什么?较好翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较好的读音是,较好翻译成英文是 preferably

  2. 问:较好法说拼音怎么拼?较好法说的读音是什么?较好法说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较好法说的读音是jiào hǎo fǎ shuō,较好法说翻译成英文是 better law